Publication Index V

Van der Beke, Johan
-Providing a Future for the Past: La Bibliotheque des Ducs de Bourgogne on CD-ROM

Van Eyck Project [Visual Arts Network for Exchange of Cultural Knowledge]
-and European Art Libraries 23(2):57-60

Van Horne, Faye
-special interest luncheon report (Microfiche for Photograph Collections) 17(1):13

Van Schaack, Carol
-Colgate University Fine Arts Department Slide Library, profile 12(2):8-9

Van Straten, Roelof
-An Introduction to Iconography , review 21(3):13

Van Tassel, Eric
-Some Reactions From an Ex-officio Philistine (abstract) 14(4):5

Vander Meulen, Thomas (jt. auth.)
-Creative Applications of a Database Manager 13(1):17-22

Varady, Adrienne
-Change in Gepe Mounts 15(1):42
-Czarist Russian and Soviet Photography in the Collection of the DAAP Slide Library
-From Private Sanctuary to Public Domain: Managing the Merger of Two Distinct
Facilities (abstract and summary) 25(2):113-114
-Gepe Slide Mount 15(2):27
-A House for an Art Lover, Mackintosh's Masterpiece in Glasgow 22(1):41-45
-Landmarks of Russian Architecture: A Photographic Survey, review 25(1):43-44
-MAHS program announcement 1990 16(2):7-8; 16(4):10
-Proposal for the Ohio Regional Visual Resources Group to hold joint meetings with
ARLIS/OHIO 19(2):8
-Russian and Soviet Photography in the Design, Art, Architecture and Planning (DAAP) Slide
Library, University of Cincinnati (abstract) 20(1):22-23

Vassar College, Visual Resources Collection, profile 24(4):26-28

Vatican Library
-to make collections accessible with IBM 21(3):58

Vaughan, William
-Automated Visual Referencing of Pictures (abstract) 16(4):19

Vaughn, Kathryn
-Slide Library, Department of Art, Hobart and William Smith Colleges 21(3):41-42

Vavra, Elisabeth
-CLIO: a computer program for the exploitation of a picture archive 10(4):S21

Vetter, Stacey (jt. auth)
-Query by Image Content, the QBIC Project's Applications in the University of
California Davis's Art and Art History Department 22(2):60-66

Victoria and Albert Museum, London
-National Slide Loan Services 5(3):7; 17(3):32

Videodisc 8(2):3, 8(3):7; 8(4):2; 9(3):13; 9(4):11,14
-and copyright issues 17(1):12-13
-art documentation 10(4):S11
-authoring system for Apple computers 15(1):26
-Avery Library project 21(2):24
-CD-ROM disks, current uses 14(3):14
-conservation and preservation 17(1):17
-data storage 9(4):11; 13(2):16-17; 17(1):15
-floppy disks for image storage 12(1):14 (JR)
-for monitoring worldwide art auctions 17(3):27-28 (JR)
-impact on teaching art history 9(1):4
-"Laserfilm" 13(3):17-18 (JR)
-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, project 9(1):4
-optical disks 12(3):24 (JR); 14(2):17 (JR); 17(1):15
-Oregon State University, Corvallis, project-introduction to technology 9(2):8
-pros and cons for slide curators 14(1):18-19
-re-purposing 17(4):19
-Rotch Visual Collections Project 14(1):2
-storage medium 9(4):11
-technology introduction 9(2):7
-University of Iowa project 8(4):2; 9(4):3; 13(1):4
-versus videotape 9(3):13
-videodisks and VR collections 12(3):14; 12(4):7-8

Videodisc, As Documentary Medium
-Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture project 14(1):2; (summary) 14(1):27-28
-Allen Textile Collection videodisk project (abstract) 14(1):18
-architectural databanks 14(1):15-16, 18
-ARTsearch retrieval system 13(3):12-13
-Edudisc system 15(1):26
-ICONCLASS illustration project 14(1):16
-image collections on disk 14(4):8
-Library of Congress "non-print" project (abstract) 14(1):16-17
-University of Iowa image retrieval project 13(1):13-16
-visual database and 15(1):8

Videotape, As Fine Art and Documentary Medium
-administrative uses of 15(1):10-11, 24; 15(2):9, 11-14
-African Art, Women, History: The Luba People of Central Africa 25(4):25
-Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance 22(3):37
-American Craft Museum 20(4):38
-Ana Mendieta: Fuego de Tierra 24(2):27
-Art on Film 20(2):53
-contemporary artists 13(2):24-25
-contemporary ceramics 15(4):32-33
-contemporary drawing 14(3):19-20
-copyright issues 11(1):S6-8
-Crucifixion and Resurrection 22(3):38-39
-David Macaulay's World of Ancient Engineering Cathedral 21(3):45
-Development of Christian Symbolism Video Series 22(3):38-39; 23(4):29
-documenting artist's work 18(1):10
-Drawing the Line: A Portrait of Keith Haring 21(1):40
-Faith Ringgold: The Last Story Quilt 21(1):40-41
-Grey Suit 21(1):40
-Heaven or Hell: The Last Judgment 22(3):38-39
-Into the Future: On the Preservation of Knowledge in the Electronic Age 25(2):29-30
-Light on the Stones: The Medieval Church of Vezelay 21(4):49-50
-literature review 25(2):32; 25(3):50
-Madonna and Child 22(3):38-39
-Myth, Man and Metal: Bronze Sculpture of Ancient Greece and Rome 23(4):28
-Painters Painting: The New York Art Scene 1947-70 21(4):49
-Pandora's Box: The Roles of Women in Ancient Greece 23(4):29
-Popol Vuh: The Creation Myth of the Maya 23(1):47
-Robert Colescott: The One-Two Punch 21(3):44-45
-Scanning New York Art 22(4):58
-sources for artists' tapes 13(3):15-16
-A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat 1884 21(4):48
-Taliesin: The Tradition of Frank Lloyd Wright 23(3):22
-Tangible Spirits with Alison Saar 21(3):44
-Three English Cathedrals: Norwich, Lincoln, Wells 22(3):38
-Unraveling the Stories: Quilts as a Reflection of Our Lives 25(4):25
-user orientation 15(2):9-11
-video production as publication 14(1):8-9
-Virgin Mary in Art, Renaissance to Reformation 23(4):29
-Yoruba Ritual 21(1):40

Videotape, Technology of
-high definition television 15(1):37 (JR)
-history of electronic imaging 14(2):16 (JR)

Videotapes See also Film, Video, and CD-ROM column 9(3):13; 9(S):4
-conservation and preservation 17(1):15
-for art history introduction 6(4):21
-reviews 21(1):40-41; 21(3):44-45; 21(4):48-50
-storage problems 10(3):15
-vendor information 18(4):35
-video art and art documentary 16(1):32-33

Vigee-Lebrun, Elizabeth
-serial self-portraits 23(4):75-78

Virgin Mary in Art, Renaissance to Reformation
-video review 23(4):29

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
-slide vendor 24(2):25
-TEAMS program 12(4):10

Virginia State Library and Archives Picture Collections and Photographic Services Laboratory, profile16(2):19

Virginia Tech
-digitizing project 21(4):28

VISION [Visual Resources Sharing Information Online Network] project
-authority control and VISION project 25(4):52-54
-evaluation survey, summary 25(4):85-91
-goals and future prospects 25(4):49-51
-iconography and VISION project 25(4):55-57
-images of architecture, the VRA Core 2.0 and the VISION project 25(4):58-61
-improving access to art information 25(2):100-104
-LUCIVISION 25(4):80-84
-participants meeting report 25(1):28-29
-sharing and searching: a faculty perspective 25(4):65-67

Vista Point Verlag
-slide vendor 18(2):47

Visual Education
-slide vendor 16(2):35; 16(4):41; 17(2):34; 17(4):50; 19(3):43; 20(3):49; 20(4):56; 21(3):52

Visual Publications
-slide vendor 23(4):20

Visual Resources and Art History 25(2):33-43

Visual Resources Association Computer Users Directory, special bulletin 24(1):34; 25(1):46

Visual Resources Association See VRA

Visual Resources Directory
-ARLIS/NA book publication award 24(2):5

Visual Resources Sharing Information Online Network See VISION

Visual Resources, An International Journal of Documentation
-announces new book series 18(1):13
-call for articles 23(4):13
-call for bibliographers 14(4):26
-call for manuscripts 15(3):4; 16(1):11; 20(2):13-14
-call for media reviewers 19(4):27
-editorial scope 13(1):6-8
-notice of special report on ICONCLASS 16(1):11
-notice of special report on professional issues 16(4):6; 17(2):3-4
-report 20(1):8-9
-reprints of articles available 14(2):2
-review of Vol. III, No.2 13(4):12-14
-review of Vol. IV, No.2 14(4):20-21; No.3 15(2):20; No.4 15(3):22-23
-review of Vol. V, No.1 15(4):34-35; No.2 16(1):42-43; No.4 16(2):22-23
-review of Vol. VI, No.1 16(4):33-34; No.4 17(2):27-29
-review of Vol. VII, No.1 17(4):42-43; No.2; No.3 18(1):35, 37-38; No.4 18(4):27; 19(3):38-39
-review of Vol. VIII, No.1 18(3):24-35; No.2 18(4):27-28; No.3 19(2):32-33; No.4 19(3):38-39
-review of Vol. IX, No.9 20(3):36No.3 20(4):48; No.4 21(1):41-42
-review of Vol. X, No.1 21(3):45-46
-special issue Vol. X, No.1 21(3):14

Voelkle, William
-Applying the VRA Core Categories to Illuminated Manuscripts: A Curatorial
Perspective 24(2):89-90

Volker, Joye
-Australia, Images and the Internet 22(2):84-92
-Dublin Core workshop report 24(2):10-11

VRA [Visual Resources Association] 9(1):11; 9(2):6; 9(3):1
-1983 Financial Report 11(2):3
-1984 Financial Report 12(1):3
-1985 Financial Report 13(1):5-6
-1986 Financial Report 15(1):4-5
-1987 Financial Report 15(1):4-5
-1988 Financial Report 16(1):6, 8
-1989 Financial Report 17(1):8-10
-1990 elections announced 17(1):22
-1990 Financial Report 18(1):6-8
-1991 Financial Report 19(1):9-10
-1992 Financial Report 20(1):13
-1993 Annual Report 21(1):14-16
-1993 Executive Board report 21(1):11-14
-1993-94 Executive Board 19(4):4
-1993 Financial Report 21(1):8
-1994 election of Officers 21(4):4
-1994 Financial Report 22(1):8-9
-1994 Treasurer elected 20(4):3
-1995 elections 21(1):19
-1995 Financial Report 21(1):10
-1996 elected officers 23(4):4
-1995 Executive Board meeting 22(1):12-14
-1996 Financial Report 24(1):10
-1998 elections 25(4):4
-adopts Standards for Hiring and Retention of Visual Resources Professionals 23(1):20-23
-bylaw amendments 22(2):7-8; 23(3):9
-e-mail announcement 18(2):8
-mailing labels 20(2):53; 20(3):51; 21(3):59
-membership news 12(1):4; 19(3):20-21
-position statement on digital image guidelines 23(4):6
-profile 1984 11(4):8-9
-questionnaire results 9(1):9
-votes not to endorse CONFU guidelines 24(1):16
-VRA/Visual Resources Library on Contemporary Design 13(3):2-3

VRA Bulletin
-25-year index 24(3):6
-call for new editor 22(2):8, 22(3):9
-mission statement 21(3):60
-new columns and editors 10(1):2
-new editor appointed 10(2):4
-notes from the editor 18(1):2; 18(4):4; 19(2):2; 21(2):8; 25(4):3
-notes from the retiring editor 23(1):18
-report 20:(1):8; 20(2):8; 25(1):15

VRA Committees
-appointment of new committee chairs 21(1):13
-ARLIS/VRA Joint Task Force, Professional Standards 20(1):10
-charges to 1995 22(1):14-15
-Data Standards 20(1):3,10; 20(3):3; 20(4):8-9; 21(1):21; 23(2):61-63
-Data Standards Committee list of members 1994-1999 25(4):31
-Data Standards Core Categories 23(2):61-63; 23(3):57-63; 25(4):31, 92-104
-Development Committee 23(3):5
-Membership and Development Committee s17(1):11 report 20(1):9; split 21(1):12-13, 14
-Membership Committee 11(1):4; 1998 reports
-Nancy DeLaurier Writing Committee 22(3):8; 25(1):9
-Nominating Committee 1984 11(1):4; 11(2):4; 13(1):8; 17(1):22; 17(2):4; 19(1):16; 20(1):10-11
-Publications Advisory report 14(3):2-3; 14(4):2-3; 15(1):12; 16(1):10; 16(2):4; 17(1):10-11; 18(1):8-9; 19(1):10-11; 20(1):9-10; 24(1):18
-reports 1996 23(1):7-9
-Standards Committee 13(3):3; 15(1):16; 17(1):11; 17(4):8
-Travel Award 20(1):3,11; 21(1):9; 21(3):8; 22(1):10; 23(1):12

VRA Conference (Kansas City, 1982)
-program 9(4):1

VRA Conference (Philadelphia, 1983)
-business meeting members attending 10(1):3
-business meeting minutes 10(1):1
-meeting bulletin 10(1):4
-meeting guides 10(1):4

-program papers 10(1):S1ff.

VRA Conference (Toronto, 1984)
-business meeting minutes 11(1):2
-constitution and bylaws (draft) 10(1):5
-program (Princeton, NJ), report 10(1):16
-program preview 10(4):7
-program report 11(1):3
-slide quality standards endorsement 10(2):6
-VRA logo contest 10(1):4

VRA Conference (Los Angeles, 1985)
-business meeting minutes 12(1):2-3
-call for papers 11(1):4-5

-program announcement 11(4):2

VRA Conference (New York, 1986)
-business meeting minutes 13(1):2-3
-call for papers 12(1):6
-conference papers 13(1):13-22
-program announcement 12(4):2
-program report 13(1):3-5

VRA Conference (Boston, 1987)
-business meeting minutes 14(1):4-5
-call for papers 13(1):6
-program announcement 13(3):2
-program report 14(1):1-7
-program schedule 13(4):1

VRA Conference (Houston, 1988)
-abstracts 15(1):7-12
-business meeting minutes 15(1):2-3
-call for papers 14(2):2; 14(3):2
-outstanding service award 15(1):6
-program announcement 14(4):2
-program report 15(1):2-14

VRA Conference (San Francisco, 1989)
-abstracts 16(1):22-26
-business meeting minutes 16(1):3-5
-call for papers 15(2):2; 15(4):3-4
-distinguished service award 16(1):19-21
-program announcement 15(3):3; 15(4):3-4
-special interest luncheon reports 16(1):19-21

VRA Conference (New York, 1990)
-abstracts 17(1):15-20
-business meeting minutes 17(1):5-8
-call for papers 16(2):3-4
-program preview 16(3):5
-program schedule 16(4):5-6
-session reports 17(1):12-15
-special interest luncheon reports 17(1):13-15

VRA Conference (Washington, 1991)
-abstracts 18(1):9-11
-business meeting minutes 18(1):3-6
-call for papers 17(2):3; 17(3):5
-distinguished service award 18(1):2
-program schedule 17(4):3-4

VRA Conference (Chicago, 1992)
-business meeting minutes 19(1):4-9
-call for papers 18(2):2-3
-call for session proposals 18(1):12
-new technology roundup 19(1):21-23
-program schedule 18(3):2-3; 18(4):2-4
-special interest luncheon reports 19(1):11-16

VRA Conference (Seattle, 1993)
-business meeting minutes 20(1):7-11
-call for session proposals 19(1):18
-call for papers and planning update 19(2):3-4
-distinguished service award 20(1):4-6,11
-program schedule 19(3):2-5
-roundtable reports 20(2):7-13
-roundtable summaries 20(1):12-19
-session abstracts 20(1):19-24
-special interest breakfast 20(1):17
-treasurer's report 20(1):12

VRA Conference (New York, 1994)
-business meeting minutes 21(1):3-7
-call for papers 20(2):6-7
-call for session proposals 19(4):2; 20(1):2
-call for VRA/CAA session proposals 19(1):18
-program preview 20(3):7-9
-program schedule 20(4):4-7
-regional chapter handbook 20(3):4
-roundtables 21(2):30-38
-selected papers 21(2):8-18, 26-30
-session abstracts 21(2):8, 18-26
-workshop abstracts 21(2):30

VRA Conference (San Antonio, 1995)
-business meeting minutes 22(1):4
-CAA/VRA call for papers 20(4):7-8; 21(1):20-2
-call for papers 21(1):19-20 21(2):4
-committee reports 22(1):6-7
-conference papers and abstracts 22(2):10-93
-conference planning committee 21(1):13
-distinguished service award 22(1):9-10
-preliminary program 21(3):8-12
-program schedule 21(4):4-8
-session abstracts 21(2):4-6

VRA Conference (Boston, 1996)
-association news 23(1):3-4
-business meeting minutes 23(1):4-9
-call for papers 22(2):4-7
-call for participation 22(1):16
-committee reports 23(1):7-9
-conference papers and abstracts 23(2):13-82
-new technology roundup 23(2):83
-notes from the president 23(1):3-4
-program preview/preliminary schedule 22(3):4-8
-preliminary schedule 22(4):3-7
-treasurer's report 23(1):9-11

VRA Conference (New York, 1997)
-business meeting 24(1):6-8
-call for papers 23(2):5
-call for participation 23(1):14-15
-conference summary 24(1):4-5
-distinguished service award 1998, call for nominations 24(1):16
-schedule 23(3):11-17
-treasurer's report 24(1):9-10

VRA Conference (Philadelphia, 1998)
-announcement 24(3):19-20
-business meeting 25(1):8-12
-call for papers 24(2):14
-call for proposals 24(1):15
-committee reports 25(1):9-11
-conference credits 25(1):6-7
-conference summary 25(1):4-6
-distinguished service award 25(1):16-17
-membership report 1997 25(1):14
-new technologies roundup 25(2):119
-papers 25(2):33-119
-summary 25(1):4-6
-travel award recipient 25(1):18-20
-VISION meeting report 25(1):28-29
-VRA Bulletin editor's report 25(1):15
-roundtables call for participants 24(2):14-15
-sessions call for papers 24(2):17

VRA Conference (Los Angeles, 1999)
-call for participation 25(2):10-15
-call for proposals 25(1):21
-conference program 25(3):8-24
-roundtable topics 25(2):10-13
-session topics 25(2):13-15
-special CAA Conference session participation 25(2):15

VRA Constitution and Bylaws
-change 15(3):4; 16(1):9; 16(2):3
-revision 19(3):7-10
-update 22(2):7-8; 22(3):9

VRA Distinguished Service Award
-1993 presentation 20(1):4-6, 11
-1994 presentation 21(1):9-11
-1995 presentation remarks 22(1):7, 9-10
-1996 call for nominations 22(1):17; presentations 23(1):11-12
-1997 call for nominations 23(1):18-19; presentation and remarks 24(1):11-12
-1998 call for nominations 24(1):16; presentation and remarks 25(1):16-17
-1999 call for nominations 25(1):22

VRA History
-brief history 15(1):13-14
-liaisons 20(3):3-4
-new VR organization 8(3):4
-organize in Britain 7(1):4
-national organizations 7(4):7
-new VRA organizations 8(3):4
-proposed CAA affiliation 11(1):4
-separate visual resources organization 7(4):7
-status of the Bulletin 9(2):6
-VRA Listserv begins 18(2):8

VRA Listserv column 20(1):52-54; 20(2):50-52; 20(3):49-50; 20(4):57-58; 21(1):49-50; 21(2):44-46; 21(3):52-54; 21(4):55-57; 22(1):49, 51; 22(3):47-48; 22(4):63-64; 23(1):53-54, 23(4):21-23; 25(2):27-28; 25(3):42-43; 25(4):19-20

VRA Membership Directory 21(2):6

VRA Publications 9(4):5-6
-call for proposals for special bulletins 16(1):10
-format for proposing a publication 17(1):10-11
-professional literature for slide curators 12(3):27-28
-overview of publications (summary) 13(4):3
-Regional Chapter Organization Handbook 20(1):3
-review of VRA publications 17(1):10-11; 18(1):8-9; 19(1):10-11
-special interest luncheon on 16(1):21
-special bulletins 24(1):33-35; 25(1):45-47
-VRA Directory 10(1):2

VRA Regional Chapters
-formation encouraged 19(1):16-17
-Great Lakes Chapter 25(1):23; 25(2):7; 25(3):6-7; 25(4):5
-handbook 20(3):4; 21(1):5
-Lone Star 22(1):23
-MD/VA/DC with ARLIS 19(3):20; 19(4):7; 20(3):14-15; 22(3):9-11
-Midwest chapter proposed 25(1):24
-New York 18(3):5; 18(4):9; 19(3):20; 19(4):6-7; 20(2):19-20; 21(3):18-19; 21(4):1322(3):9; 23(1):24
-Northern California report 25(2):7-8
-Northwest 20(3):15
-Ohio Area discussion 24(2):13
-Pacific Rim 22(1):12-13; 23(1):24-25; 23(3):9; 24(4):7; 25(1):10; 25(3):7
-Southern California 22(1):20-21; 22(1):21-22; 23(3):9; 24(1):17; 25(1):10, 22-23
-Upstate New York 24(1):17; 24(4):6; 25(1):24; 25(4):5

VRA Travel Awards
-Archivision Corporate Travel Award 25(1):18, 20
-call for applicants 1995 21(3):8; 1996 22(1):17; 23(1):19
-Digital Arts and Science Award recipient 24(1):13
-Digital Collections Inc. Travel Award 23(1):12-13
-Kodak Travel Award recipient 23(1):12-13; 24(1):13-14
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award recipients 1994 21(1):9; 1995 22(1):10-12; 1996 23(1):12-14; 1997 24(1):12-14; 1998 25(1):18-20
-Reindeer Company Corporate Travel Award 25(1):18

VRA-ARLIS/NA Visual Resources Professional Status Survey See Professional Status Survey

VRA/CAA In-Between Sessions
-Retraining Our Sights: Art Historians, Visual Resources Curators and Their Collections