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Special Events

First-Time Attendees and New Members Breakfast
Tuesday, March 7th , 7:00-9:00 am
Constellation C

This annual breakfast is a great chance for those who are attending their first VRA conference to mix and mingle with both new and longtime members of the Association. It is also a terrific opportunity to be paired with an experienced VRA member through the VRA mentor program, so be sure to sign up when you register for the conference!

The VRA Member’s Reception
Tuesday, March 7th , 7:00-9:30 pm
Constellation C,D,E & F

VRA Member’s reception and Keynote Address is always the highlight event of our annual conference. Please join fellow conference attendees to mingle, and enjoy a cash bar, dinner, the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award, and what promises to be an illuminating talk by our keynote speaker, Dr. P.M. Forni, Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins University and the co-founder of the Johns Hopkins Civility Project, aimed at assessing the significance of civility, manners, and politeness in contemporary society. *Registration for this event is required, as tickets will be issued.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. P.M. Forni
A professor at Johns Hopkins University, P. M. Forni teaches courses on Italian literature and on civility. He studied at the University of Venice, the University of Pavia (where he graduated in 1974), the Catholic University in Milan, and the University of California at Los Angeles. At UCLA he received a Ph.D. in Italian Literature in 1981.

Dr. Forni was co-founder of the Johns Hopkins Civility Project in 1997. An aggregation of academic and community outreach activities, the JHCP aimed at assessing the significance of civility, manners and politeness in contemporary society. He was also the co-director of "Reassessing Civility: Forms and Values at the End of the Century," an international symposium which took place at Hopkins in March 1998. He now directs The Civility Initiative at Johns Hopkins.

Over the years, he has continued to illustrate the functions and the workings of civility in society. In his new book, Choosing Civility: The Twenty-Five Rules of Considerate Conduct (St. Martin's Press, February 2002), he has collected the results of his work in the field.

Professor Forni lectures and conducts workshops on the relevance of civility to the quality of life in the workplace and in society at large. His series of commentaries, Speaking of Manners, is aired on WYPR, National Public Radio in Baltimore. National and foreign publications have reported on his work on civility. They include The New York Times, The Times of London, Panorama, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, and The Baltimore Sun. He has appeared on a number of radio and television shows, including the ABC's World News Tonight and BBC's Outlook, and is a weekly guest on XM Satellite Radio's Satellite Sisters talk show.

In his keynote address to the VRA Membership, he will discuss issues of civility in the workplace, showing us another way in which "Image is Everything."

VRA Annual Business Meeting
Wednesday, March 8th, 8:30-10:30 am
Constellation C,D,E & F

The Annual Business Meeting is the official forum for conduction association business. The agenda includes the President’s State of the Association; select officers reports; brief reports from committee chairs; updates on current and future association projects and activities; the recognition of outgoing officers, committee chairs, and appointees, the induction of incoming officers, committee chairs, and appointees; the presentation of the VRA Travel Awards; a presentation on the 2006 annual conference city; and questions and announcements from the audience. All members are encouraged to attend, and enjoy a continental breakfast while they catch up on Association business.

The Exhibit Hall
Wednesday, March 8th, 11:00 am –6:00 pm
Thursday, March 9th, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Constellation Foyer

We are again grateful to have a wonderful group of exhibitors who are available to answer your questions in this convenient setting. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity for face-to-face communication with those who provide us with essential products and services. Something new this year, exhibitors will have the opportunity to schedule individual meeting rooms for special presentations or meetings. A list of exhibitors will be posted on the website and be available in the Final Program of Events.

The VRAffle
Wednesday, March 8th, 6:00-7:30 pm
Constellation Foyer

Still VRAfflinâ™ after all these years! Plan to attend the gala 2006 VRAffle where we will revel in a Baltimore POEdown! Yes, Literary Baltimore will be featured, with our own Allan Kohl as Edgar Allan Poe and the fabulous Raffle Rousers as the POEtic Ladies! Bring your cat-eye glasses to make it a complete Baltimore experience! The tickets will remain at the low, low price of $2 each, 6 for $10! And as a special salute to Baltimore authors, the VRAffle is sponsoring a Haiku writing event—bring your own original VRA-themed Haiku verses to add to a book at the VRAffle table to be compiled after the conference. I'll even throw out the first one to get the (bowling) ball rolling:

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Software ate data- time for
VRA roadtrip

A quick reminder: haiku verse requires three lines: L1- 5 syllables, L2- 7 syllables and L3- 5 syllables. VRAers, start your word processors! And pack up your always-generous donations next to your regulation league bowling gloves, cause here we go again! Empress Patti

Tansey Bowl
Wednesday, March 8th, 7:30-9:30 pm
Fee: $45

This year the Tansey Fundraising Event will take you away from another sit down dinner and get you at the lanes rooting on your colleagues as they sport their retro bowling shirts and shoes. Baltimore is in one of 10 states that still offer Duckpin Bowling! Snack food/bowling style cuisine will be provided. Awards will be given for high score, low score, unique form, team spirit, and best bowling attire.

Leadership Luncheon
Thursday, March 9th, 12:30-2:00 pm
Pisces Restaurant

This invitation-only luncheon is a chance for the VRA Leadership (including Committee Chairs, Chapter Chairs, Board Appointees, VRA Presidents Group, and the Executive Board) to gather and touch base regarding organization matters and interests.

Reception at the Walters Art Gallery hosted by
Thursday, March 9th, 7:00-9:30 pm
Bus Ticket $9