Hotel & Passport
Travel Tips
Local Attractions
Traveling to Canada from the US is like traveling to any international
destination. You need a passport to enter, and will be asked
to fill in a customs card before going through immigration (available
on the plane, or here:
Use an ATM in Toronto instead of the currency exchange, or get
Canadian cash from your bank before you leave. You'll get a
better exchange rate.
Sales Tax
A total of 13% sales tax is charged on taxable items in Ontario,
from two taxes: the PST (Provincial Sales Tax) which is 8%,
and the GST (Goods and Service Tax) which is 5% and does not
apply to groceries.
If you wish to buy wine or liquor in Toronto, there
is only one place to buy it, the LCBO (or Liquor Control Board
of Ontario) – the nearest one to the conference hotel is at
333 First Canadian Place (Bay & King Streets). You may want
to bring some with you, as liquor is highly taxed in Canada.
From the US you are allowed to bring in 1.5 litres (50 ounces)
of wine or 1.4 litres (47 ounces) of liquor.
Dress for snow, rain, or sun. March weather patterns are unpredictable.
Bring an umbrella and waterproof shoes or boots.
Transit in general
The TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) is the cheapest
way to get around, other than walking. TTC system maps are available
at most stations. A single fare is $2.75, or you can buy five
tokens/tickets for $11.50. Remember to get a transfer if you
change from one mode to another (e.g. subway to streetcar).
More info here:
and an interactive map here:
Cabs are plentiful,
and cabbies are friendly. Taxi drivers in Toronto usually charge
rides by the kilometer and by the minute, according to a regulated
rate: Approx. $2.75 initial charge + $1.00 per KM + $0.40 per
minute (rates subject to change).
Transit from the airport to the conference hotel
Great Western Bus lines runs the Airport Shuttle. This
is a full-sized coach that runs on a set schedule with departures
from Pearson International every 1/2 hour. The cost is $19.95
CAD one way, $32.95 return. The ride takes on average 1
hour, taking into account traffic and stops at two hotels
before ours. Full schedules and ticket sales are available
or 905-564-6333.
Taxis - the fare will be around $50 CAD - here's one example
of a cab company's fares:
It is also possible to take the TTC, but this involves
transfers and is difficult with luggage - but it's cheap!
Mail and shipping
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