Kai Dib Film International
-slide vendor 15(2):27; 16(4):40; 17(1):46; 17(4):49; 18(2):44-45; 19(1):42
Kamisher, Lisa
-Images System Project (summary) 14(1):2
Kansas State University
-visual database for multimedia use 21(2):24-25
Karson, Tom (jt. auth.)
-User Orientation to the Office of Visual Materials at the School of
Art/Art History,
University of Iowa (abstract ) 15(1):9; 15(2):9-11
Keats, Patricia
-Cataloging Images in MARC at the California Historical Society 22(4):19-35
-The Visual Imagery Project at the California Historical Society: Cataloging
Images of
California History 23(1):30-33
-VRA Conference call for participation 1996 22(1):16; preview 22(3):4-8;
preliminary schedule 22(4):3-7
-VRA Conference call for participation 1997 23(1):14-15
Keefe, Jeanne M.
-Managing Technology in the One-Person Slide Library 24(2):52-55
-Health Hazards in the Workplace and the Sick Building Syndrome 22(2):15-19
Keiser, Melissa A.N. (et al.)
-Promises and Dilemmas: Photographic Archives in Museums 19(2):26-30
Kemp, Jane Ann (jt. auth.)
-Brigham Young University's Slide Library Computer Cataloging System
Kenney, Anne R.
-Cornell Digital Imaging Workshop announcement 22(1):24-25
Kerby, Terry
-Slide Market News column 20(1):50-52; 20(2):47-50; 20(3):47-49; 20(4):53-56;
21(1):47-48; 21(2):42-44; 21(3):51-52; 21(4):55; 22(1):47-49; 22(3):43-47;
22(4):61-63; 23(1):52-53; 23(3):28-29; 23(4):18-21; 24(1):26
Kerner, Marilyn
-Tour Report: Iowa State University 9(4):3
Kerr, Virginia
-Cataloging of Nontraditional Media 21(2):36-38
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award recipient 1994 21(1):9
-Searching for Effective Information Retrieval in an Imaging Project:
The Costume
Imagebase, Columbia College Library, Chicago 22(2):40-43
-Slides in University Libraries: A Case Study (jt. auth) 7(1):10
Kessler, Benjamin R.
-ARLIS/VRA Joint Task Force on Professional Issues 19(2):30
-Automation: Where Are We Today? 17(1):17-18
-Best Search Engine 24(2):67-69
-Cultural Commune: Recent Collaborative Data Sharing Ventures, introductory
remarks 25(2):99-100
-dBase budget tracking system report 15(3):13
-electronic imaging (summary) 20(2):8-13
-Enhancing Professionalism: Gender Issues (abstract and introduction)
-Shared Cataloging (response) 23(2):67-68
-special interest luncheon report (Automation) 16(1):20
- Systems Anthropology of Electronic Imaging 22(2):75-78
-VRA Core Categories for Visual Resources, Version 2.0 (introduction)
-VRA New York Chapter program report 21(4):13; 22(3):9
Kimball Art Museum Visual Resources Department, profile 21(4):38-39
Kinally, Bridget
-Royal College of Art Slide Collections, profile 6(4):14
King, Carmen
-Creative Writing and Sources for Publication in the VR field 13(4):3;
summary 14(1):9-10
King, Joyce
-Baylor University Slide Library 21(4):34
Kirkpatrick, Nancy
-ARLIS/NA 1985 program announcement 11(4):2
-Bibliotheque Forney (Paris), profile 6(4):13
-York University, Faculty of Fine Arts slide library, profile 7(1):6
Kirsch, Russell
-Computers and Visual Images (summary) 13(1):3
Kitao, T. Kaori
-Teaching Slides with Art History, or the Pernicious Effect of Teaching
Art History
with Quality Slides 25(2):38-41
Kleeberger, Patricia
-basic training workshop report 1985 12(3):9
-Rejuvenation, Organization and Maintenance of a Slide Collection in
a Museum, Part I
14(1):35-36; Part II 14(3):17-18; Part III 14(4):11-12
-Visual Resources, call for bibliographers 14(4):26
Knowledge Organization (JR)
-review vol. 20 no.1 20(2):41-43
Kockaerts, Robert
-Stability of Photographic Images Symposium Report and Abstract Ordering
Information 1986 14(1):26-27
Kodak Publications 10(2):16; 17(3):17
Kodak Travel Award Recipient 23(1):12-13; 24(1):13-14
Koehler, John S.
-Information System Theory and Cooperative Efforts (abstract) 15(4):11
-Legal Aspects of Visual Resources Archive Management: Effect of the
1976 Copyright
Act and U.S. Admission to the Berne Convention (1988) on Scholastic
Collections of
Photographic Materials (abstract) 16(4):21
Koelz, Walter as Collector 18(4):22-24
Kohl, Allen
-CNI Report on Fall Task Force Meeting 24(4):8-10
-Prospects for a Public Domain Art Image Resource in an Era of Digital
Kois, Dennis
-Digital Imaging Workshop (abstract) 25(2):117
Komulainen, Helena
-The Finnish National Gallery, The Central Art Archives 18(4):26
Koos, Marybeth
-Art History Images from the World Wide Web 22(3):14-17
-Classification Scheme for High Tech Slides 11(4):16
-Computer News column 11(3):7-8; 11(4):7-8
-Directory of Computer Users 11(4):19
-Electronic Imaging: Copyright Issues (abstract) 20(1):23
-Informative Notes on a Microcomputer Seminar 10(2):12
-Integrating the World Wide Web into a Visual Resources Library 24(2):39-41
-Seventh Workshop for Slide Curators 10(4):26
Kopatz, Kim
-Examples: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 23(4):39-40
-Professional Issues for Visual Resources Curators (summary) 18(2):3-6
Koppedraijer, Alma
-MACAA program schedule 1987 14(3):7
Korvenmaa, Pekka
-Visual Documentation of Art in Finland: Background, Today's Situation
and Plans for
the Future (abstract) 14(1):13-14
Kowalik, Steven
-Hunter College, City University of New York Art Slide Collection profile
-New York chapter report 20(2):19-20
-VRA/New York program report 21(3):18-19
Krause, Walter
-Institut fur Kunstgeschichte der Universitat Wien: Profile 11(3):4
Krauss, Peter
-Cibachrome Micrographic Color Film (abstract) 17(1):16-17
Krchnak, D. Jean
-The Houston Collection: Digitizing a Historic Photograph Collection
Krupanski, Pam,
-The Issue of Preservation 17(4):21-22
-Our Workplace: Our Health and Safety Session I (moderator) 22(2):10-19
Kuczek, Lorraine
-School of Visual Arts, New York slide library profile 23(4):27-28
Kuehn, Rosemary (jt. auth)
-Guide to Copy Photography 1980 12(3):26; 18(1):9