MACAA [Mid-America
College Art Association] See SECAC and MACAA
-publications 12(3):25-26
MACAA (De Kalb, 1974) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 1(2):1-4
-goals 2(2):1
-Kit project 1(2):3-4
MACAA (Kansas City, 1975) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 3(1):1-3
-slide and photographic curators section 3(1):1; 3(2):1
MACAA (Lincoln, 1976) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 3(4):2-5
-Kit project revisited 3(4):4
-professional status 3(4):3
MACAA (Minneapolis, 1977) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 4(4):2
MACAA (Detroit, 1978) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 5(4):1-4; 6(1):3
MACAA (Tempe, 1979) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 6(4):1
MACAA (1981) Visual Resources Session
-business meeting 8(4):3
-conference report 8(4):1
-profile of 8(2):11
MACAA (1982) Visual Resources Session
-business meeting 9(4):3
-proceedings 9(S):1
-program listing 9(2):1; 9(3):1
-tour reports 9(4):3
MACAA (St. Louis, 1983) Visual Resources Session
-program announcement 10(1):9
-VR program preview 10(2):1; 10(3):3
-VR program report 10(4):4
MACAA (Cleveland, 1984) Visual Resources Session
-program announcement 11(2):2; 11(3):2
-program report 11(4):2-4
MACAA (Indianapolis, 1985) Visual Resources Session
-program announcement 11(2):2; 11(3):2
-program report 12(4):2-4
MACAA (Memphis,
1986) Visual Resources Session
-program report 13(4):2-4
-program schedule 13(1):10; 13(2):3-4; 13(3):4
MACAA (Minneapolis,
1987) Visual Resources Session
-program report 14(4):5-6
-program schedule 14(3):7
MACAA (Kansas City,
1988) Visual Resources Session
-program announcement 15(1):17
-program report 15(4):8-11
-program schedule 15(2):7; 15(3):6
MACAA (Tucson, 1990)
Visual Resources Session
-program announcement 17(3):8
MACAA (Birmingham, 1992) Visual Resources Session
-program announcement 19(2):6-7
-program schedule 19(3):12-13
Macaulay, David
-World of Ancient Engineering: Cathedral video review 21(3):45
Macbeth Color Checkers 9(3):11
MacEachern, Brenda
-distinguished service award recipient 1998 25(1):16, remarks 25(1):17
-questionnaire on prospective staff 7(1):9
-special interest luncheon report (DataEase) 19(1):14-15
Mackintosh, Charles
-Mackintosh's masterpieces in Glasgow 22(1):41-45
MacQueen, Kathleen
-New York University various collections profiled 23(4):24-26
-Through the Looking Glass: Visual Resources Professionals at New York
(jt. auth.) 23(2):41-44
Maddox, Brent
-Barbarian Albums Attack Photos 14(4):12-13
-Cold Mount Adhesives 14(1):36
-Depictions of Nineteenth-Century Japan (photographs) 17(4):35-37
-Douglas Cooper: Inveterate Controversialist (abstract) 16(1):22-23
-Eastman Index Update 15(2):19
-Getty Center Photo Archive 13(4):10-12
-Getty Photos of Antiquity 15(1):33-35
-Glossary of terms 15(3):18
-High Tension and Low Resolution 19(1):30-33
-Hoover Photographs 18(1):28-30
-Integrating Standardized Records and Special Access Files in Local
Computer Catalogs
(abstract) 16(4):18-19
-Let Bygones be Postcards 17(1):34-38
-New York Public Library Stereographs 16(2):19-22
-Photo Fete 16(1):40-42
-Photograph Collections column 13(4):10-12; 14(1):36; 14(3):18-19; 15(1):33-35,
15(2):19; 15(3):18-20; 15(4):30-32; 16(1):40-42; 16(2):19-22; 16(4):27-30;
17(1):34-38; 17(4):35-37; 18(1):28-30; 19(1):30-33
-Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford 16(4):27-30
-Sesquicentennial for Photography 15(4):30-32
-To VIM with Vigor 15(3):18-20
Madonna and Child
-video review 22(3):38-39
Maeght Foundation
-Modern Art video review 23(1):46
Mahard, Martha
-Collaborative Access: The Harvard Experience (jt. auth) 25(4):71-77
-Collection Development in Art/Architecture/Archaeology-Related Visual
Collections; Changing Times; What Do We Collect and Why? (abstract)
-In Our Own Backyards: An Intra-Institutional Collaborative Data Sharing
(jt. auth) 25(2):105-107
MAHS [Midwest Art History Society] (Columbia, 1989)
-program report 16(2):8
MAHS (Cincinnati, 1990)
-program announcement 16(2):7-8; 16(4):10
-program report 17(2):5-6
MAHS (Lawrence, 1991)
-program announcement and call for papers 17(3):8-9
-program schedule 17(4):10-11
-vocabulary standards workshop 17(4):11
-VRC program report and abstracts 18(2):10, 12
MAHS (Columbus, 1992)
-call for papers 18(3):6
-program report 19(2):10-11
MAHS (Detroit, 1999)
-annual meeting program 25(3):28-31
-proposes to meet with ARLIS/Ohio 19(2):8
Makers of Twentieth Century Modern Architecture: A Biocritical Sourcebook,
Donald Johnson and Donald Langmead
-review 24(3):33
Malcolm Lubliner Photography
-slide vendor 18(1):43; 22(3):44; 25(3):41; 25(4):22
Malcolm Lubliner and Maryly Snow
-slide vendor 18(3):34
Mallos, Diane
-The Mini and the Mainframe (summary) 11(4):5
Management for Visual Resources Collections (2nd edition), Nancy Schuller,
1989. 17(1):6,8,10,14; 18(1):4,8
Manchester Metropolitan
University (UK)
-slide vendor 25(1):39
Mannika, Eleanor
-A classification of Cambodian art 12(3):15-16
-A classification of Cham art 15(1):32-33
-A classification of Japanese Buddhist art 15(4):26-28
-A classification of Japanese ceramics 15(2):16-17
-A Japanese "Cutter" table 12(2):5-6
-Asian Maps 17(3):19, 21
-Asian slide and photograph collections column 10(2):12; 10(3):10; 10(4):17;
11(1):5-6; 11(2):8-9; 11(3):5-6; 11(4):12-13; 12(1):7-8; 12(2):5-6;
12(4):8-9; 13(1):25-26; 13(2):18-19; 13(3):14-15; 13(4):9; 14(1):29-30;
14(3):14-16; 14(4):9-11; 15(1):32-33;15(2):16-17; 15(3):15-16; 15(4):26-28;
16(1):34-38; 16(2):15-16; 16(3):10-12; 16(4):23-26; 17(2):15,17; 17(3):19,21;
-Calligraphy and Scripts in Asia 12(1):7-8
-Card and Label Program in the History of Art Slide Library at the University
Michigan (abstract) 15(1):7
-Cataloging East Asian painting 10(4):17
-Cataloging Han Dynasty tomb reliefs 16(4):23-26
-Cataloging Indian painting 11(1):5-6
-Cataloging Mughal painting 11(3):5-6
-Cataloging Rajput painting 11(2):8-9
-Categories of Chinese metalwork 16(2):15-16
-Classification of Buddhist and Hindu art 13(2):18-19
-Classification of Buddhist art 13(1):25-26
-Classification of Thai art, part I, 13(3):14-15; part II, 13(4):9
-Country divisions in Asian slide collections 12(4):8-9
-Explanation of the Pinyin numerical table 11(4):12-13
-General Scenes (Cataloging Asian Art) 16(3):10-12
-Geographic authority work, Thailand (summary) 14(4):5-6
-Guidelines for cataloging sculpture 14(1):29-30
-Indian coins 17(2):15,17
-Indonesian art 14(2):9-11
-Japanese-Sanskrit equivalents 14(3):14-16
-John Adams Thierry Photograph Collection of Southeast Asian Art (abstract)
-Oriental Art Classification workshop (summary) 12(1):10
-Professional Concerns and Professionalism in the Visual Resources Field
(summary) 16(1):24-25
-Selected Topics in Cataloging Asian Art, special bulletin 24(1):33;
-Slide Sequences for Far Eastern Painting 16(1):34-38
-special interest luncheon report (Asian Cataloging) 16(1):19
-Tibetan and Nepalese Painting and Sculpture 18(2):14-17
-Working with the Fogg system 15(3):15-16
Mansfield, Pat
-Design and Implementation of ARTsearch, An Interactive Videodisc-Based
System for a Museum Collection (abstract) 14(1):18
-applying the VRA Core Categories to illuminated manuscripts: a curatorial
-coding the codex: MARC, the VRA Core Categories and illuminated manuscripts
-manuscript illumination and the visual resources professional 24(2):97-102
-on the margins: visual resources collections and illuminated manuscripts
-subject access to manuscripts in Bodleian Library 5(1):1
Mapplethorpe, Robert
-CD-ROM review 22(4):58
Marburger Index 7(1):1, 4
MARC [Machine-Readable Cataloging]
-advantages of using the MARC format (abstract) 16(4):18
-and AAT 17(1):38-40
-and MARC tag 654 17(1):39
-applications 16(2):19-22; 17(1):32; 17(2):21; 17(4):18-19; 18(1):24-25,27-28;
18(2):18-21; 18(3):14-21; 19(2):17-21; 24(2):91-96
-ART/MARC sourcebook 22(1):56
-ART/MARC User List 19(3):32; 19(4):10
-bibliography 17(2):21
-cataloging architecture slides at University of Nebraska-Lincoln 20(3):24-28
-cataloging at Florida International University 20(2):25-31
-cataloging images at the California Historical Society 22(4):19-35
-committee report 17(1):22-23; 17(4):32-33
-for cataloging art 15(3):22
-for object and image collections 21(3):33-34
-history of 17(2):19-20
-image cataloging at the University of Virginia 21(3):23-33
-mapped to VRA Core Categories 25(4):69-70
-mapping at Universite de Montreal 18(3):14-21
-MARC format without fear 21(2):30-36
-National Gallery of Art Photographic Archives 13(1):4; 14(1):39-40
-photo archives 13(1):4
-roundtable 20(1):14-15
-software for cataloging visual materials 17(3):23-26
-Visual Materials Format (VIM) 15(3):18-20
-VRA format committee review 17(4):32-33
-VRA mapping project 20(4):48
Martin, Celia
-travel award recipient 1998 25(1):20
Katharine (jt. auth)
-The Macro View of the VISION Project: Project Goals and Prospects for
the Future 25(4):49-51
Marty, Dr. Jeanne
-The Getty: a Brief History, A Bright Future 10(4):21
Massey, Connie
-Standardization and Bibliographic Control of Art Micrographics 9(1):3
Masterworks for Learning: A College Collection Catalogue
-CD-ROM review 25(3):46-48
Mathe, Barbara
-Jessie Tarbox Beals; Photographs for the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition
Maxwell, Bertie
-Visual Resources Organize in Britain 7(1):4
Maxwell, Claire
-Microcomputer Applications in Visual Resources Collections Workshop
Report 19(3):19
May, Catherine
-Visual Resources Collection Fundamentals: workshop report 22(3):13
McClure, Charles
-New Approaches and Methods in Assessing Networked Information Services:
Issues and Lessons 24(2):7
McDowell, Nancy
-A Simple Filing System and Shelf List for the Small Slide Collection
McGinnis, Fran
-VRA business meeting minutes 1984 11(1):2
McGuire, Mark
-Oriental Art Classification Workshop report 12(1):10
-Securing Mainframe Computing in the Slide Library at Ohio State University
summary 13(2):9-13
McKenney, Kathryn K.
-honored at SECAC annual meeting 16(4):6-7
-Human Relations Area Files: An Index for Slides and Photographs (abstract)
-1986 VRA business meeting minutes 13(1):2-3
-Photographing Silver: Construction and Use of the "Tent"
Method (summary) 11(4):5
-Prevention/Preservation/Planning: A Guide to Library Disasters (abstract)
-retires 16(3):24
-Videotaping: Copyright and Other Unresolved Problems 11(1):S6-8
-Winterthur Museum 17(2):23-27
McKeown, Roy
-Revision of AACR2 ARLIS/UK and Eire Joint Working Group 20(4):19
-Square Pegs and Round Holes: Standards for Visual Resources Collections
(jt. auth.)
McLaughlin, Patricia (jt. auth.)
-Toward the Classification of Folklore-Related Slide Collections 12(3):19-21
McLean, Melville D.
-Toward Understanding Photography for Reproduction (abstract) 18(1):9-10
MCN [Museum Computer Network]
-Art Information Task Force (AITF) formed 16(3):24
-art theft archive 5(1):2
-change of address 18(2):43
-CIMI working group 16(2):8; 18(1):20
-develops MARC-based structure for Syracuse University Art Collection
-formation of Computer Interchange of Museum Information Consortium
-information 20(4):59
-receives grants 16(2):30; 16(3):24; 17(3):17
MCN (1988) Conference
-program announcement 15(2):7-8
MCN (1989) Conference
-call for papers 16(1):7
-program announcement 16(2):7
MCN (1990) Conference
-call for papers 17(1):26
MCN (1991) Conference
-program announcement 18(3):6
MCN (1992) Conference
-program announcement 19(2):7-8
MCN (1993) Conference
-program announcement 20(2):16; 20(3):10
MCN (1994) Conference
-conference announcement 21(1):25
McRae, Linda
-ArtMARC Sourcebook (jt. auth) 22(1):56; 25(1):4; 25(2):5
-Cataloging: Tools and Resources column 20(2):25,31; 20(3):24
-Classification and Cataloging: Tools and Resources column 17(3):22-23;
18(1):24-25, 27-28; 18(3):14; 19(3):26; 19(4):9-10
-Clearinghouse of Art Documentation 20(4):34-37
-Compiling a Case for Cataloging Standards 20(1):35-37
-contributing editor's notes 22(4):19
-Core Categories for Visual Resources: A Progress Report 24(3):25-27
-Core Record for Visual Resources Collections, summary 24(2):113-115
-Customizing a Commercial Software Program (abstract) 15(1):7
-data standard seeks data element 21(1):21
-First Stage in Developing Documentation Standards for Describing Works
of Art 21(1):29
-Guide to Indexing and Cataloging with the AAT Thesaurus 21(4):28-32
-How the South Stacks Up: A Report on the 1990 Professional Status Survey
-Indexing Images Survey 24(2):23-24
-Luraine Tansey travel award recipient 1995 22(1):10-12
-MARC: A Brief History 17(2):19-21
-MARC for Object and Image collections 21(3):33-34
-More than MARC: Developing a Standard Descriptive Terminology for Visual
Collections 19(1):25-27
-Professional Status Survey 1990 , update 17(1):23; report (Part I)
17(3):6-8; report
(Part II) 17(4):6-8
-Professional Status: A Survey of VR Collections in Florida (abstract)
-A report on the 1997 Indexing Images Survey 25(3):35-40
-Shared Cataloging for Visual Resources Collections: Testing the MARC
18(1):24-25, 27-28
-The Union List of Artist Names review 22(4):37-44
-Upgrading Professional Status: Threading Your Way Through the Bureaucracy:
Florida as a Case Study (abstract) 16(1):26
-VISION, REACH and the Core: Implementing a National Cultural Heritage
(roundtable) 25(4):13-15
-VRA Core Categories for Visual Resources, Version 2.0 (preface) 25(4):30-31
McRae, Patricia
-Confluence of the Nile and the Mississippi: The Interaction of the
University of
Memphis Visual Resources Collection and the Institute of Egyptian Art
and Archeology
(abstract) 23(4):30
MDLC [Museum Digital Licensing Collective]
-presentation (abstract) 25(2):118
Media for the Arts
-slide vendor 17(2):34; 17(4):50; 18(4):33; 19(2):36-37; 20(1):50; 21(2):43;
22(4):62; 23(3):29; 24(2):25; 25(1):39; 25(2):26; 25(3):41
Mehta, A.K.
-Photogard Technology 9(S):6
Melancon-Bolduc, Ginette (jt. auth.)
-Mapping to MARC at the Bibliotheque de l'Amenagement Universite de
Montreal 18(3):14-21
Meles, B.
-Finding and Fetching Visual Records Worldwide-One User's Experience
MESL [Museum Educational Site Licensing]
-an early look at the MESL project 22(4):12
-and CONFU 25-(1):27-28
-applications and impact 25(1):49-52
-challenges for the future raised by the MESL project 25(2):70
-MESL reactions 25(2):70-74
-museum images in the classroom: applications and insights 25(2):70
-participating institutions 22(1):53
-pilot project 22(1):52-53
-project overview 25(2):69
-project report 21(4):60-61
-project update 23(4):104-110
-reports from the trenches 25(2):69-74
-striking a balance for the use of museum images 25(2):69
Metropolitan Museum of Art
-photograph and slide library, profile 20(4):42-43
-slides 16(1):48
Miami-Dade Community College
-update on visual arts learning resource center 21(4):10-11
Micchelli, Thomas
-Cooper Union Library Visual Resources Collection, profile 20(4):39
Microfiche 9(1):25
-color production and reproduction 9(S):2
-color stability in 9(1):1
-historical photographs of the Southwest 17(4):53
-producing slide microfiche 11(4):23-24
-readers 9(S):3
-slide collections on 9(4):11
-special interest luncheon report 17(1):13
-conversion to digital form 18(3):29
-dark stability 18(2):39
-facsimile, substitute, or counterfeit 9(1):1
-improved image stability of (abstract) 17(1):15-16
-reproducing continuous tone images 13(3):13-14
Microforms See also Microforms columns
-bibliographic control 9(10):3
-bibliography 7(2):13
-clipping files on 14(1):28-29
-collection development policies 7(4):1
-continuous tone images 13(3):13-14
-designing for user 9(1):4
-developments in color micrographics 10(1):S9
-Emmett microform 10(1):23
-for art images 9(1):1,3
-future in an electronic age 10(1):S9
-historical photographs available 17(4):53
-in teaching and research 9(1):3
-publishing art collections 10(1):S9
-reviews 8(1):13; 8(3):13-14; 8(4):16
-technology 10(1):S9
-using in teaching & research 9(1):3
-world microforms publications 10(1):23
Microforms column 13(3):13-14; 14(1):28-29
Mid-America College Art Association See MACAA
Mid-America Visual Resources Curators
-meetings 16(2):7-8
Midwest Art History Society See MAHS
Midwest Slide Curators,
-1993 meeting 20(4):11
-1995 meeting announcement 22(1):19; program report 22(3):11-12
Midwest Visual Resources Curators See also MAHS
-1990 meeting announcement 16(4):10
-1993 program report 20(2):18-19
Millen, Madelyn (jt. auth)
-LUCIVISION 25(4):8-84
Miller, Helen (in memoriam) 12(2):5
Miller, Sarah
-Caprina Project at the University of Maryland at College Park 22(2):82-84
Millman-Brown, Randi
-Another Look at Slide Computerization using Filemaker II and the Apple
Plus 17(2):10-11; 17(3):16-17 (correction)
-Ithaca College Art History Slide Collection profile 23(3):23-24
-Position Upgrade: From Slide Room Coordinator to Visual Resources Curator
-Slide Collection, Ithaca College 21(3):38-41
Mills, Fred V.
-Issues in the Administration of the Visual Arts 6(1):9
Mills, Jeannette
-call for proposals 1998 24(1):15; 1999 25(1):21
-conference credits 1998 25(1):6-7
-Contemporary Native American Art: Procuring and Cataloging Slides (abstract)
-Copyright and Fair Use Issues for Academic Slide Collections, abstract
introduction 24(2):77
-tribal arts cataloging (summary) 20(2):7-8
Mincey, Martha
-Transitions 24(2):60-66
Miner, Leigh Richmond photographic work 18(2):21-23
-out of business 25(4):22
-slide vendor 15(1);39; 15(3):31; 15(4):43; 16(1):48;
16(2):32; 16(4):40; 17(2):34; 17(3):30; 17(4):50; 18(1):43; 18(2):45;
19(2):37; 19(3):42; 19(4):28; 20(2):48; 20(4):54; 21(2):43-44; 21(3):44,46;
22(3):44, 46
Miniature Gallery
-slide vendor 15(1);39; 15(3):31; 15(4):43; 16(1):48; 16(2):32; 16(4):40;
19(1):42; 19(3):42; 19(4):28; 20(2):48, 20(3):47; 21(1):47-48; 21(2):44;
22(1):47-48; 22(3):46; 22(4):62; 23(1):52; 23(4):20
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
-slides 22(3):46
Mirsky, Lawrence
-A Virtual Union by Design: National Graphic Design Image Database (abstract)
Missouri Valley Resource Conference [formerly MO-KAN-ARK] (St. Louis,
-program report 14(2):4-5
Missouri-Kansas Slide Exchange Project 7(4):18
Missouri-Kansas Visual Resources Conference 1979 6(2):2; 1980 7(2):3;
1981 8(2):8; 1982 9(1):15; 9(2):3; 1983 10(1):7, 10(2):3; 1984 11(1):3
MO-KAN-ARK [Missouri-Kansas-Arkansas] VR Group
-1985 program announcement 12(1):5; program report 12(3):4
-1986 program report 13(2):5
Modelscope, Photographing with 11(1):S1-2
Modern Art (the Maeght Foundation)
-CD-ROM review 23(1):46
Modern Photography
-December 1998 review 16(1):43
-last issue 16(3):18
Modson, James (jt. auth)
-Images in Time and Space 23(4):110-114
Molholt, Pat
-Is Doing Grants Like Doing Lunch? (abstract) 18(1):11
MOMA [Museum of Modern Art]
-new journal announced 18(1):45
Monders, Carol
-Digital Collections Travel Award recipient 1996 23(1):12-14
-Pacific Rim chapter report 25(3):7
Montage 93
-International Festival of the Image 20(1):27
Monteith, James
-Slide Library, CUNY Graduate Center 21(3):37-38
-Vassar College Visual Resources Collection 24(4):26-28
Moore, Felix
-Publishing Major Art Collections-The Logic of Microform Approach 10(1):S9
Moorhead/Schmidt Slide Collection
-slide vendor 18(4):33
Morgan, Anne Barclay
-Use of Video in Documenting Artist's Work (abstract) 18(1):10
Morgan, Kathy
-Visual Resources Library, College of Environmental Design, California
Polytechnic University 25(4):23
Morris, Beth
-Effective Multimedia in Higher Education (abstract) 24(4):12-13
Mount Allison University, Canada
-digitizing project 21(4):25
Mounts/Binding Materials 5(1):7; 7(1):8; 7(2):19; 17; 7(3):14; 7(4):2;
8(3):8; 8(4):9; 9(S):8
-adhesives 19(4):22
-archival slide mounts 15(1):31
-Avery, TLP-9 adhesive 13(1):40
-by word processing 9(1):18
-contaminants 9(S):10
-cover glass 11(2):6; 14(2):7; 14(3):14
-discontinued binding supplies 11(2):6-7
-dry mounting tissue 8(4):20
-for lantern slides 5(1):2
-fungus in glass-covered slides 11(3):8-9
-Gepe 9(3):8; changes 15(1):42; 15(2):27
-Gepe M-2 Automatic Slide Mounter 20(2):53
-Gepe mounts 15(1):42; 15(2):27
-glass 3(2):3; 6(4):3; 9(S):10
-glass, fungus in 11(3):8-9
-how to keep slide mounts clean 13(2):14-16
-instructional videotape available 15(4):42
-Kodak professional 10(2):16
-label adhesive 19(4):22
-labels 8(2):20
-masking alternative 14(3):13
-Medison Bindrite rig 11(2):6
-mounting kit 3(2):3
-paper 5(2):5, 11(4):20-22
-Perrotcolor 9(2):18; 14(1):26; 14(2):7-8; 15(4):22
-pin-fed 11(4):20; 12(4):3
-proposed archival mount 14(2):7-8
-slide binder for Sundt method 10(1):20
-slide labels 11(4):20; 18(1):17-19; 18(2):34-38; 20(1):32-33; 21(3):59
-slide mailers 15(4):34(JR)
-slide masking tape 11(2):6; 11(3):9; 11(4):22-23; 13(2):15; 14(3):13
-SlideScribe 15(1):31
-software for 13(4):6-7; 15(2):21
-survey 17(3):18-19
-survey report 18(1):17-19 (Part I); 18(2):34-38 (Part II)
-tape 8(3):16
-transparencies in paper mounts 11(4):20-22
-Weis mounts 14(4):22 (JR), 15(1):31
-Weis Plastic No Peg 9(3):9
-Weis no-peg holder 14(3):13
Muller, Joan
-SECAC VR workshop report 1984 11(4):4
-Design and Illustration Slides in the Library 12(3):16
-Documenting the New York Gallery Scene 11(4):4
Muller, Sheila D. (ed.)
-Dutch Art, An Encyclopedia, review 24(1):32
Murphy, James J.
-Slide Production and Presentation Techniques in Architectural Analysis
and History
Murphy, Julia
-New Technologies Roundup 25(2):113
Murphy, Paul
-1988 ACRL Art Section Program Announcement 15(1):17
Musee Bonnat, Bayonne, France
-slides 18(2):45
Museo Historico Nacional, Chile, Center for Iconographic Documentation
Museum Abbreviations Survey (1988) 15(1):16; 17(4):8
Museum Catalogs
-French 6(3):11
Museum Computer Network See MCN
Museum Digital Licensing Collective See MDLC
Museum Documentation Association and ICHIM
-1993 joint conference 20(2):17-18
Museum Educational Site Licensing Project See MESL
Museum Exhibition column 4(1):6-8; 4(3):7-8; 4(4):6-7; 5(1):8-10; 5(2):8-9;
5(3):9; 5(4):12; 6(1):13; 6(2):13; 6(3):12-13; 6(4):19; 15(2):21-25;
15(3):23-26; 15(4):37-39; 16(1):44-46; 16(2):23-26; 16(3):19-23; 16(4):34-36;
17(1):40-44; 17(2):29,31; 17(3):28-30; 17(4):46-49; 18(1):38-41; 18(2):39-42;
18(3):30-33; 18(4):30-33; 19(1):40-42; 19(2):34-36; 19(3):40-42; 19(4):23-25;
20(1):47-49; 20(2):44-47; 20(3):44-46; 20(4):51-53; 21(1):41-46; 21(2):38-41;
21(3):48-51; 21(4):52-55; 22(1):46-47; 22(3):39-43; 22(4):59-61; 23(1):47-51
Museum Libraries and VR Collections See also Collections Outside Art
History Departments
-image database for 17(3):27 (JR)
-slide collections 14(1):35-36; 14(3):17-18; 14(4):11-12
-slide library roundtable 20(1):16
-slide production 6(1):3; 6(3):2
-special interest luncheon on 17(1):14
Museum News (JR)
-review September/October 20(4):47
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
-slides 16(2):32; 17(2):34; 18(2):45-46; 19(2):37
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Slide Library, profile 21(4):38-39
Myth, Man, and Metal: Bronze Sculpture of Ancient Greece and Rome
-video review 23(4):28