Throwing the Cat among the Pigeons: Keeping Visual Resources Positions Viable through the Digital Transition
Visual Resources Association 26th Annual Conference, San Diego, California, March 14, 2008
Organizer: Sheryl Frisch, California Polytechnic State University
Moderator: Karen Kessel, Sonoma State University
This session addresses the challenge of adapting our careers to the new skill sets necessary in the digital age. We will describe the different ways that the introduction of ARTstor, the digitization of our collections, and the ease of finding images on the Web has impacted the visual resources positions in the California State University system. We will solicit input from curators at other institutions who have successfully made this transition and compare notes. Speakers include a representative from ARTstor, a software vendor who will address database issues, and a museum educator, as well as CSU VR professionals.
2008 Survey of Current
Practices for California State
University Visual Resources
Survey result and discussion
(presentation text)
Malka Helfman, California State University
Moving the Cats - A
Sheryl Frisch, California Polytechnic State University