Resources > Intellectual Property Rights > Computator

Copy Photography Computator

You have determined that a photographic reproduction of this work is not readily available as a commercial slide or licensed digital image at a fair price from a provider. Appropriate action:

You may acquire this image as a copy photograph under the provisions of Fair Use for restricted purposes only.

Recommended action: 

Review the definition for "Fair Use" and assess the four Fair Use factors to this particular image. You may wish to use the following resources to help with this assessment --

What am I allowed to do with my copy photograph of this image?

Your answers have indicated that this image belongs to the following category:

The underlying work is protected by copyright

WARNING!  Note the following use restrictions:

You should use this image only for the specific purposes or applications permitted under the provisions of Fair Use.

Your image use computation is now complete! Click RETURN to begin a new query sequence, or end program.