Taliesin: The Tradition
of Frank Lloyd Wright
-video review 23(3):22
Tamulonis, Susan
-Color Copy and Museum/Gallery Photography (jt. auth.) 5(4):4
-Guide for Photograph Collections 5(3):3
Tangible Spirits with Alison Saar
-video review 21(3):44
Tankas from the Koelz Collection, Carolyn Copeland, 1980. 18(4):20
Tanning, Dorothea
-Metaphors of Self in Paintings 23(4):79-83
Tansey, Luraine, See also Luraine Tansey Travel Awards
-Changing Scene: New Images, Developments of Slide Curatorship 10(1):S11
-distinguished service award recipient 20(1):4-6,11
-Slide Classification System for the Organization and Automatic Indexing
of Interdisciplinary Collections of Slides and Pictures, (jt. auth)
1970. 17(2):23
Tansey, Richard
-in memoriam 25(1):3
Taormina, John J.
-The Apple Macintosh Computer System in the Ohio State University History
of Art
Slide Library (abstract) 17(1):19-20
-Contemporary Asian Art: Reorganizing the Traditional Boundaries (abstract)
-Great Lakes chapter news 25(4):5
-Intellectual Property, Copyright Law, and Fair Use Doctrines: Issues
in Electronic Storage and Dissemination of Information (report) 24(2):8-10
-new VRA Bulletin editor 23(1):18
-notes from the editor 23(2):4; 23(3):5; 23(4):5; 24(1):3; 24(2):3;
24(3):5; 25(4):3
-Ohio area chapter discussion 24(2):13
-VRA Bulletin editor's report 1997 25(1):15
-VRA-ARLIS/NA Visual Resources Professional Status Survey update 25(2):6
Taxation of Audiovisual Materials 14(1):47-48
Taylor, Bradley
-Chenall's Nomenclature, the Art and Architecture Thesaurus, and Issues
of Access in
America's Artifact Collections 22(4):48-57
-Private Sector Contributions to the Online Access of Image-based Databases
Taylor, Michiko
-Museum Workshop Program 9(3):9
-Slide Curators Photographing Art 9(3):11
Taylor, Susan
-Museum Exhibitions column 11(2):13-14; 11(3):12-15; 11(4):24-25; 12(1):19-20;
12(2):13-14; 12(4):13-15; 13(1):33-35
Taylor, William
-National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 17(4):40
Technology, Scholarship
and the Humanities: The Implications of Electronic Information
conference report 20(3):41-42
Ted Englemann
-slide vendor 16(4):40
Tektonica Slides
-slide vendor 16(2):32,35; 18(1):45
Tempilabel 7(1):14, 7(2):9
Terry, Carol
-Stanford University: profile 7(4):9
Texas A & M University College of Architecture Slide Collections,
profile 21(4):39-41
Textile Museum
-slides 22(3):21, 23
Textile Society of America
-symposium announcement 22(1):25
Thalmann, Susan K.
- Luraine Tansey Travel Award recipient 1995 22(1):10-12
-Visual Resources Collection, Department of Art and Art History, Pomona
Thermoslide 3(1):2; 7(1):14; 7(2):9
Thesaurus of Art Historical Place Names (TAP) 19(3):26, 28-32
Tholl, Susan von Daum
-On the Margins: Visual Resources Collections and Illuminated Manuscripts
Thomas, Ann M.
-Slide Room, Union College 21(3):42-43
-Upstate New York Chapter proposed 25(1):24
Three English Cathedrals: Norwich, Lincoln, Wells
-video review 22(3):38
Tinsley, Deborah
-art reference tools (abstract) 20(1):33-34
-Art Schools 6(1):8
-At the University of Michigan 5(4):4-5
-Color Copy and Museum/Gallery Photography (jt. auth.) 5(4):4
-Missouri Valley Resource Conference report 1987 14(2):4-5
-MACAA program announcement 1988 15(1):17; 15(2):7
-Professional Status Survey 1984 11(1):9-10; 11(3):17; 12(3):31-32;
-reflections on the 1980 MACAA conference 7(4):7
Toledo Museum of Art, Bareiss Collection (abstract) 16(1):23-24
Tompkins-Baldwin, Linda
-Bats in the Slide Bins: Applying Art Collection Conventions to a Natural
Collection 22(2):30-32
-DC-MD-VA Regional Meeting report 19(4):7
Toomey, Patricia (in memoriam) 15(4):40
Toronto-How to Get There and Stay There...on the Cheap 10(4):7
Torre, Diane
-Keywording for Subject Retrieval: Using Words to Find Pictures 23(2):13-16
-MONA LISA, Most Online Art: Listed Internet Sites with Annotations
Towards a 21st-Century Cultural Alliance
-symposium call for proposals 21(1):23-24
Trant, Jennifer
-AMICO: Collective Licensing of Art Galleries' Digital Content 24(2):6-7
-Cultural Heritage Crucial to Information Superhighways 21(4):59-61
-The Museum Educational Site Licensing (MESL) Project: An Update 23(4):104-110
Travis, Sarah
-What Can Art/Architecture Librarians and Visual Resources Curators
Learn from Each
Other, Part I summary 24(2):32-34
Treasure of the Cathedrals: Meaning and Symbolism
-CD-ROM review 24(4):29-30
Trinity College, Connecticut
-digitizing project 21(4):26
Trinity University Department of Art History Fine Arts Slide Collection,
Trippe, Caroline
-Some Notes on Representation of Elderly Women in Western Art: The Image
Collection as Resource for a Thematic Study 24(3):60-63; (abstract)
-Thoughts on Being a Slide Curator in 1994 (abstract) 21(4):11-12
Tulane University Latin American Photo Archive 7(1):1
Tull, A.G.
-Film Transparencies Between Glass 5(3):3
-Glass Mounted Slide 3(2):3
Turner, James
-Indexing Ordinary Pictures for Storage and Retrieval (abstract) 21(2):19-20
-Luraine Tansey travel award recipient 1994 21(1):9
-Metadata Needs of Non-Art Images 25(4):62-64
Turner, Jane, editor
-Grove's Dictionary of Art, review 24(1):32
Turner, Lucinda
-travel award recipient 1998 25(1):18, 20
Tysinger, Joan
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award recipient 1996 23(1):12-14
-Campaign: Steps to Success 23(3):45-49
-Fund Raising and Grant Writing: The Facts of Life in the 1990s (Introduction)