May 2011 vol.8, no.2

Home for Images, The newsletter of the VRA

Memo from the President
By Maureen Burns Burns (Archivision and IMAGinED Consulting)
President, Visual Resources Association


Images News
By Marlene Gordon (University of Michigan-Dearborn)

The Board has approved the recommendation to change the format of the VRA Newsletter to a blog format.  The decision was made on the recommendation of a sub-group of the Publishing Advisory Group (PAG).  Blogging software will allow the Images staff to improve a more visually appealing design; provide flexibility for authors and editors; organize content into categories and subcategories and tag post with keywords; integrate photos and videos; and integrate RSS feeds so readers can automatically keep up with your latest posts.  Since there are many issues to sort out, a timeline for the conversion has not been determined.

Intellectual Property Rights News
Exploring the role of the Librarian and the Citizen in the DMCA
Ryan Brubacher (Occidental College)


Upcoming Conferences
By Brooke Cox (DePauw University)


Positions Filled
Compiled by Anne Norcross (Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University)

University of Washington School of Art
In June 2011, Kate Ratcliffe will graduate with a MLIS degree from the University of Washington Information School (also known as the iSchool). Upon graduation, she will assume the position of Manager at the School of Art Instructional Resource Room (SoAIRR) at the University of Washington. This position is a new half-time year-round staff position.  As SoAIRR Manager, her responsibilities will include overseeing the School's digital imaging practices, electronic image reserves, and circulating audio-visual equipment collection. Prior to accepting the position of SoAIRR Manager, Kate was the graduate student for the School of Art’s Instructional Resource Room. Before coming to the University of Washington, she earned an undergraduate degree in Theatre with Honors from Whitman College (Walla Walla, WA).

Chapter News
Compiled by Trudy Levy (Image Integration, ICCoop)


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