UAAC [University
Art Association of Canada] (Montreal, 1977) VR Section Conference
-report 4(2):4
UAAC (Victoria, 1978) VR Section Conference
-report 5(1):7; 5(2):2
UAAC (Ottawa, 1980) VR Section Conference
-report 7(2):2
UAAC (Montreal, 1981) VR Section Conference
-report 8(1):8
UCLA Location Directory 16(2):32
UCLA's Fowler Museum of Cultural History
-grant received 20(3):51
-Repertoire International des Archives Photographique d'Oeuvres d'Art
Union College Slide Room, profile 21(3):42-43
Union List of Artist Names [ULAN] 16(4):17-18; 19(3):26; review 22(4):37-44
Universal Color
Slide Co.
-slide vendor 10(4):25; 15(4):44; 17(4):50; 18(1):45; 18(4):34; 19(2):38;
20(2):50; 20(3):48-49; 21(3):52; 24(2):25; 24(3):30; 25(2):26; 25(3):42;
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, D.F. Academic Information Center
Audiovisual Information Area, profile 9(3):7
University Art Association of Canada See UAAC
University Art Resources See also Larry Qualls
-slide vendor 16(4):40-41
University of Arizona, Tucson, Center for Creative Photography 5(4):7;
University of British Columbia
-digitizing project 21(4):26
University of California, Berkeley
-digitizing project 21(4):26
-frequently asked questions about SPIRO 21(2):13-18
University of California, Riverside
-digitizing project 21(4):26
University of California,
Santa Cruz, Slide Classification System 1(2):2
-artist authority file 4(3):10
-slide collection profile 14(4):13-15
University of Cincinnati slide library
-Czarist Russian and Soviet photography in the Collection of the DAAP
Slide Library
-Russian, Soviet Photos 20(1):22
University of Colorado, Boulder
-digitizing project 21(4):26-27
University of Edinburgh Department of Fine Art
-slides 16(1):48
University of Houston Art Slide Library, profile 21(4):44
University of Illinois
Slide Collection 4(3):10
-classification system 1(2):2
University of Iowa
-videodisc project 8(4):2
-office of visual materials, profile 9(4):3
-Stanley Collection of African Art 16(1):22
-Weeg Computer Center, videodisc art project 9(4):3
University of Kansas School of Architecture and Urban Design Slide Collection,
profile 12(1):12 14
University of Manchester
-digitizing project 21(4):27
University of Maryland School of Architecture Slide Collection
-digitizing project 21(4):27
-profile 10(2):15; 17(4):38-40
University of Melbourne, Victoria (Australia), Slide Collection, profile
University of Michigan Slide and Photograph Collection
-circulation procedures 5(4):9
-print study gallery 5(4):9
-profile 5(4):8-9
University of Michigan Slide Distribution
-slide vendor 10(1):22; 10(2):18; 10(4):25; 15(1):40-41; 15(2):28; 15(4):44;
16(2):35; 16(3):29; 16(4):41; 17(1):47; 17(2):34; 17(3):32; 17(4):50;
18(1):45; 18(2):47;
18(3):34-35; 18(4):34; 19(1):43; 19(2):38; 19(3):43; 19(4):29; 20(1):51;
20(4):56; 21(1):48-49; 21(2):44; 21(4):55; 22(3):46-47; 22(4):63; 23(1):53;
23(4):20; 24(2):25
University of Michigan, Archives of Asian Art 5(4):4-5
University of North Carolina
-digitizing project 21(4):27
-College of Architecture Slide Collection Evaluation 16(3):12-14
University of North Texas School of Visual Arts, Visual Resources Library,
profile 21(4):45
University of Oregon
-digitizing project 21(4):27
-Architecture and Allied Arts Library, Slide and Photograph Collection,
profile 19(4):15,17
University of Pennsylvania Slide Library, profile 24(4):25
University of Regina, Saskatchewan
-digitizing project 21(4):27
University of St.
-curators' workshop program preview 21(4):13-14
University of Sydney Architecture Audio-Visual Library, profile 18(3):23
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
-digitizing project 21(4):27
University of Texas at Austin
-digitizing project 21(4):27
-Visual Resources Collection 21(4):45-47
-Department of Art, Slide and Photograph Collection, profile 8(3):2
University of Texas at San Antonio Visual Resources Collection, profile
University of Toronto
-digitizing project 21(4):27
University of Victoria
-digitizing project 21(4):27
University of Vienna
-collection statistics 5(4):14
University of Virginia
-digitizing project 21(4):27
-image cataloging in MARC 21(3):23-33
University of Waterloo
-digitizing project 21(4):27
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Circulating Slide Collection, profile
Unraveling the Stories: Quilts as a Reflection of Our Lives
-video review 25(4):25
Updike, Christina
-distinguished service award 20(1):4-6, 21(1):9-11; recipient 1997 24(1):11-12
-Internships in the Slide Room: Student Help for College Credit (abstract)
-letter from past-president 21(1):18
-letter to Howard Besser, re:Getty imaging initiative (jt. auth) 21(1):19
-members news 15(1):41
-message from past president 22(1):15
-new treasurer elected 20(4):3
-notes from president-elect 18(4):4
-Paperwork in the Slide Library (summary) 11(4):5
-Position Classification: The Evaluation of a Job Description (abstract)
-Position Review and Analysis 23(4):37
-receives SECAC award 19(4):4
-SECAC abstracts and roundtable report 1997 24(4):12-15
-SECAC call for papers 1986 13(1):12-13; 1987 13(4):2; 1988 15(4):5;
1990 16(4):10-11; 17(1):24, 26; 17(2):4-5; 1994 20(4):10; 1996 22(4):9;
23(1):23; 24(1):19; 1998 24(4):16; 25(1):31-32
-SECAC call for presentations 1989 16(1):17-18; 1991 17(4):9-10; 18(1):15;
18(2):9-10; 1992 18(4):8; 19(1):19-20; 1993 20(1):24-25; 1995 22(1):18
-SECAC call for sessions 1997 24(1):19
-SECAC conference report 7(4):3; 10(1):8
-SECAC Distinguished Service Award to Kathryn McKenney 1989 16(4):6-7
-SECAC program announcement 1992 19(2):6-7; 1994 21(1):24-25
-SECAC program preview 1986 13(2):4-5
-SECAC program schedule 1985 12(2):3-4; 12(3):3-4; 1986 13(3):4-5; 1987
14(2):2-4; 14(3):7-9; 1988 15(2):5-6; 1989 16(2):6-7; 1990 17(3):10;
1991 18(3):7; 1992 19(3):12-13
-SECAC report 1984 11(4):4-6; 1986 13(4):4; 14(1):11-13; 1987 15(1):19-20;
15(4):6-8; 1988 15(2):5-6; 1989 16(4):15-16; 1990 17(4):13-15; 1991
18(4):9-10, 12-13,
1992 20(1):28-29, 1993 21(1):25-27, 1994 21(4):8-9, 10-13; 1995 22(4):10-12,
23(4):11-12; 1998 24(4):11-12; 25(2):17-18; 25(4):9-11
-SECAC roundtable discussion summary 1987 15(1):27-28
-special interest luncheon report (Student and Staff Management) 19(1):15
-staffing in a one-person image library 24(2):58-60
-travel awards 1998 25(1):18-20
-VRA Annual Treasurer's Report 1986 14(1):6-7; 1987 15(1):4-5; 1988
16(1):6, 8; 1989 17(1):8-10; 1990 18(1):6-8
-VRA committees: charges 22(1):14-15
-VRA Executive Board announcement 1993-1994 19(4):4
-VRA Membership Input Survey announcement 19(1):17
-VRA Notes from the President 1992 19(1):3-4; 19(2):2; 19(3):6; 19(4):2-3;
1993 20(1):2-4; 20(2):4-5; 20(3):3-5; 20(4):3
-VRA president's remarks 1993 20(1):7-8
-VRA Regional Chapters announcement 19(1):16-17
Upstate New York regional chapter See VRA Regional Chapters
US Army Corps of
-digitizing project 21(4):26
Utterback, Martha
-Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library 21(4):37-38