Haberstroh, Matthew (jt. auth)
-School of Visual Arts, Slide Library 20(4):45
Haddock, Miranda
-Beyond Creator, Title and Media: the VRA Core at Western Michigan University
-CNI/OCLC Workshop on Metadata for Networked Images and Databases report
-Creating a Visual Catalog for the Visual Resources Library, Western
Michigan University 25(2):57-60
Haghani, Fakhri
-travel award recipient 1998 25(1):18-19
Hall, Macie See also Hall, Virginia
-VRA joint session with ARLIS chapter 20(3):19-20
Hall, Virginia
-CONFU report on final meeting 24(2):21-23; 25(2):22-25
-CONFU update 23(4):17-18
-Copyright Issues for Academic Slide Collections: Fair Use in the Digital
Environmen 24(2):81-82
-Fair Use and Digital Image Archives: A Report on the National Information
Infrastructure Fair Use Conference (abstract) 22(4):13; 23(2):70-72
-Fair Use or Foul Play? The Digital Debate for Visual Resources Collections
-review of CONFU and proposed guidelines 24(1):21-25
Halverson, Aniko
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award recipient 1997 24(1):12-14
Hamm, Jeffrey (jt. auth)
-Compiling an Authority List on a PC 14(3):11-13; 14(4):7
Hannah, Sheila
-Classification System for Prehistoric Slides 8(2):14
-Enhancing Professionalism: The Many Facets of an Academic Internship
-Introduction to Visual Resource Library Automation, 1980. (jt. auth)12(3):27
-The VRA Core Categories and Cultural Diversity 25(4):45-48
Hardware, Computer See also Automation; Computers
-Apple Macintosh 22(2):46
-Apple Macintosh (users group) 18(4):29; 19(1):23
-Apple Macintosh II 17(1):19-20
-Apple Macintosh Plus 15(1):8, 25-26; 17(2):10-11
-Apple Macintosh SE (abstract) 16(4):20-21; 17(1):29-31; 17(3):16-17
-definition of 11(1):S17
-erasable disks 14(2):9
-evaluation form for 11(1):S14
-hard disks 11(1):S2-3
-IBM PC/AT 12(1):S7-11
-IBM PC/XT 11(1):S22-27; 12(1):S12-14
-IBM-PC 10(4):14
-image displays 19(4):19 (JR)
-interfacing mini-mainframe computers (summary) 11(4):5
-LS/2000 system 11(4):3
-mainframes: pitfalls and possibilities 11(1):S27-28
-notes on microcomputer seminar 10(2):12
-Osborn-1 microcromputer for use in organizing and classifying slides
-SALL-PC 10(4):14
-special interest luncheon for Macintosh users 19(1):15
-TRS-80 Microcomputer 10(1):S6
Haring, Keith
-Drawing the Line: A Portrait, video review 21(1):40
Harman, Margaret
-Rights and Reproduction, part II 15(4):28-30
Harper Horticulture Slide Library
-slides 18(2):44
Harpring, Patricia
-The Architectural Subject Authority of the Foundation for Documents
of Architecture
(abstract) 16(4):17
-Thesaurus of Art Historical Place Names (TAP) 19(3):26, 28-32
Harrison, Helen P. (ed.) Picture Librarianship, review 10(2):13
Hartill Art Associates
-slide vendor 15(1);39; 15(4):43, 16(1):47; 16(3):27; 17(1):48; 17(2):33;
17(4):49; 19(2):36; 20(1):50; 20(4):54; 21(3):52; 22(1):47; 22(3):44;
22(4):62; 23(1):52; 23(4):19; 24(1):26; 24(2):25; 24(3):30; 24(4):20-21;
Hartill, Alec
-Beirut Agreement 14(1):47
-Comments by Art Slide Photographers and Slide Producers (copyright)
-Sales Tax on Audio-Visual Publications 14(1):47-48
Hartwick, Laura (jt. auth)
-Query by Image Content, the QBIC Project's Applications in the University
California/Davis's Art and Art History Department 22(2):60-66
Harvard University Fine Arts Library
-receives Luce Foundation Award 16(2):31
Harvard University Museum
-digitizing project 21(4):25
Hashimoto, Robert
-Method for Color-Correcting Slides 11(2):9-10
Hausman, Julie
-Art History Core Videodisc Retrieval Project, University of Iowa 13(1):4,
(summary) 13(1):13-16
-From Ted Turner to Madison Avenue: Computer Technology and the Integrity
of the
Visual Arts (abstract) 18(1):10
-Playboy Enterprises Photograph Library 19(1):36-37
-The Stanley Collection of African Art: A Study in Connoisseurship and
(abstract) 16(1):22
-User Orientation to the Office of Visual Materials at the School of
Art/Art History,
University of Iowa (jt. auth.) (abstract) 15(1):9; 15(2):9-11
Hawkins, Tim
-Managing the Playboy Photo Archive 22(2):24
-Moving the Playboy Photo Collection 20(2):32-33; 20(1):19-20 (abstract)
Hawkos, Lise
-Creative Applications of a Database Manager (summary) 13(1):17-22
-Disaster Planning for Visual Resources Collections, special bulletin
24(1):34; 25(1):46
-Disaster Preparedness and Planning for a Collection Move (abstract)
-Imagebases and Image Management (summary) 16(1):26-2
-VRA call for papers 1988 14(2):2; 14(3):2; 1989 15(1):16-17; 1990 16(2):3-4
-VRA program announcement 1989 15(3):3; 1990 16(3):5
-VRA program preview 1988 14(4):2
-VRA program schedule 1989 15(4):3-4; 1991 17(4):3-4
Hays, F. Jay, Neglected Photographer of the American West 12(1):S4-6
Health and Safety in VR Collections
-awareness and wellness in the slide library 22(2):10-12
-concerns in slide collections 18(2):12
-ergonomics and computer workstations 19(2):24-25
-hazards 6(3):10; 22(2):15-19
-health and the workplace 18(3):29; 22(2): 15-19
- sick building syndrome 22(2):15-19
-stress and the visual resources curator 22(2):12-15
Heaven or Hell: The Last Judgment
-video review 22(3):38-39
Hehman, Jennifer
-1985 MACAA program announcement 12(1):5-6, 12(2):3
-Dreams and Schemes to Keep the "Garbage" Out of the System
-Video Production as a Form of Publication for the VR Professional 13(4):3;
(summary) 14(1):8-9
Heinemann, William
-Directory of British Photographic Collections 4(40):7
Hendriks, Klaus B.
-Magnetic Media and Optical Disk Storage Technology: The Challenge of
Readable Records (abstract) 17(1):15
Hennessey, Colleen (jt. auth.)
-Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Hess, Stanley W.
-Annotated Bibliography of Slide Library Literature 5(4):1; 6(1):11;
-Directory of Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections, (jt. auth)
12(3):26; 20(1):9
High Museum of Art
-slides 16(2):32
Hilker, Christine
-An Evaluation of the Slide Collection of the College of Architecture
at the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte Part II 16(3):13-14
-architecture reference tools (abstract) 20(1):33
-Educational Background Survey (summary) 13(4):3
-from the treasurer 18(4):5-6
-High Contrast Black and White Slide Film with Super-simple Processing
-MACAA-VR program report 1988 15(4):8-9
-MO-KAN-ARK program report 1986 13(2):5
-Some Comments on the Professional Status Survey: Educational Background
Training of VR Curators 14(3):3-6
-Special Concerns of Architecture Slide Collections (summary) 15(1):11-12
-special interest luncheon report (Architectural Slide Collections)
16(1):19; 19(1):11
-Stress and the Visual Resources Curator 22(2):12-15
-treasurer's report 20(1):8,12
-Visual Resources Association Brief History (jt. auth.) 15(1):13-14
-VRA Annual Treasurer's Report 1991 19(1):9-10
-VRA Directory update 18(4):5,7; 19(2):2
-VRA e-mail announcement 18(2):8
-VRA Financial Report 1992 20(1):13; 1993 21(1):8
-VRA Listserv column 25(2):27-28; 25(3):42-44; 25(4):19-20
-VRA Survey: Educational Background of VR Curators Compared to Other
Professional Statistics (summary) 14(1):1
-Workshop on Classification and Cataloging report 1984 (jt. auth.) 11(3):15-17
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden
-slides 18(1):43; 22(3):20, 22
Hispanic Society of America
-slide vendor 16(3):27
Historic New Orleans Collection 7(1):2
-computerizing museum records 16(2):14-15
History of Photography: An International Quarterly 13(4):14-15 (JR)
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Department of Art Slide Library, profile
Hoffberg, Judith
-Directory of Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections, (jt. auth)
12(3):26; 20(1):9
Hoffman, Monika
-Image Databases: The Big Picture (abstract) 25(4):13
Holcomb, Alice
-Salaries and Budgets 2(1):4
Holden, Wendy
-Photography as an Aid in Restoration: The Wall Paintings at Horyu-ji
Holograms 9(1):5
Holography 14(3):20-21 (JR)
Holt, Bonnie (jt. auth)
-Query by Image Content, the QBIC Project's Applications in the University
California/Davis's Art and Art History Department 22(2):60-66
Hong Kong Polytechnic Library Slide Collection, profile 19(3):34
Hoort, Rebecca Miller
-Building a Database of a Large Slide and Photograph Collection, Yes
or No? Where
Do We Go from Here? 15(4):9-11
-CIHA/VRA satellite meeting report 23(3):6-8
-Collection Development in Art/Architecture/Archaeology-Related Visual
Collections: Changing Times; What Do We Collect and Why? (abstract)
-Concepts Behind the Equal Pay Act (summary) 13(4):3
-MAHS 1991 program announcement and call for papers 17(3):8-9; program
schedule 17(4):10-11
-Professional Status column 14(3):3-5, 17(3):5-6
-review of Iconographic Index to Old Testament Subjects 14(3):21-23
-Some Health and Safety Concerns in Slide Collections (abstract) 18(2):12
-special issue of Visual Resources [JR] on professional issues 16(4):6
-Today's Databases and the Future of Shared Cataloging (abstract) 23(2):50
-Upgrading Status through Fair Pay: Equal Pay for Equal Work and the
Worth Issue 14(1):1-2
-Upgrading Status through Fair Pay: Equal Pay for Equal Work and the
Worth Issue (summary) 14(4):21 (JR)
-vice president's remarks 20(1):7
-VRA 1992 call for session proposals 18(1):12; call for papers 18(2):2-3;
schedule 18(3):2-3; 18(4):2-4
-VRA 1993 call for session proposals 19(1):18; call for papers and planning
19(2):3-4; program schedule 19(3):2-5
-VRA/CAA 1994 call for session proposals 19(1):18; call for VRA session
proposals 19(4):2
-Written Documentation of Policies and Procedures in the Slide and Photograph
Collection, Dept. of the History of Art, the Univ. of Michigan (abstract)
Hoover, Susan
-Current Bibliography 4(1):12
-Slide and Photograph Collections: The Shoe Box Days Are Over 6(3):5
Horlbeck, Frank R.
-Photographing Architecture 9(1):6
Hourdajian, Ara
-Developments in Color Micrographics 10(1):S9
Hourihane, Colum
-The Changing Role of the Librarian: Publishing and Producing (abstract)
-Iconography and the VISION Project 25(4):55-57
-Subject Classification for Visual Collections: An Inventory of Some
of the Principal
Systems Applied to Subject Classification, special bulletin 24(1):35;
-The Van Eyck Project, Information Exchange, and European Art Libraries
How to Photograph Works of Art, Sheldan Collins, 1986, review 9(3):11;
Hudgins, Rena
-ARLIS/NA 1989 Gerd Muehsam Award announcement 16(2):31
Huff, Robert
-Art at National Academy of Science 22(4):15-17
Hughes, Robert
-American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America, review 24(2):28
Hulsker, William
-Grantsmanship in the Visual Arts: A Preliminary Bibliography 5(4):3
Human Relations
Area Files [HRAF] 15(1):24
Humidity See Conservation and Preservation
Hunter College, City University of New York Art Slide Collection, profile
Hypermedia See also Digital Images, Electronic Imaging, ICHIM
-and interactivity in museums 18(4):16
-interactive instruction in the large lecture course 22(2):66-69
-museums and interactive multimedia 20(2):17-18
Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums, Proceedings of the International
Conference 18(4):16