Publication Index S

Sa Rego de, Stella M.(jt. auth)
-IMAGES 15(1):29-30
-Managing a Collection of Historical Photographs in an Academic Research Library (jt
auth) 22(2):24-28

Saar, Alison
-Tangible Spirits video review 21(3):44

Sackler See Arthur M. Sackler Gallery

Safford, Monique
-Parsons School of Design, Adam and Sophie Gimbel Design Library Slide Collection,
profile 20(4):43-44; 23(4):26-27

Sammartino, Bryan (jt. auth.)
-Ilford's cibachrome high resolution recording film FT 245 10(1):17

Samuel, Anne
-Philadelphia University of the Arts Slide Library 24(4):24-25

Sanchez, Juan
-Colonialism: A Practiced Aesthetic (abstract) 21(2):21

Sandak, Inc.
-Sandaks Retire 15(3):26
-slide vendor 15(1):40; 15(3):31;16(1):48; 16(2);32; 16(4):41; 17(1):47; 17(4):50;
18(1):44; 18(3):34; 18(4):34; 19(1):43; 19(2):38; 19(3):42-43; 19(4):29; 20(1):51;
20(2):49; 20(3):47-48; 21(1):48; 21(3):52; 22(3):18,22; 24(3):29; 24(4):20

Sanders Art Media
-slide vendor 15(3):31-32; 16(1):48; 16(4):40

Sangler, Helene
-The Integration of Verbal and Visual Documentation (abstract) 14(1):14

Santa Cruz Slide Classification System See University of California (Santa Cruz) Slide Classification System

Sarsfield, Virginia G.
-TEAMS: A Multi-User, Mini-Computer Image Cataloging system (abstract) 15(4):11-12

Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd
-digitizing 21(4):26
-slide vendor 15(1):41; 15(2):28; 15(4):43; 16(3):29; 16(4):40; 17(1):47; 17(2):34; 17(3):32; 17(4):50; 18(1):44; 18(2):46-47; 18(4):34; 19(1):43; 19(2):38; 19(3):43; 19(4):29; 20(1):51; 20(2):49; 20(3):48; 20(4):56; 21(1):48; 21(2):44; 21(4):55; 22(1):48; 22(3):46; 23(3):29; 23(4):20; 24(1):26; 24(3):30; 24(4):21; 25(2):26; 25(4):22

Sauls, Caroline
-Finding the Forest: Developing a Classification System for Medieval Minor Arts at
UNC-Chapel Hill (abstract) 18(4)13-14; 19(1):27-28, 30
Savidge, Jane
-AACR2 revisions report on cataloging art reproductions 20(4):19-27
-slide vendor 19(1):43
Scanning New York Art
-video review 22(4):58

Schaffer, D. Jo
-Decorative Arts Classification Workshop report (jt. auth.) 1986 13(1):26-27
-Microcomputer Applications in Visual Resources Collections or How I Learned to
Love Austin, Texas in July 17(3):14
-State University of New York at Cortland Visual Resource Collection, profile
-Taking a Professional Stand 23(4):36

Schafter, Debra
-Amorphous Orders: The Arrangement of Ideas and Images in the Practice of Art
History 25(2):34-38

Scheety, Nicholas B.
-Georgetown University, University Library Special Collections 18(1):34

Scheifele, Eleanor (
-Planning for Automation of the Slide and Photograph Collections at the Cleveland
Museum of Art: A Draft MARC/Visual Materials Record 19(2):17-21

Schiffer, Dr. Armgard
-The Bild- und Tonarchiv am Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz 10(4):19

Scholastic Slide Service
-slide vendor 17(1):47; 20(2):49-50; 20(3):48; 21(1):48; 22(1):48-49

School of Visual Arts, New York City Slide Library, profile 20(4):45; 23(4):27-28

Schuller, Nancy
-Architecture and Art of the United States Capitol 17(4):29-32
-Audio-Visual Equipment 2(1):4
-Basic Training Workshop announcement 1985 11(4):25-26; 12(1):20
-Budgeting for Visual Resources Collections (abstract) 15(4):12
-Cataloging and Classifications workshop announcement 19(3):13
-Cataloging editor's note 21(1):37
-Cataloging General column 17(3):21-22; 17(4):29-32; 18(1):22; 18(2):17; 18(3):13;
18(4):17, 19; 19(2):11; 19(3):22, 19(4):7-9
-Cataloging Hierarchy for Western Churches 18(3):13
-Classification and Cataloging of Visual Resources 17(3):21-22
-Classification Diagram for the Brancacci Chapel 18(2):17
-Classification Diagrams for the Reliefs on the Arch of Constantine 19(4):7-9
-Classification for church interiors 20(2):23-24
-Computer Applications in Visual Resources Collections: Revelations and Visions (abstract) 17(1):19
-Conservation 6(3):4
-Controlling Security for Slides Set Out for Students in Carousel Slide Trays 8(3):18
-Defining Professional Functions of Visual Resources Curators (abstract) 16(1):26
-Development of Graduate Seminar on Visual Resources for Art History and Library
Science Students 24(2):38
-Diagrams and Iconographic Descriptions for Two Early Christian Reliefs 22(1):28-30
-Distinguished Service Award recipient 23(1):11-12
-Guide to Management of Visual Resources Collections 5(1):4; 5(3):3; 12(3):25
-Iconographic Contents and Diagrams for Descriptive Cataloging of Complex Works of Art
(jt. auth), special bulletin (forthcoming) 24(1):34
-Iconographic Descriptions and Diagrams for Descriptive Cataloging for Four Early
Christian and Byzantine Reliefs 22(3):24-27
-Management and Control for Visual Resources Collections: An Evolving Profession 23(2):35-37
-Microcomputer Applications Workshop announcement 1985 11(4):26
-microforms and the image bank 9(1):3
-organizing slides of contemporary artists 20(4):30
-Proposed Directory for Slide Classification Schemes 11(3):17; 11(4):26; 12(1):21
-Role of Statistics in Staffing Visual Resources Collections 10(1):S7
-special interest luncheon report (Cataloging and Classification) 19(1):13
-Standard Abbreviations for Image Descriptions for Use in Fine Arts Visual Resources
Collections, special bulletin 15(1):2, 12; 16(1):3,5,10; 24(1):33; 25(1):45
-Tintoretto's Decoration in the Upper Hall, Scuola Grande Di San Rocco, Venice 21(4):33-34
-University of Texas at Austin, Department of Art, Slide and Photograph Collection,
profile 8(3):2; 21(4):45-47
-VRA Publications Committee Report (1987)14(3):2-3; 14(4):2-3; (1988)15(1):12; (1989) 16(1):10; (1990) 17(1):10-11; (1991) 18(1):8-9; (1992) 19(1):10-11

Schweitzer, Dan
-Holography as a New Visual Medium 9(1):4

Scott, Gillian
-Computerization of Slide Collections 7(1):8
-Guide to Equipment for Slide Maintenance and Viewing 5(3):3; 6(10):4, 12(3):25; 18(1):19
-Slide Mounting Kit 3(2):3

Scuola di San Rocco, Venice 21(4):33-34

SECAC [Southeastern College Art Conference] (Little Rock, 1978)
-reports 5(4):8

SECAC (Atlanta, 1979)
-reports 6(4):5

SECAC (Birmingham, 1980)
-report 7(4):3

SECAC (Oxford, 1981)
-report 8(4):6

SECAC (Harrisonburg, 1982)
-program listing 9(1):13; 9(3):3
-VRC program report 10(1):8

SECAC (Chattanooga, 1983)
-VRC program preview 10(2):2; 10(3):6
-VRC program report 10(4):5

SECAC (Richmond, 1984)
-announcement 11(2):2, 11(30):2
-call for presentations 11(1):3
-report 13(1):11-12

SECAC (Tuscaloosa, 1986)
-abstracts 14(1):18-20
-call for papers 13(1):12-13
-preview 13(2):4-5
-schedule 13(3):4-5
-report 13(4):4, 14(1):18-20

SECAC (Knoxville, 1987)
-abstracts 15(1):23-27
-call for papers 13(4):2
-report 15(1):19-20
-schedule 14(2):2-4; 14(3):7-9

SECAC (Winter Park, 1988)
-abstracts 15(4):11-17
-call for papers 15(1):18
-preliminary program 15(2):5-6
-report 15(4):6-8
-schedule 15(3):5-6

SECAC (Little Rock, 1989)
-abstracts 16(4):20-21
-call for presentations 16(1):17-18
-call for papers 15(4):5
-Kathryn McKinney honored 16(4):6-7
-program report 16(4):15-16
-program schedule 16(2):6-7

SECAC (Atlanta, 1990)
-abstracts 17(4):15-19
-call for presentations 16(4):10-11; 17(1):24, 26; 17(2):4-5
-program report 17(4):13-15
-program schedule 17(3):10

SECAC (Memphis, 1991)
-abstracts 18(4):13-16
-call for presentations 17(4):9-10; 18(1):15; 18(2):9-10
-program report 18(4):9-10, 12-13
-program schedule 18(3):7

SECAC (Birmingham, 1992)
-call for presentations 18(4):8; 19(1):19-20
-program announcement 19(2):6-7
-program schedule 19(3):12-13
-VRC abstract 20(1):32-33
-VRC reports 20(1):28-29

SECAC (Chapel Hill-Durham, 1993)
-call for VRC presentations 20(1):24-25
-conference paper abstracts 21(1):25-27
-program schedule 20(2):14-15
-session abstracts and paper 21(1);27-31

SECAC (New Orleans, 1994)
-announcement 21(1):24
-call for VRC presentations 20(4):10
-program announcement 21(4):24-25
-VRC conference program 21(2):7-8; 21(3):15-16
-VRC conference report and abstracts 21(4):8-13

SECAC (Washington, D.C. 1995)
-abstracts 22(4):12-18
-call for VRC presentations 22(1):18
-conference report 22(4):10-12
-VRC conference program 22(2):8-9

SECAC (Charleston, 1996)
-abstracts 23(4):30-31
-call for papers 22(4):9; 23(1):23
-conference program 23(2):9-10
-report 23(4):11-12

SECAC (Richmond, 1997)
-call for sessions and papers 23(4):12; 24(1):19
-session abstracts and roundtable report 24(4):12-15
-VR conference report 24(4):11-12
-VR curators' sessions 24(2):19-20

SECAC (Miami, 1998)
-call for VRC papers 25(1):31-32
-call for visual resources sessions 24(4):16
-conference program 25(2):17-18
-VRC report 25(4):9-11
-VRC roundtable 25(4):13-15
-VRC session abstracts 25(4):12-13

SECAC (Norfolk, 1999)
-call for VRC sessions 25(4):15

See, Harold
-Copyright and Copy Photography (summary) 14(1):11-12

Selected Topics in Cataloging Asian Art, Eleanor Mannikka, 1989 17(1):6, 8, 10, special bulletin 24(1):33; 25(1):45

Self Generating Master System See SELGEM
SELGEM 5(1):1; 6(4):2; 8(1):5

Sellars, Louise and Alan
-The Sellars Collection 18(2):24-26

Seloff, Gary
-Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Machine Reasoning for the VR Collection
(abstract) 14(1):15, (summary) 13(3):8
-Beyond Boolean Logic 16(4):21-23
-Computer News column 12(1):16-17; 12(2):10-11; 12(3):10-11; 12(4):6-7;
13(1):23-25; 13(3):8-11; 13(4):6-8; 14(1):21-25; 14(2):5-7; 14(4):7-8; 15(1):28-30;
15(3):10-13; 15(4):20-21; 16(2):11-13; 16(4):21-23; 17(2):8, 10; 17(3):14-16;
18(1):16-17; 19(1):21-23
-Database Strategy 12(2):10-11
-Database Management Bibliography 12(3):10-11
-Database Management on a Microcomputer 12(4):6-7
-Downsizing: Diet and Exercise for a Leaner, Meaner Image Collection 22(2):28-29
-The Electronic Slide Table Revisited 16(2):11-13
-Microcomputer Applications Workshop Program Announcement 1986 12(3):8
-NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Film Repository 15(3):16-17
-New Database Management Programs 12(4):7
-PC-Grapevine 12(1):16-17
-Serving Gooey Clients 18(1):16-17
-Tailoring Microcomputer Software for the VR Collection 12(1):S12-14
-Toward the Electronic Light Table 14(4):8
-Trends in Automation II 13(1):23
-Update on Automation Projects 15(3):10-13
-VRA Meeting in Washington 13(3):8-11
-VRMS: Worth a Second Look 17(3):14-16
-What Price Automation? 17(2):8, 10

Shannon, Carol
-Cataloging Buildings with Interior Decoration-The Byodo-in, Uji 18(1):21-22
-Cataloging Chinese Flower Arrangements 17(1):31-32
-Categories of Chinese Metalwork 16(2):15-16

Shelton, Nancy
-Conflation and Inflation: A Slide Collection on the Move (abstract) 17(4):16-17
-Digitizing and Storing Images for Teaching: a Website for Introduction to the Visual
Arts 25(2):61-64
-Organizing Graphic Design Slides 22(4):45-47
-Organizing Slides for the Teaching of Graphic Design (abstract) 14(1):19
-Planning for the Transfer of a Slide Collection to Temporary Quarters and Planning for
Installation in New Facilities (abstract) 20(1):19; 20(1):32
-temporary quarters and new facilities, Old Dominion University Slide Collection
-VR facilities at Old Dominion University (abstract) 20(1):32

Sheridan, Ginger
-"Slide Library Goddess": The Role of Gender in One's Sense of Professionalism

Shifrin, Susan
-Re-training Our Sights: Art Historians, Visual Resources Curators, and their
Collections, introduction 25(2):33-34

Siewert, John
-Museum Exhibitions column 13(2):27-30; 13(3):18-21

Sigala, Stephanie
-A Decade of Professional Literature for Slide Curators 12(3):24-28

Silvi, Jacqueline
-Problems for Small School Slide Curators 6(2):8

Simms, Marika
-landscape architecture classification 7(2):10

Simons, Wendell W. (jt. auth)
-Slide Classification System for the Organization and Automatic Indexing of Interdisciplinary Collections of

Slides and Pictures, 1970. 17(2):23

Simpson, Janice
-CHArt conference report, 1995 22(1):19-20
-Journal Review column 21(3):45-46; 21(4):50-51
-VRA/CAA Session: Copyright Issues and the New Media (summary) 17(1):12-13
-VRA Listserver column 20(1):52-54; 20(2):50-52; 20(4):57-58; 21(1):49-50;
21(2):44-46; 21(3):52-54; 21(4):55-57; 22(1):49-50; 22(3):47-48; 22(4):63-64; 23(1):53-54

Sirkin, Arlene Farber
-Realities and Politics of Preservation 8(2):4

Slide Acquisitions See Collection Development

Slide Buyer's Guide, Nancy DeLaurier, 1972-1980. 12(3):25

Slide Buyers' Guide (6th edition), Norine Cashman, 1990. 16(1):3; 17(1):8,10,48; 18(1):4, 8

Slide Classification System for the Organization and Automatic Indexing of Interdisciplinary Collections of

Slides and Pictures, Wendell W. Simons and Luraine C. Tansey, 1970. 17(2):23

Slide Collections
-in academic institutions 6(2):8; 7(1):10
-in architecture schools 6(2):8
-in art schools 6(1):8
-in museums 6(3):6
-outside North America 9(S):10

Slide Company, The
-slide vendor 18(1):44

Slide Duplication 7(2):13; 15; 8(2):2; 8(3):4, 10; 8(4):12; 9(2):15; 10(1):17
-and copyright 12(2):13
-Beseler duplicator 12(2):9 (JR)
-color correction 4(1):10-11; 5(2):6; 11(2):9-10
-commercial 5(2):6
-copyright considerations 9(1):26
-copyrighted slides 5(1):6
-equipment for 8(2):10; 9(1):16
-ethics of 5(3):4-5; 5(1):6
-for student study 9(1):26; 9(2):11; 9(3):17
-introduction to 13(2):26 (JR); 15(3):21-22 (JR)
-single sprocket 7(1):15

Slide Index Retrieval System See SLIDEX

Slide Labels See Mounts; Binding Materials

Slide Libraries, Betty Jo Irvine, 1979. 1(2):2; 6(4):15; 7(2):4,16; 7(3):16; 12(3):25; 13(3):23,
-errata sheet 7(2):5
-reviews 7(2):4, 16; 7(3):6

Slide Market News column 3(2):5; 3(3):2; 3(4):7; 4(1):6-7; 4(2):2-3; 4(3):7-8; 4(4):6-7; 5(1):8-10; 5(2):8-9; 5(3):8-9; 5(4):12; 6(1):12-14; 6(2):12-13; 6(3):12-13; 18-20; 10(1):21-22; 10(2):17-18; 10(3):15-16; 10(4):23-25; 11(1):8-9; 11(2):12-13; 11(3):18-19; 11(4):27-29; 12(1):22-24; 12(2):15-16; 12(3):34-35; 12(4):19-20; 13(1):36-39; 13(2):30-32; 13(3):21-22; 13(4):17-18; 14(1):42-47; 14(2):21-22; 14(3):28-30; 14(4):26-28; 15(1):39-40; 15(2):27-28; 15(3):28-32; 15(4):42-44; 16(1):47-49; 16(2):32, 35; 16(3):27-29; 16(4):39-41; 17(1):45-48; 17(2):33-34; 17(3):30, 32; 17(4):49-50; 18(1):42-45; 18(2):43-47; 18(3):34-35; 18(4):33-34; 19(1):42-43; 19(2):36-38; 19(3):42-43; 19(4):27-29; 20(1):50-52; 20(2):47-50; 20(3):47-49; 20(4):53-56; 21(1):47-49; 21(2):42-44; 21(3):51-52; 21(4):56; 22(1):47-49; 22(3):43-47; 22(4):61-63; 23(1):52-53; 23(3):28-29; 23(4):18-21; 25(1):38-39; 25(2):25-27; 25(3):41-42; 25(4):20-23
Slide Mounts See Mounts/Binding Materials

Slide Presentations Publishers, Inc.
-slide vendor 15(2):28; 21(4):55

Slide Projectors See Equipment

Slide Quality See Collection Development

Slide Quality Standards, Proposed Endorsement 10(2):6; endorsed 10(4):11

Slide Reproduction Rights 10(1):9
-survey results 10(4):10

Slide Retouching 8(1):16

Slide Sources and Vendors See also Slide Market News column

Specific Vendors listed below have their own entry beginning with volume 15
-Academic Challenge
-Allen Memorial Art Museum
-American Committee for South Asian Art
-American Craft Council
-American Craft Museum
-American Library Color Slide Co., Inc.
-and copyright issues 19(4):30-31
-Ars Nova Medienverlag
-Art in America
-Art Now
-Art on File
-Art Resources
-Artpark Documentation
-Arthur M. Sackler Gallery 22(3):19,22
-Asian American Women's Artists' Association
-Asian Art Photographic Distribution
-availability in Greece 6(1):14
-Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham, England 19(3):42
-Barry Capper
-Basel Kunstmuseum
-Biblical Archaeology Society
-Bicoastal Productions
-Blauel Kunst-dias
-Bodleian Library
-Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
-British Department of the Environment
-Budek 17(1):45; 15(1):39
-Canadian 4(2):4, 6(2):9
-Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design
-Ceramic Arts Library
-Color Slide Enterprises
-Contemporary Art Resources
-Corcoran Gallery of Art
-Courtauld Institute of Art
-Creative Concepts of California
-CrisMark Slides
-Crystal Productions
-criteria for selection 5(3):3
-Dallas Museum of Art
-DeaColor Barrandov
-Delaware Art Museum
-Dumbarton Oaks
-Dunlap Society
-Elliott Faye
-Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology
-ESM Documentation
-Essex Studios
-Esto Photographics
-Farri Concepts
-Florindo Fresaro
-Freer Gallery of Art
-Frick Collection
-gifts 5(3):3
-Gould Media, Inc.
-Harper Horticulture Slide Library
-Hartill Art Associates
-High Museum of Art
-Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
-Hispanic Society of America
-Icarus, profile
-in Central and Eastern Europe 10(4):25
-Instructional Resources Corporation 15(4):43
-Interior Design Magazine 15(1):39
-Jericho World Images
-John Michael Kohler Art Center
-Johnson Architectural Images
-Kai Dib Films International
-La Nuova Italia
-Lace Merchant
-Larry Qualls
-Malcolm Lubliner Photography
-Media for the Arts
-Metropolitan Museum of Art
-Miniature Gallery
-Minneapolis Institute of Art
-Moorhead/ Schmidt Slide Collection
-Musee Bonnat, Bayonne France
-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
-National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
-National Geographic Society
-National Museum of African Art
-National Museum of American Art
-National Museum of Women in the Arts
-National Portrait Gallery, London
-National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.
-North Carolina Museum of Art
-Oliver Radford
-original vs. duplicated 5(3):4
-Paschall W. Douglass
-Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art
-Phillips Collection
-Pictures of Record
-Pierre Dupuy
-Portland Art Museum, Oregon Art Institute
-quality, documentation, and service 18(1):9
-recent and forthcoming slides of architecture 18(1):9
-Robert Baron
-Rochester Institute of Technology
-Rogala Studio/Outerpretation
-Rosenthal Art Slides, Inc.
-Sanders Art Media
-Saskia Ltd. Cultural Documentation
-Scholastic Slide Service
-Slide Company
-Slide Presentation
-Slides for Education
-Southern Graphics Council
-Stained Glass Association of America
-Ted Engelmann
-Tektonica Slides
-The Textile Museum
-Universal Color Slide Co.
-University Art Resources
-University of Edinburgh Department of Fine Art
-University of Michigan Slide Distribution
-Victoria and Albert Museum, London
-Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
-Vista Point Verlag
-Visual Education, Inc.
-Washington, D.C. sources
-Whitney Museum of American Art
-William J. Wayman
-Winterthur Art Museum
-World Microfilms Publications

Slides for Education
-slide vendor 15(1):40

Slides, Color Stability of 9(4):9, 13

Slides, Contact Sheets from 10(3):15

Slides, Personal Collections of 14(1):14-15

SLIDEX 8(1):5

Small Collections See Collections Administration

Small, Jocelyn Penny
-A Thousand Points of Retrieval 23(2):17-19

Smith, Alice Ravenel Huger
-Plantation Series, watercolors 20(3):37-40
-watercolors for A Carolina Rice Plantation of the Fifties 21(1):29-30

Smith, Howard (jt. auth)
-Digital Image: Friend or Foe? (abstract) 25(2):48
-Southern California Regional Chapter inaugural meeting report, 1994 22(1):20-21
Smith, Merrill
-Rotch Visual Collections videodisk project (summary) 14(1):2

Smithsonian Institution
-digitizing 21(4):26
-instant access to 21(1):53
-workshop Series 14(3):9-10

Snelson, Kenneth
-Seeing Sculpture on the Page: Benefits and Hazards (abstract) 14(4):4

Snow, Maryly
-CNI task force meeting report 1996 23(4):8
-Digital Images and Fair Use Web Sites 24(4):40-43
-Fair Use and Licensing Agreements: Digital Permissions in the Slide Library 23(2):73-76
-Frequently Asked Questions about SPIRO 21(2):13-18
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award recipient 1994 21(1):9
-Photographs Displayed for Student Study 9(3):20
-Symposium Report, License to Kill? Copyright Ownership and Fair Use in an Age of
Licensing 24(3):8-10

Snyder, Kathy
-gleanings from photographic journals 7(4):15
-Photographic Journal Reviews column 11(1):6-7; 11(3):5
-Photographic Journals (abstracts) 10(1):17; 10(2):16; 10(3):15; 10(4):22

Societe de la Propriate Artistique et des Dessins et Modeles See SPADEM

Society of Architectural Historians See ARLIS/New England and the Society of Architectural Historians

Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers International Symposium on the Stability and Preservation
of Photographic Images 9(4):9; 9(S):10

Software, Computer See also Databases
-Acius Fourth Dimension 17(1):20
-ARGUS 15(1):25; 22(2):58-59
-Art Access 19(2):33 (JR)
-authorized 22(2):66-67
-Authoring Professional 22(2):66-69
-Captionwriter, Phototrack, Slidetyper 15(2):21 (JR)
-Card and Label Manager 12(3):14
-CLIO 10(4):S21
-customizing 15(1):7
-CYBER 10(1):S4
-DataEase 12(1):S12-14; 13(1):17-22; 15(3):10
-data management software bibliography 12(3):11
-DataEase users 17(2):12 ; (Special interest luncheon) 17(1):13-14; 19(1):14-15
-Datatrieve 13(2):9-13
-DB Master 11(1):S22-27
-dBase II 11(1):S19-22; 11(4):17-19; 12(1):S7-11; 13(4):6-7
-dBase III 12(1):S7-11; 13(2):8-9; 15(1):7, 29-30; 15(3):10, 13
-dBASE III+ and IV 17(1):18
-definition of 11(1):S18
-DIALOG 10(1):S4
-directory of software for archives and museums 19(3):45
-EmbARK 22(2):45
-Entrypoint 90 16(2):14-15
-evaluation form for 11(1):S15
-FileMaker II 17(1):29-31; 17(2):8, 10-11; 17(3):16-17
-Filemaker Plus (abstract) 16(4):20-21
-FLEX 17(1):18-19
-FOCUS 13(3):10; 14(1):2
-for MARC-Based cataloging 17(3):23-26
-GRIPHOS 13(3):9
-image database programs 20(1):44-45
-IMAGE RUN 11(4):16; 14(1):12
-IMAGEQUERY 19(1):40
-ISABELLA database 21(1):29
-Knowledgeman 11(2):8
-LBLPRNT 11(4):16
-MicroMARC 17(3):25-26
-MICS (Michigan Image Cataloging System) 15(4):9-11; 18(4):16; 21(4):50
-Minaret 17(3):25-26
-miscellaneous 11(1):S12-13
-NCSA Mosaic 21(3):21-23
-Network revelation 12(4):7
-NOTIS 17(4):18-19; 18(2):18-21
-Ofoto 21(1):43
-OMNIS-3 15(1):25-26
-QBIC 22(2):60-66
-Paradox Relational Database 12(4):7
-PARADOX3 17(1):18
-PC-File III 11(3):7-8
-PC-File R 14(2):15
-Personal Librarian 16(4):23
-Photo Flash 21(1):43
-Photomatic 21(1):42-43
-PLATO 10(1):S4
-public domain 11(2):7-8
-QBIC, image query software 22(2):60-66
-Questor Systems 17(3):27 (JR)
-Quicken 17(2):11
-R & R Relational Report-Writer 15(1):29
-Rbase System V 15(1):8
-relational databases 15(4):20-21
-SCRIPT 11(1):S27
-slide label programs 11(3):7-8; 12(3):14; 13(4):6-7; 14(1):12; 15(2):21
-SLIDE RUN 11(4):16; 14(1):12; 15(3):10
-SMARTWARE 17(3):14
-SPIRES 11(1):S28
-STONEWARE 15(3):10
-summary 14(1):12-18
-tailoring for VR collection 12(1):S12-14
-TAXIR 12(1):S11-12
-TEAMS: Library 15(4):11-12
-users discussion group 25(2):115
-UniSQL/X 19(2):33 (JR)
-VIDI-O Image Manager 16(2):11-13
-Visual Resources Software Users Discussion Group roundtable VI, VRA Conference, 1998 25(2):115
-VRMS 14(1):21-25; 17(3):13-14, 16; 19(1):22-23; 23(2):13-16; (users group)
18(4):4; (special interest luncheon for users) 19(1):16; 21(4):50
-Wordstar 13(1):17-22

Solomon, Susan G.
-Pitfalls and Possibilities with a Mainframe Computer 11(1):S27-28
-Putting Together a Small Architecture Slide Collection 10(1):S10
-Profile of the Princeton University School of Architecture Slide Collection 9(1):15

Sorkow, Janice
-The Impact of Videodisc Technology on Teaching Art History 9(1):4
-Videodiscs and Art Documentation 10(4):S11

Soukup, Nancy
-Luce Foundation Awards Grant to Oriental Art Photographic Exchange Project at
Harvard University 16(2):31

Source List for Illustrations in Gardner's Art Through the Ages, Johnny Prins
-VRA special bulletin 24(1):33; 25(1):45

South African National Gallery Library 18(3):24

Southeastern College Art Conference See SECAC

Southern California Regional Chapter See VRA Regional Chapters

Southern Graphics Council
-slide vendors 15(4):43-44

Southern Methodist University Slide Library, profile 21(4):42-43

SPADEM [Societe de la Propriate Artistique et des Dessins et Modeles] 5(3):7; 5(2):10

Spafford, Jacqueline
-travel award recipient 1998 25(1):20

Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century: A Critical Dictionary 25(2):81-84

Spector, Richard (jt. auth.)
-IMAGES 15(1):29-30

SPIN [String Processing Information Network] 8(1):5; 8(4):2, 4

SPIRES [Stanford Public Information Retrieval System] 7(3):4; 8(1):5; 8(4):2; 9(4):3

Sponsored Research in the History of Art, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art 18(1):46

Spungen, Elizabeth (jt. auth)
-Iconographic Contents and Diagrams for Descriptive Cataloging of Complex Works of
Art, (jt. auth) special bulletin (forthcoming) 24(1):34

Staffing Issues See Collection Administration

Stahl, Joan
-Instant Access to the Smithsonian 21(1):53
-The National Museum of American Art, Washington D.C. 17(4):37-38
-Promises and Dilemmas: Photographic Archives in Museums (et. al.) 19(2):26-30

Stained Glass Association of America
-slides and videotapes 15(3):27

Stam, Deirdre C.
-MCN establishes Computerized Interchange of Museum Information group 16(2):8
-Shared Access to Visual Images-The Potential for the Web 23(2):63-67

Stammler, Ursula
-Classification of Problem Areas in Architecture workshop report 1985 12(1):9-10
-CIHA/VRA call for papers 1989 15(1):18; 15(2):3-4; update 15(3):4
-Special Problems in Architecture Slide Collections 11(4):14-16
-University of Kansas School of Architecture and Urban Design Slide Collection,
profile 12(1):12-14

Standard Abbreviations for Image Descriptions Used in Visual Resources Collections, Nancy Schuller
-VRA special bulletin 15(1):2, 12; 16(1):3, 5, 10; 24(1):33; 25(1):45

Standard for Staffing Fine Arts Slide Collections, ARLIS/NA
-review 10(2):16

Standardization of Terms See Authority Control

Standards for Art Libraries and Fine Arts Slide Collections, ARLIS/NA, 1983. 12(3):26; 19(4):29

Standards for Staffing Fine Arts Slide Collections 7(3):3; 7(4):10; 8(1):1; 7; 9(1):12; 9(3):3; 10(1):S7

Standards for Visual Resources Collection
-ARLIS/CAA joint subcommittee 5(1):5; 5(2):1; 5(3):5; 6(3):5

Stanford Public Information Retrieval System See SPIRES

Stanford University Slide Library, profile 7(4):9

Stanley Collection of African Art, University of Iowa (abstract) 16(1):22

Stark, Amy
-F. Jay Haynes: A Neglected Photographer of the American West 12(1):S4-6

State University of New York at Binghamton Visual Resources Collection, profile 21(3):13; 23(3):24

State University of New York at Cortland Slide Collection, profile 23(3):26-27

State University of New York at Oneonta
-digitizing project 21(4):26

State University of New York at Stony Brook Visual Resources Collection, profile 23(3):26-27

Stein, Marcia
-Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Slide Library 21(4):38-39

Stephenson, Christie
-The Museum Educational Site Licensing Project-Project Overview 25(2):69
-Where Do We Go from Here? Challenges for the Future Raised by the MESL Project
(abstract) 25(2):70

Stevens, Pat
-MARC and the National Gallery of Art Photo Archives (summary) 13(1):4

Stevenson, Barbara
-Canadian curators breakfast discussion 20(1):17-18
-Canadian Visual Resources Curators conference report 1989 16(3):8-9
-Directory of Art Slide and Photograph Collections in the United States and Canada, (jt. ed) 19(3):46
-special interest luncheon report (Canadian Curators) 19(1):13
-thanks from outgoing secretary 20(1):24
-VRA business meeting minutes 1991 18(1):3-6; 1992 19(1):4-9; 1993 20(1):7-11

Stewart, June M.
-Australia's Audiovisual Copyright review 1982-83 10(4):S18
-University of Melbourne, Victoria (Australia), profile 6(2):6-7

Stokes, Roberta (jt. auth.)
-Repurposing a Videodisk (abstract) 17(4):19

Stotzky, Kayla (jt. auth.)
-Through the Looking Glass: Visual Resources Professionals at New York University 23(2):41-44

Straten, Roelof van
-An Introduction to Iconography 21(3):13-14

Strauss, Linda
-VRA/NY Chapter report 19(3):20

String Processing Information Network See SPIN

Studies in Modern Art [series] 18(1):45

Suber, Laurie
-Problems and Solutions for a Non-Computerized Slide Library (abstract) 14(2):13-14;

Subject Access See also Authority Control
-access bibliography 25(3):64-65
-and CIDOC's terminology control study (abstract) 16(4):16
-and database construction 17(1):18-19
-and ICONCLASS 12(3):27
-and the ideal VR network 12(3):7
-computerized 7(3):4
-indexing 25(2):115
-retrieving images verbally 18(3):25-26 (JR)
-subject indexing conference report 7(3):5
-use of controlled vocabularies 25(3):35-38
-with dBase II 11(4):18
-with DB Master 11(1):S26-27
-with ICONCLASS 17(4)42-43 (JR); 18(3):24-26 (JR)
-with PRECIS 11(1):S9-11
-with the AAT 11(1):S9; (abstract) 16(4):18; 17(1):38 (JR); 18(3):25-26 (JR)
-with the Architectural Subject Authority (abstract) 16(4):17
-with special access files (abstract) 16(4):18-19

Subject Classification for Visual Collections: An Inventory of Some of the Principal Systems Applied to

Subject Classification, Colum Hourihane, special bulletin (forthcoming) 24(1):35; 25(1):47

Subject for Photo and Truth 18(4):28-29

Sullivan, Kerry
-Frick Art Reference Library Photoarchive: Automating for New Access to an Old
Collection 25(2):94-96
Summerhill, Craig (jt. auth)
-Metadata and the Dublin Core (summary) 24(2):8

Sunderland, John
-Computer as an Acquisition for Data Processing Photograph(s) 10(4):S18
-Witt Computer Index (summary) 13(3):8
-Witt Library, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, profile 7(2):5

Sundt, Christine
-Allerton Institute Conference on Conserving and Preserving Materials in
Non-book Formats report 1988 15(4):22-23
-An Alternative to Masking Film 14(3):13
-Architecture and Allied Arts Library, Slide and Photograph Collection, University of
Oregon 19(4):15, 17
-Binding Machines 10(4):15
-Chemical Streaking on Film: How to Avoid It 9(1):20
-Collections of Quality: The Art of Selections and Rejection (summary) 14(1):3-4
-Comments on Queries from Readers 10(2):7
-Conservation column 9(3):8; 10(1):12; 11(2):6-7; 11(3):8-9; 11(4):20-23; 12(1):17; 12(2):11-12; 12(3):11-14; 13(2):14-16; 13(3):11-12; 14(1):26; 14(2):7-8; 14(3):13-14;
15(1):31-32; 15(4):22-23; 17(3):17-19; 17(4):21; 18(1):17-19; 18(2):34-39; 18(3):29
-Conservation Practices for Slide and Photograph Collections, special bulletin 24(1):33; 25(1):45
-Fast Cooling of Projector Lamps 7(4):11
-Film Cleaners, Glass Polishes, and Other Wonder Products 8(1):12
-Fluorescent Lamps and Color Slides 8(2):12
-Fungus in Glass-Mounted Slides: A Follow-Up Report 11(3):8-9
-Fungus in Glass-Mounted Slides: Recent Findings 9(S):7
-The Future of Perrotcolor Mounts 14(2):7-8
-Guide to Equipment for Slide Maintenance and Viewing, 1978.19(1):11
-How to Keep Slide Mounts Clean 13(2):14-16
-Implementing New Technologies, Part II (abstract) 21(2):21-22
-Label Survey-Report of Findings Part I 18(1):17-19; Report of Findings Part II: Facts
and Figures 18(2):34-38
-Moisture Control Through Slide Mounting 8(3):8; part II 8(4):8
-The Mystery of the Perrotcolor Slide Mount 14(1):26
-New Bulletin Editor Appointed 10(2):4
-notes from the president 10(1):4; 10(2):4; 10(4):11; 11(1):4-5; 11(2):4; 11(3):3;
11(4):6-7; 12(1):6-7; 13(3):2-3; 14(1):7-8
-outstanding service award recipient 15(1):6
-PC-File III: A Program for Slide Labels and More 11(3):7-8
-Personal Reflections (abstract) 16(1):25
-photographic hypo residue 12(1):17; 12(2):11-12
-Photographic Images 9(4):9
-Polaroid Recommends Gold Protective Treatment with its Autoprocess 35mm 11(4):22
-Problems with Discontinued Binding Supplies 11(2):6-7
-Progress Toward an Archival Slide Mount 15(1):31
-Public Domain and User-Supported Software for the IBM-PC 11(2):7-8
-Reevaluating Your Insurance Coverage 6(2):9
-Relative Humidity: Instruments and Products for Measurement and Control 9(2):9
-Report on the International Symposium on the Stability and Preservation of Photographic Images 10(4):9
-Resin-Coated Paper: Potential Problems for Collections? 13(3):11-12
-A Restrictive Circulation Policy 6(3):7
-review of Slide Libraries, 2nd edition 7(3):6
-Seasonal Check-ups for Slide Room Equipment 10(2):6
-The Silver Masking Tape Dilemma 11(4):22-23
-The Silver Masking Tape Problem: A Reader Offers a Solution 11(3):9
-Slide Collection for Students: University of Wisconsin, Madison 5(4):13
-Slide Reproduction Rights-Survey Results 10(4):10
-sources for pin-fed labels 11(4):20
-Special Housekeeping Needs in Visual Resources Collections 17(3):17-18
-Steps Toward Resolving Humidity Problems 8(4):11
-Toronto -program preview 10(4):7
-Toronto-How to Get There and Stay There...On the Cheap 10(4):7
-Transparencies in Paper Mounts 11(4):20-22
-VRA program announcement 1985 11(4):2
-Visual Resources Library on Contemporary Design 13(3):2-3
-When to Conserve: A Guide to Slides Deserving Special Care 12(3):11-12
-Wrinkle-A Slide Conservation Problem 7(1):14; 7(2):9; 7(3):10
-Your Health and the Workplace 18(3):29

SUNY See State University of New York
-authority control 15(1):23-24
-barcoding 18(2):28-30, 32
-budget 9(3):24
-collection administration staffing 9(3):24
-computer users 21(3):59
-educational background and training of VR curators 14(1):1; 15(1):14-16
-indexing images surveys 25(3):35-40
-membership input 19(1):17; 24(1):4
-membership input surveys, essays on 25(2):21-22; 25(3):33-34; 25(4):17-18
-mounts/binding materials 18(1):17-19; 18(2):34-38
-museum abbreviations and terminology 15(1):16; 17(4):8
-one-person slide libraries 23(3):5
-professional issues 25(2):6
-professional status 2(1):3; 17(1):24; 17(3):6-8; 17(4):6-8; (1984) 11(1):4; 11(1):9- 10; 11(3):3,17; 11(4):7-8; 12(2):5; 12(3):31-32; 12(4):16-18; (1986) 13(4):3; 14(1):1, 14(3):3-6; (1990) 16(3):5; 17(1):23; 17(3):6-8; 17(4):6-8, 17-18; update 25(2):7
-publications advisory committee 25(1):18
-salary 6(3):9; 6(4):16
-slide and photograph collections 17(2):14
-slide circulation 18(2):28-30, 32
-slide labels 17(3):18-19; 18(1):17-19; 18(2):34-38
-slide reproduction rights 10(1):9; 10(4):10
-standards committee museum abbreviation 15(1):16
-VISION evaluation 25(4):85-91
-VR collections in Florida 15(4):12

Swartzburg, Susan, Conservation in the Library, 1983. review 11(1):7

Syracuse University Slide Collection, profile 10(3):12; correction 10(4):19