Publication Index Z

Ziegler, David K. (jt. auth.)
-Managing a VR Collections Using VRMS: The Case of UCLA's VR Collection

Zimmerman, Loy
-AMICO Launch Meeting Report 24(2):11-13
-Copyright and Fair Use Issues for Academic Slide Collections: a Curator's View
-Southern California Regional Chapter inaugural meeting report, 1994 (jt. auth)
-Virtual Swap Meet in New York, abstract 24(2):109

Zinkham, Helena (jt. auth.)
-Non-Print Portion of the Library of Congress Optical Disk Pilot Program (abstract)

Zuckerman, Edith
-Problems Involved in Recataloging an Existing Collection 10(1):S10

Zwierciadlowski, Donna
-special interest luncheon report (Canadian Curators) 16(1):20