VRAffle & VRAvue

The VRAffle25! and VRAvue will be held Friday, March 30 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Are you ready for VRA’s
Jubilee VRAffle25!?

Jubilation! The VRAffle25! promises to be festive, lavish and high spirited in KC. The Raffle Rousers and Yours Truly are eagerly looking forward to the gala event that will cap off Friday of the Silver Jubilee Conference. As you know, silver comes in many forms — crystals, flakes, wire, foil, granules, powders, tubes, mesh, bars, rods, lumps, and now in VRAffle donations. When it comes to your donation, consider choosing things that are somehow silver in color or content and leave the displaying of this largesse to us!

NEWS FLASH! We take particular joy in announcing that the special pricing structure for tickets has been changed to maximize your buying power! In honor of the Jubilee, for $10 you will still get 6 tickets, and for $20 you will get 14! Now, that’s a celebration rate of either 1 or 4 extra tickets! Ca-ching!

When planning what to donate, remember that we will have a special 25th Anniversary items section. This would be a section for 25th anniversary themed items—use your imagination! Check the box on the donation form if you intend for your donation to fit this special category. The ticket prices will not cost more for the Silver Jubilee items.

Use the links on the left to download a donation form to be attached to your donated item(s). If you wish to ship the items to KC, the shipping information is on the donation form.

Volunteer at the VRAffle25! The tables will need tending since the donations won’t put themselves out on display (although the tickets, in a way, sell themselves). Show off your artful merchandising skills by signing up for volunteering via the link to the volunteer form on the left. It will be a glittery good time and the cause (fattening up the Travel Awards funds) is a cause that will benefit many a member and enrich our community.

Metallically yours,
Empress Patti


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First Fridays
More than 40 galleries can be toured every first Friday of the month at First Fridays in the Crossroads Art District.