Publication Index G

Gallagher, Jean
-Documentation of Multiple Media Art 11(1):S3-6

Ganley, Theresa (jt. auth.)
-Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, profile

Garber, Sandra D. (jt. auth.)
-Managing a VR Collection Using VRMS: The Case of UCLA's VR Collection

Gates, Leigh
-Collection Development in Art/Architecture/Archaeology-Related Visual Resources
Collections: Changing Times; What Do We Collect and Why? (summary)
-MACAA program schedule 1987 14(3):7
-Midwest chapter proposed 25(1):24
-VRA business meeting minutes 1994 21(1):3-7; 1995 22(1):4-8
-VRA Nancy DeLaurier writing awards 1997 24(3):7

Geary, Christraud M. (et al)
-Promises and Dilemmas: Photographic Archives in Museums 19(2):26-30

Gelernter, Judith
-Storing Images Over a Network 24(1):37-40

George Mason University Slide Library (abstract) 17(4):16

George Washington University Slide Library (abstract) 17(4):17; (profile) 18(1):31-32,34

George Wittenborn Memorial Book Award
-call for submissions 24(3):20-21
-Images on Screen 22(1):26-27

Georgetown University Library Special Collections, profile 18(1):34

Getty AHIP [Art History Information Program] See AHIP

Getty Center for Education in the Arts
-ArtsEdNet 22(3):48-49
Getty Information Institute Website, review 25(2):30-31

Getty Museum Slide Library profile 25(3):44

Gilbert, Walter
-Caprina: Wide Access to Digitized Images for Education 22(2):71-74

Giral, Angela (jt. auth.)
-The Art and Architecture Thesaurus as an International Resource (abstract) 16(4):18

Godbey, Emily
-Nancy DeLaurier writing award recipient 24(3):7
-Picture Me Sane: Photographic Magic Lantern Slides in a Nineteenth-Century Insane
Asylum (abstract) 24(3):35-3

Goddard, Stephen
-Prints and Print History on the Internet 22(2):50-53

Goldberg, Jane
-Storage Equipment 3(2):3

Goldstein, Leslie
-Still Separate but Unequal 23(2):25-27

Goldstein, Tina See also Bissell, Tina
-Museum Exhibitions column 13(4):15-17; 14(1):40-42; 14(2):18-20; 14(3):23-26;
-Photographic Conservation Bibliography 11(3):9-12

Goodine, Linda Adele
-Slides Like Mine (abstract) 18(1):11

Gordon, Catherine
-Patterns and Benefits of Subject Enquiry in ICONCLASS (abstract) 23(2):22
-Witt Computer Index (summary) 13(3):8

Gordon, Marlene E.
-Acronyms 21(1):32
-CHArt program report 1987 15(1):19; 1988 16(1):18-19; 1992 20(1):29-32
-CHArt program announcement 1989 16(3):8; 1991 18(2):8; 1992 19(2):8-9
-Cataloging Gothic Cathedral Facades, an adaptation of the University of Michigan
System 19(2):16-17
-Collection Administration column 19(3):32; 19(4):11
-Iconographic Contents and Diagrams for Descriptive Cataloging of Complex Works of Art
(jt. auth), special bulletin (forthcoming) 24(1):34
-photocopy request schedule 19(4):11
-photography request forms 20(1):38-40
-series publications VRA special bulletins 24(1):33-35
-VRA publication advisory committee survey results 25(1):18
-VRA special bulletin publications 25(1):45-47

Gorman, Linda
-Using Personal Computers and Customized Databases for Photographic Archives 21(2):8-12

Gould Media, Inc.
-slide vendor 17(4):46; 18(1):43; 20(2):48; 21(2):43

Graham, Ann
-University of North Texas Visual Resources Library 21(4):45

Grammar of Ornament
-CD-ROM review 24(4):29

-applying to the Kress Foundation (abstract) 18(1):11
-applying to the NEH (abstract) 18(1):11
-bibliography 5(4):3
-for visual resources 8(1):6
-grant writing, preparations (abstract) 18(1):11
-in 1990s 23(3):44
-Internet information 23(3):53
-is doing grants like doing lunch? (abstract) 18(1):11
-received 16(2):31; 20(3):51
-slide replacement 8(2):20; 8(3):3
-steps to success 23(3):45-47
-successes and suggestions 23(3):50-51
-visual arts: a preliminary bibliography 5(4):3
-why grants? why now 23(3):53-55
-workshops 23(3):44-56
-writing and fund raising 23(3):44-56
-writing for new slide library 21(1):30-31

Grants in the Humanities: A Scholar's Guide to Funding Sources 7(4):10

Gravdahl, John (jt. auth)
-Physical Characteristics of Poster Art (abstract) 21(2):19

Gray, Shirley
-A Plugged in Librarian: Hi-Tech and I 10(1):S10
-Changes in Visual Resources Curatorship 10(1):S10

Great Buildings Collection
-CD-ROM review 22(3):39

Great Lakes Chapter See VRA Regional Chapters

Great Paintings - Renaissance to Impressionism: The Frick Collection
-CD-ROM review 22(4):57

Green, David (jt. auth)
-Information Policies: Intellectual Property, Privacy, and Beyond 24(2):8

Grewenow, Peter W.
-Polaprinter Slide Copier 9(3):16

Grey Suit
-video review 21(1):40

Grise, Gail
-Copy Photographic Equipment and Processes 2(1):4

Grove's Dictionary of Art, Jane Turner (ed.) review 24(1):32

Grover, Ruth
-A View From the Art Slide Library 11(1):19

Guide for Collections Without Curators, Eleanor Collins, 1979. 12(3):26

Guide for Management of Visual Resources Collections, Nancy Schuller, 1978. 12(3):25

Guide to Computer Programs for Visual Resources Collections 8(4):4

Guide to Copy Photography, Rosemary Kuehn and Zelda Richardson1980 12(3):26; 18(1):9 - update, Jenni Rodda 19(1):11; 19(2):4

Guide to Copy Photography for Visual Resources Professionals, Jenni Rodda and Christa Blackwood
-VRA special bulletin 24(1):35; 25(1):8, 47

Guide to Equipment for Slide Maintenance and Viewing, Gillian Scott, 1978. 5(3):3; 6(10):4; 12(3):25; 18(1):9; update Christine Sundt 19(1):11

Guide to Performance Arts Images 20(4):50

Guide to Reproduction Services in American Museums, Mary Lampe 16(2):4; 17(1):10

Guide to Rights and Reproductions at American Art Museums, VRA special bulletin, 24(1):35; 25(1):47

Gustafson, Karen
- Luraine Tansey Travel Award recipient 1996 23(1):12-14
-A Response to the Survey on Educational Background and Training of VR Curators
-A Simple In-House Subject Indexing System 20(3):16-23
-Slide Circulation Survey Report 18(2):28-30, 32-33
-Subject Cataloging and Visual Resources Collections (abstract) 23(2):13
-Video Art and Art Documentary 16(1):32-33