Visual Resources Association
28th Annual Conference
March 16-21, 2010
VRAffle Gone With the SlidesThere was a land of Projectors and Slides called the Old Slide Library... Here in this pretty world Analog took its last bow... Here was the last ever to be seen of Gepe mounts and Foil Tape, of Copystands and of Refilers... Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered. A Slide Library gone with the wind...Calling all southern belles and blockade runners! Come to Atlanta for the VRA Conference, but stay for the VRAffle, y'all! Miss Scarlett and Mr. Rhett cordially invite y'all to the festive, yet epic and sweeping drama that is the "Gone with the Slide VRAffle". It lies somewhere between Twelve Oaks and my beloved Tara. Great balls of fire, it'll be ever so grand. Ah am delighted to say that ticket prices shall be, as always, 1 for $2, 6 for $10. The VRAffle drawing shall be at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 19. Ah do hope y'all are preparing y'all's most delightful donations for our glorious cause (unwanted wedding rings are strictly optional), that cause being replenishing the coffers of the Tansey Travel Awards. Katie Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy Butler (aka Empress Patti) Donations and donation forms Download the VRAffle Donation Form (PDF) Ah am truly grateful to that fine gentleman Frank Jackson for kindly offering to receive shipped parcels. Please label them with this address:
Do be so kind as to time y’all’s shipping such that y’all’s parcel arrives no later than one week prior to March 17 to allow Mr. Jackson to accumulate and organize the packages. Volunteer to tend the VRAffle tables Use the link below to sign up to volunteer via the interactive PDF for two or more hours. Y’all will receive a confirming e-mail back from the Empress Her Ownself! The hours for the VRAffle Table Tending is:
VRAffle Volunteer Form (interactive PDF, requires Adobe Reader) |