-profile 18(3):23-24
-slide vendor 15(2):27; 15(3):28,31; 17(1):46; 18(3):34; 20(4):54
ICCROM (Rome, 1991)
-conference announcement 18(1):13
ICHIM [International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums]
and Museum Documentation Association
-1993 joint conference 20(2):17-18
ICONCLASS 9(4):16; 23(2):22, See also Classification and Cataloging
-browser (electronic format) 19(1):21-22; 19(1):23; 19(2):33-34 (JR)
-indexing Italian prints with 17(4):42-43 (JR)
-inventory of users 15(1):41
-overview of 15(2):20 (JR)
-recent projects using 14(1):16
-retrieval issues 18(3):24-25 (JR); 18(3):25-26 (JR)
-special report in Visual Resources [journal] 16(1):11
Iconographic Contents and Diagrams for Descriptive Cataloging of Complex
Works of Art, Nancy Schuller, Marlene Gordon, Elizabeth Spungen, special
bulletin (forthcoming) 24(1):34
Iconographic Index to Old Testament Subjects Represented in Photographs
and Slides of Paintings in the Visual Collections, Fine Arts Library,
Harvard Univ., Helene Roberts, 1987. review 14(3):21-23
-An Introduction to Iconography 21(3):13-14
-and ancient portraiture 23(4):41-45
-four Early Christian and Byzantine Reliefs 22(3):24-27
-indexing at Australian National University 15(1):35-36
-mythology and Christian iconography 21(1):37-39
-two Early Christian reliefs 22(1): 28-30
IFLA [International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions]
-1982 report 9(3):5
-1985 program summary 13(1):13
-Art Libraries Section 1981 8(4):17
-Art of East Africa slide project 11(1):3-4
-Munich preview 10(1):1; report 10(3):6
-program listing 9(1):14
Illinois Institute of Technology, The Daniel Breener Memorial Slide
Collection, profile 19(1):34,36
Image Access Society 7(3):5; 8(1):4, 7; 9(1):19; 10(1):11
Image Buyers' Guide 24(3):6; 24(4):5; 25(1):3; 25(2):6; 25(3):6
Image Resource Information System See IRIS
Index of American Design 9(S):4
Index of Christian Art at Princeton
-automation of the index 21(1):43-44
Index to Educational Slides, NICEM, 1980, 4th edition 12(3):25
Indexing Images Survey, 1997
-report 25(3):35-40
Instant Slides
-Kodak Instagraphic 12(1):14 (JR); 12(3):10; 12(4):3
-Polaroid Autoprocess 35 11(1):6-7 (JR); 11(4):22; 12(1):14 (JR); 12(3):10
Institut fur Kunstgeschichte der Universitat Wien: Profile 11(3):4
Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, Visual Resources Collection,
profile 20(4):40-42
Instructional Resources Corporation
-slide vendors 15(4):43
Intellectual property rights See CONFU; Copyright
Interaction of Color
-CD-ROM review 22(3):37
Interior Design Magazine
-slide vendor 15(1):39
International Book
-regional ARLIS meeting 18(3):5
International Bulletin for Photographic Documentation of the Visual
Arts (Vol. 11-15) from Vol. 16 no.1 Visual Resources Association Bulletin
International Conference on Automatic Processing of Art History Data
and Documents
-conference report 5(4):5
-publications 11(4):6
International Conference on Terminology for Museums (Cambridge, England
-program announcement 15(2):4
International Congress on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums See
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions See
International Museum
of Photography at George Eastman House, Archives 12(3):23-24 (JR)
International Repertory
of the Literature of Art See RILA
International Seminar on Information Problems in Art History
-report 9(2):19
-ADEC Art Price Annual & Falk's Art Price Index 25(4):26
-AHIP databases on WWW 22(1):54
-an art history database for the Internet 21(2):22-23
-art history images from WWW 22(3):14-17
-Art Information and the Internet 25(3):49
-Art on Film Online 25(1):41
-ArtsEdNet 22(3):48-49
-Australia, images and the Internet 22(2):84-92
-cataloging 25(3):43
-copyright & digitized images 24(2):84-85; 25(3):43-44
-Creating an Image Database on the Internet 22(2):33-36
-creation of website (abstract) 25(4):12
-Cruising the Internet 21(4):11; 22(3):29-36
-development of a touchscreen system 22(2):36-39
-documentation tools, resources, and standards 25(3):37-38
-fair use websites with digital images 24(4):40-43
-getting ready for the Internet 21(3):21
-Getty Information Institute website, review 25(2):30-31
-government information locator service 23(1):55
-grant resources information 23(3):52
-home pages, museums, and university departments 25(1):66
-image database for 22(2):33-36
-impact on publication and dissemination 25(2):74-78
-impact on publication and research tools 25(2):76-78
-information network for Southeastern slide curators 11(4):56
-integrating WWW into VRL 24(2):39-41
-lessons learned from project Delta 22(2):44-50
-licensing project 22(4):12
-Listserv column 25(2):27; 25(3):42-43; 25(4):19-20
-listservers 22(3):32-33
-literature review column 25(1):32; 25(2):32; 25(3):50; 25(4):27
-NARA sites 23(1):55
-NCSA Mosaic 21(3):21-23
-potential of the Web 23(2):63-67
-prints and print history 22(2):50-53
-private sector contributions to access of image-based databases 22(1):40-43
-response to shared access to visual images-the potential of the Web
-searching for effective information retrieval in an imaging project
-sites listed with annotations 23(1):34-44
-teaching on the Web (abstract) 25(4):12-13
-technology 25(3):43
-vocabulary on Web 25(3):37-38
-websites 22(2):53; 22(3):15-17, 39-42,48-49; 25(1):43,66; 25(3):43,
50; 25(4):19-20
Into the Future: On the Preservation of Knowledge in the Electronic
-video review 25(2):29-30
Introduction to Visual Resources Library Automation, Sheila Hannah and
A. Zelda Richardson, 1980. 12(3):27
Iowa State University, College of Design, profile 7(3):5
Ippolito, Jean Marie
-The Continuing Saga of Mainframe Computing at the Ohio State University
History of
Art Slide Library (abstract) 15(1):7-8
IRIS [Image Resource Information System]
-cooperative project in New England 25(4):77-79
Irvine, Betty Jo
-errata sheet 7(2):5
-reviews 7(2):4, 16; 7(3):6
-Slide Libraries 1(2):2; 2nd ed 6(4):15; 12(3):25; 13(3):23, reviews
of 7(2):4, 16; 7(3):16
ISSN 7(2):2
Ithaca College Art History Slide Collection, profile 21(3):38-41; 23(3):23-24
Iverson, Barry
-Re: photography in Egypt: the 19th and 20th Centuries 12(1):12