Co-editors: Corey Schultz (Stanford University) & Kristin Solias (University of Massachusetts, Boston)
Election, 2004 Results
"I am very pleased to announce the newly elected slate of VRA Executive Board Officers. Please join me in welcoming our new President-Elect, Virginia M. G. Hall (Senior Information Technology Specialist, Johns Hopkins University); Vice President for Conference Program, Betha Whitlow (Visual Resources Curator, Department of Art and Archaeology, Washington University); and Secretary, Linda Reynolds (Slide Librarian, Art Department, Williams College).
These new officers will begin their terms at the Annual Conference in Miami, March 2005.
On behalf of the Executive Board and the VRA membership, I would like to thank the entire slate of candidates who ran in this election. All our nominees are committed members of VRA, who are active in the organization and serve in many, many capacities. We look forward to their continued commitment to VRA. Other nominees included John Taormina, Marcia Focht, and Liz Gushee.
Finally, I would like to thank Carolyn Lucarelli and members of the Nominating Committee, who developed this strong slate of candidates, and Laura Ponikvar and Sara Jane Pearman, who served as tellers for the election.
Please join me in congratulating Macie, Betha, and Linda!"
Kathe Hicks Albrecht
VRA President

Virginia M. G. Hall, President
Senior Information Technology Specialist, Humanities
Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
Biographical Note:
Virginia M. G. Hall (Macie) has been a Senior Information Technology Specialist in Humanities at Johns Hopkins University since 1998. From 1987 to 1998 she was the Curator of the JHU History of Art Visual Resources Collection. In 1994 she began pursuing ways in which computer-related imaging technologies could be used in the study of the history of art; consequently the History of Art department at Johns Hopkins was among the first to use digital images. She also became interested in copyright and fair use issues and has published a number of articles on intellectual property rights and the reproduction of images of art in the digital age. In her current position she works with faculty, graduate and undergraduate students and staff to develop projects that use new technologies to enhance research and instruction in the humanities. Macie received an B.A. in History of Art from Princeton University in 1973 and an M.A. in History of Art from Johns Hopkins University in 1978.
Macie has been active in the VRA for many years, serving as the representative to the Conference on Fair Use (1994-1998), chair and co-chair of the Intellectual Property Rights Committee (1995-2000), and webmaster of the VRA Mid-Atlantic Chapter web site. Currently she is serving as chair of the Digital Initiatives Advisory Group and editor of The Digital Scene section of the VRA web site.
Statement of Personal Goals as President:
Under strong leadership during the past few years, the VRA has emerged as an organization on the leading edge offering support and standards for professionals who work with image media. One of the great strengths of the organization is the collaborative work done by its members, resulting in initiatives such as the VRA Core and the Cataloguing Cultural Objects guide. Changes in the leadership structure of the organization and in the methods of disseminating information have also strengthened the VRA. I would like to build from these strong points in implementing my goals for the organization which focus on two areas services to our members, particularly as related to technology challenges, and membership issues.
Rapid technology changes will continue to challenge our members and it is essential that the VRA continue to provide guidance, standards, training and places for discussion of these issues. The initial offering of the Summer Educational Institute was enormously successful and clearly indicates the level of membership desire for training in new technologies. In addition to workshops and training at conferences and local chapter meetings, I would like to explore the possibility of offering on-line courses.
Weve done a great job of increasing professional status by establishing standards and hiring criteria, now we should take the next step and work to empower all of our members to realize these levels of professionalism within their institutions. Those who have been successful in raising their status can serve as mentors and advisors to those who have not.
I would like to see the VRA explore partnerships with new constituents who find our work on standards useful, specifically photographers and archivists. I would plan to take our success in partnering with CAA and ARLIS and explore new relationships with groups such as American Society of Picture Professionals and the Society of American Archivists. As we look at increasing our membership, we must also tackle the issues of diversity within our organization. As discussed on the VRA listserv in recent months, this is a complex subject. I feel it is one that deserves some attention and goes in hand with attracting new members. In addition, I think the VRA could take the lead among professional organizations in exploring codes for ethics and civility in our workplaces.
As an academic technology specialist and chair of the Digital Initiatives Advisory Group, I feel I have much to bring to the VRA in the area of technology challenges. My current job is project oriented and requires building collaborative teams experience that I think will be extremely useful if elected to this position.

Betha Whitlow, Vice President
Curator of Visual Resources
Washington University in Saint Louis
Biographical Note:
Betha Whitlow is the Curator of Visual Resources at Washington University in Saint Louis. Betha received her B.A. in Art History from Northwestern University in 1991, and an M.A. in Art History from Washington University in 1995. Prior to becoming a visual resources professional, she was employed as a middle school math instructor, and worked in Prints, Drawings, and Photographs at the Saint Louis Art Museum.
Ms. Whitlow has been very active in the Visual Resources Association, taking on a variety of support and leadership roles. Currently, she enjoys her role as the current chair of VRA Midwest, and as the co-chair of the VRA Education Committee. In 2002, she co-chaired the first joint ARLIS/NA-VRA national conference, held in Saint Louis. She was also privileged to participate as an appointed member of the VRA Strategic Plan Task Force. She has organized several workshops for VRA national conferences, most recently "Job Status and the VR Professional," and has presented several papers at the regional and national level. At Washington University in St. Louis, she is a leader in developing campus wide metadata and imaging standards for digital image resources, collaborating with colleagues in other disciplines, including members of the medical school faculty. She recently chaired the university committee to investigate and recommend a digital image management system for campus wide use, which resulted in the purchase of Luna Insight.
Statement of Personal Goals as Vice President:
I am very grateful for the opportunities VRA has provided me over the years, including those for leadership and learning, both within my regional chapter and at national conferences. Such opportunities have allowed me to smoothly negotiate the transition from newcomer to the field to experienced professional, during a time in which the profession is undergoing great changes. As a result, Ive developed a high regard for my colleagues and the profession, and am a somewhat shameless and extremely proud advocate for the importance of our profession in an increasingly visual world. As Vice President for Conference Programs, I will work hard to ensure that the national conferences reflect and forward the strengths of our membershiptheir technological acumen, their ability to provide intellectual access to visual materials, and their professional versatility.
As a co-chair for the 2002 ARLIS/NA-VRA conference, I have already received high level experience in all aspects of conference planning and programming. During my tenure as Chair of VRA-Midwest, as a member of the VRA Strategic Plan Task Force, and as co-chair of the VRA Education Committee, I have learned much about the programming needs and our interests of our members. If I am elected, it is my hope that these combined experiences, in addition to my passion for the profession, will allow me to provide quality leadership for our conferences, and, as a result, to our membership.
In conclusion, I believe I would truly enjoy giving back to an organization that has provided me with so much, including stimulating and supportive colleagues, leadership experience, and education in areas the art historian in me had never dreamed of traversing. I thank you for your consideration of my candidacy.

Linda Reynolds, Secretary
Slide Librarian
Williams College
Biographical Note:
Linda Reynolds is the Slide Librarian at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, and has been in this position since 1998. Prior to that, she was a research assistant for The Bibliography in the History of Art, a J.Paul Getty Trust Publication formerly located at the Clark Art Institute also in Williamstown. She received an MA in Art History from Williams College and the Clark Art Institute in 1993, instituting a marked career change from that of pediatric physical therapist. She received her BS from the University of Connecticut in 1970 and an MA in Kinesiology from New York University in 1979, and practiced pediatric physical therapy in New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts.
Ms. Reynolds is presently a member of both the VRA New England and Upstate New York Regional Chapters. She has served as the coordinator for the ARTstor Alpha and Beta testing at Williams College and the Clark Art Institute. She has been a contributor to collection publications of the Williams College Museum of Art, and served as a photographic collection consultant to both the Williams College Museum of Art and Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. She is presently serving the first year of a three-year term on the administrative council of Williams College, as well as the child-care committee. She is presently serving the last year of her second three- year term as a trustee of the Pine Cobble School, having served in several capacities, including secretary.
Statement of Personal Goals as Secretary:
From the time of my first national conference through daily listserv attendance, I have been repeatedly impressed by the knowledge, professionalism and willingness to assist others exemplified by members of our profession; a statement that I can make based on direct comparison from my previous professional memberships. The level of specific knowledge shared or directed and the sincere support for our challenges in the subjective and individuated service aspects of our jobs that present on our listserv is stellar. Specifically for me, the result is measurable, as I have been able to successfully guide our departments digital directions based on what I have learned from cumulative VRA knowledge and experience, as well as make other informed decisions. Because of this, I would be honored to return the effort and goodwill and work in the capacity of secretary to perform those behind the-scenes-nuts and bolts tasks, as well as to help organize the annual conference.