Nancy DeLaurier
Writing Awards
-call for committee 22(3):8
-call for papers 23(1):19-20; 23(4):6; 24(4):5; 25(3):5
-change in guidelines 25(1):9
-professional award article 24(3):37-59
-student award abstract 24(3):35-36
-recipients 1997 24(3):7
NARA [National Archives and Records Administration]
-online resources 23(1):55
Narver, Lindy J.
-Microcomputer Applications Workshop Report 1986 13(3):6-7
-special interest luncheon report (DataEase User Group) 17(1):13-14
-VRA program report 1986 13(1):3-5
Natal, Judy
-When Does a Photographic Reproduction Become Something Other than a
Reproduction? (abstract) 18(1):9
National Archives and Records Administration See NARA
National Art Slide Library, London 8(1):9
National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution
-classification and cataloging 5(1):1
National Gallery Complete Illustrated Catalogue on CD-ROM
-review 25(3):49
National Gallery of Art Photo Archives, profile (Washington, D.C.) 18(1):31
National Gallery of Art Slide Library, profile (Washington, D.C.) 9(2):4;
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
-slides 22(3):20, 22
National Geographic Society
-slides 18(1):43
National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage See NINCH
National Museum of African Art
-profile 12(3):21-23
-slides 22(3):20,22
National Museum of American Art (Washington, DC)
-Image Collections profile 17(4):37-38
-slides 18(1):44; 21(4):25; 22(3):20-22
-Walter Rosenblum Collection, Photographic Archives 16(1):22
National Museum of American Art Database
-inventory of painting 20(2):53-54
-inventory of sculpture 20(1):54; 20(2):53-54
National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C.
-slides 16(3):28; 22(3):21, 22
National Portrait Gallery, London
-slides 17(4):50; 18(1):44
National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.
-slides 22(3):21, 22
Native North American Art
-contemporary slides 20(1):20-21
-problems in cataloging 20(2):7-8
NEDCC [Northeast Document Conservation Center] 20(3):42-43
Negatives See Photographic Negatives
Nemeth, Mayra
-Cataloging for Art's Sake at Florida International University 20(2):25-31
-among PC users 12(1):16-17
-among SECAC slide curators 11(4):5-6
-in the United Kingdom 14(4):16-20
-information policies 24(2):8
-information system theory and 15(4):11
-new approaches and methods in assessing 24(2):7
-NSF networking 24(2):7
-proposals for a VR network 12(3):4-7
New Art Gallery of Ontario
-re-opening 20(1):54
New Orleans Collection See Historic New Orleans Collection
New Technologies Roundup 20(1):17
-list of participants 24(2):116-117
New York Chapter See VRA Regional Chapters
New York Public Library Stereographs Collection 16(2):19-22
New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University Scholes Library
Slide Collection,
profile 10(1):10; profile 23(3):23
New York State Visual Resources Conference (Cortland, NY)
-report 4(4):4
New York University
-various collections profiled 23(4):24-26
Nilsen, Micheline
-Digital Stone Soup: Developing a Digital Image Bank of American Architecture
-Ethnography (a classification schedule) 18(4):17,19
-Job Descriptions Clearinghouse 15(2):25
-correction to running list of digitizing projects 22(1):25
-A Running List of Digitizing Projects 21(4):24-28
-Staff Responsibilities in Visual Resources Collections 16(1):11-13
-University of Pennsylvania Slide Library 24(4):25
-Workshop (abstract and summary) 25(2):115-117
NINCH [National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage]
-advocacy working group meeting report 24(1):17-18
-copyright meeting report 24(4):17-19; 25(1):25-29
-general members meeting report 23(4):7
-painting and sculpture 20(2):53-54
Nolan, Margaret Patterson
-distinguished service award recipient 1994 21(1):11
Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging
-access to material artifacts 22(4):48-57
Nonart Collections See Collections Outside Art History Departments
North Carolina Museum of Art
-slides 16(3):28
Northam, Joyce
-Department of Art Slide Collection, Oregon State University, profile
Northeast Document Conservation Center See NEDCC
Northwest Chapter See VRA Regional Chapters
Northwestern University Art History Slide Collection, profile 19(1):33-34
Noureault, Terry (jt. auth)
-Metadata and Dublin Core (summary) 24(2):8
Nowak, Dr. Robert (jt. auth.)
-Ilford's Cibachrome high resolution recording film FT 245 10(1):17