O'Connell, Lauren
-Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, Department of Architecture
Planning Slide Collection Reorganization Project 7(4):12
-Small Collection Reorganization 9(3):7
O'Donnell, Elizabeth
-Artemisia-Imaging Project at Dartmouth College (abstract) 21(4):11
-CHART program report 1986 14(1):11
-CHART program report 1989 17(1):27-29
-Journal Reviews column 16(1):42-43; 16(2):22-23; 16(3):18-19; 16(4):33-34;
17(1):38-40; 17(2):27-29; 17(3):27-28; 17(4):42-44; 18(1):34-35, 37-38;
18(4):27-29; 19(1):38-40; 19(2):32-34; 19(3):36, 38-9; 19(4):19-21;
20(2):41-44; 20(3):33-36; 20(4):47-48; 21(1):41-44
-Microcomputer Applications workshop report 1985 12(3):9-10
-new technologies roundup (coordinator) 23(2):83
-Photographic Journal Review column 12(1):14-15; 12(2):9; 12(3):23-24;
13(1):30-32; 13(2):25-27; 13(3):16-18; 13(4):30-32; 14(1):37-39; 14(2):16-17;
14(3):20-21; 14(4):20-22; 15(1):36-38; 15(2):20-21; 15(3):21-23; 15(4):34-37;
-Second International Conference on Automatic Processing of Art History
Data and
Documents, 1984; publications 11(4):6
-VRA program report 1987 14(1):1-4
O'Keefe, Elizabeth
-On the Margins: Visual Resources Collections and Illuminated Manuscripts
Ogden-Roberts, Susanne
-New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University Slide Collection,
Old Dominion University slide collection
-planning move (abstract) 20(1):19
-profile 17(4):16-17
-temporary quarters, new facilities 20(3):29-33
-VR facilities (abstract) 20(1):32
Oldal, Maria
-Coding the Codex: MARC, the VRA Core Categories and Illuminated Manuscripts
Oliver Radford
-slide vendor 15(3):31; 23(1):53
Optical Disk See Videodisc
Oregon State University Department of Art Slide Collection, profile
Otey, Astrid R.
-ARLIS/OHIO program report 21(3):16
-Backup Systems 23(4):15-16
-Barcode Circulation for Slide Collections (abstract) 18(2):12
-Barcode Primer 16(2):13-14; bibliography 18(3):29-30
-computer news column editor's note 20(3):41-42; 20(4):49; 21(1):33
-Data Structure and Retrieval (abstract) 17(1):18-19
-Getting Ready for the Internet 21(3):21
-MACAA program report 1986 13(4):2-4; 1987 14(4):5-6; 1989 16(2):8;
1990 17(2):5,6; 1991 18(2):10,12; 1992 19(2):10-11
-Midwest Slide Curators-ARLIS/Ohio meeting report 22(3):11-12
-Midwest Visual Resources meeting announcement 22(1):19; report 20(2):18-19;
-Visual Resources Association Brief History (jt. auth.) 15(1):13-14
-Visual Resources Association Computer Users Directory, special bulletin
24(1):34; 25(1):46
-wonderful world of computers 21(1):39
-Workshop on Classification and Cataloging report 1984 (jt. auth.) 11(3):15-17
-Writing Annual Reports (1995 roundtable) 22(2):93
Ottens, Jane
-classification/cataloging workshop report 20(3):13
-Texas A & M University Architecture College Slide Collection 21(4):39-41
Ottens, Peggy
-Central Pennsylvania Slide Curators Conference 17(4):13
-Dickinson College Slide Library, profile 20(1):40-42
-The Great Move: Refiling an Established Slide Collection 21(1):34-35
-Managing a One-Person Slide Library (abstract) and introduction 24(2):50
-one-person slide libraries survey 23(3):5
-Philadelphia Museum of Art meeting 17(4):13
Otto, Susan
-MARC Format Without Fear 21(2):30-36