La Nuova Italia
-slide vendor 16(1):48
Lace Merchant, The
-slide vendor 17(1):46-47
Lampe, Mary
-Guide to Rights and Reproductions at American Art Museums, special
bulletin 24(1):35; 25(1):47
Landmarks of Russian Architecture: A Photographic Survey, by W.C. Brumfield,
review 25(1):43-44
-slide vendor 16(1):47; 17(2):33-34; 18(2):45; 19(1):42; 21(2):43; 22(3):18;
-Washington, D.C. slide sources 22(3):18,22
Lange, Holley (jt. auth)
-Physical Characteristics of Poster Art (abstract) 21(2):19
Langmead, Donald (jt. auth)
-Makers of Twentieth Century Modern Architecture, review 24(3):33
Lantern Slides
-and art history 11(3):5 (JR)
-conversion to 35mm format 5(1):2; 5(2):7; 11(2):5
-development and use 10(3):15
-equipment wanted 17(4):53
-free distribution of 17(3):33
-history of 11(1):5
-mounts 5(1):2
-proposed national archive 7(1):1, 8; 7(2):3
-request for 15(1):41
-types 5(1):2
Lantz, Elizabeth (et al.)
-Planning for Automation of the Slide and Photograph Collections at
the Cleveland
Museum of Art: A Draft MARC/Visual Materials Record 19(2):17-21
Lanzi, Elisa
-Core Record for Visual Resources Collections (abstract) 24(2):113
-The Cultural Commune: Recent Collaborative Data Sharing Ventures (abstract)
-The REACH and VISION Projects: Improving Access to Art Information
-Square Pegs and Round Holes: Standards for Visual Resources Collections
(jt. auth.)
-travel award recipient 1998 25(1):18-19
-VISION Evaluation Survey: Summary of Results (editor) 25(4):85-91
-VISION participants meeting report (jt. auth) 25(1):28-29
-Vocabulary as Access to the Visual Image 22(2):78-82
-VRA Core Categories for Visual Resources, Version 2.0 (preface) 25(4):30-31
Larese, Stephen
-State University of New York at Stony Brook Visual Resources Collection,
Larry Qualls
-slide vendor 16(4):40-41; 18(3):34; 19(21):37; 20(1):51; 20(2):48-49;
20(4):56; 21(2):43;
22(1):48; 22(3):46; 22(4):62-63; 23(4):20; 24(1):26; 25(1):39; 25(2):26;
25(3):41; 25(4):22
Lawrence, Deidre
-American Craft Museum's Catalog Slide and Video Service 20(4):38-39
Lazarus, Karin
-American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Subcommittee on Label
of Library/Archives Materials 19(4):22
-University of Pennsylvania Slide Librarian's Meeting 19(1):20
LeBlanc, Steven A.
-Up and Running: Computerized Collections Management at the Southwest
(demonstration) 15(1):25
Leech, Heidi (jt. auth)
-Physical Characteristics of Poster Art (abstract) 21(2):19
Lemon, Cathie
-Customer Service in the One-Person Slide Library 24(2):56-58
Lenox, Cindy (jt. auth.)
-Classification and Cataloging Workshop Report 1984 11(3):15-17
Lentsch, Francoise
-The Australian National University Slide Collection and Iconographic
Index, profile
-Visit to the United States, 1985 14(4):15-16
Leonardo da Vinci
-CD-ROM review 24(3):31-32
Lerner, Adina
-Access to Images in Non-Academic Collections (abstract) 24(2):85
-Beginning Visual Resources Curators Roundtable (summary) 19(1):11
-Digital Images Enter the Lecture Hall (abstract) 23(2):69
-Southern California Regional Chapter program report, 1995 22(1):22-23
-To Your Ergonomic Health 19(2):24-25
-Walt Disney Archives Photo Library,: History and Innovation 24(2):86-88
Leuthold, Steven
-Interactive Multimedia Instruction in the Large Lecture Course: Promise
or Reality?
Library of Congress
-digitizing project 21(4):25
Library Resources Coordinating Committee Conference (London)
-report 6(1):7
Light on the Stones: The Medieval Church of Vezelay
-video review 21(4):49-50
Light, Marie
-University of Michigan Slide and Photographic Collection, profile 5(4):8
Literature Review column 25(1):41-43; 25(2):30-32; 25(3):49-50; 25(4):26-27
Logan, Anne-Marie
-British Artist Authority List from the Yale Center for British Art
Photographic Archive,
special bulletin 24(1):33; 25(1):45
-Computerized Index of British Art, 1500- c.1945 (summary) 14(1):2-3
-The Cost of a Database (abstract) 14(1):17
-Migration of Photo Archives 25(2):89-93
-Yale Center for British Art database (summary) 13(3):9-10
London, Crafts Council Slide Library, profile 7(3):4
Lone Star Chapter See VRA Regional Chapters
Los Angeles County Museum of Art Visual Resource Center, profile 25(3):45-46
Lowry, Isabel
-Designing Microforms for the User 9(1):4
Lubliner, Malcolm See Malcolm Lubliner and Malcolm Lubliner Photography;
and Maryly Snow
LUCI [Library of University of California Images]
-Lucivision 25(4):80-84
Luker, Mark
-Next Generation Internet and NSF Networking 24(2):7
Luna Imaging, Inc.
-digitizing project 21(4):25
Luraine Tansey Travel Award
-1994 awards 21(1):9; 21(3):8
-1995 recipients 22(1):10-12; call for applications 21(3):8
-1996 call for applications 22(1):17; 23(1):19; recipients 23(1):12-14
-1997 awards 24(1):13-14
-1998 awards 25(1):18-20
-new fund 20(3):3
Luskey, Judith
-National Museum of African Art, profile 12(3):21-23
Lyons, Claire
-Virtual Antiquity: The Collections of Vincenzo Vittoria (1658-1712)
Lyons, Patrice
-Computer Programs: A Visual Artist's Perspective 21(2):26-28
-Slides in University Libraries: A Case Study 7(1):10