Facilities Planning
-in a Michael Graves designed slide library (abstract) 17(4):15-16
-model for medium-sized collection (abstract) 17(4):17
-moving to new space (abstract) 17(4):16
Facilities Standards for Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections,
Betty Jo Irvine, 1991. 19(4):30
Faith Ringgold: The Last Story Quilt
-video review 21(1):40-41
Farah, Priscilla
-Metropolitan Museum Photograph and Slide Library 20(4):42-43
Farber, Ed
-color differences in projection 7(2):12
Farri Concepts
-slide vendor 17(2):33
Faxon, Alicia Craig
-Recovering Self-Portraits by Women (introduction) 23(4):66
-The Symbol Self: Women Artists' Quest for Identity in the Twentieth
Filipiak, Susan
-VRA program (Princeton, NJ) report 10(1):16
-1984 color film roundup 11(1):7 (JR)
-3M 640 tungsten 9(1):21
-Agfa 7(2):9
-Agfa pan 25 10(4):12
-Agfachrome 64 10(1):13, 10(2):8; life expectancy 3(2):6
-black and white transparency film 10(4):12
-black and white types 4(3):9; 5(2):7; 6(1):3
-bulk loading 10(4):23
-cellulose nitrate, problems 10(4):S4
-chemical streaking on 9(1):20; 9(4):10
-Cibachrome 3(4):9; 8(2):3; 9(2):14
-Cibachrome High Resolution FT 245 10(1):17
-Cibachrome Micrographic color film (abstract) 17(1):16-17
-cleaners for 8(1):12; 8(3):16; 8(4):6
-color 9(1):21
-color correction of 7(4):4
-color film selection 6(3):4
-color slide film comparison 12(2):9 (JR)
-color slide film, stability of 12(3):12
-color stability of 8(2):6, 13; 8(3):6, 8; 9(4):15
-comparison of films used to photograph works of art 10(1):13; 10(2):7
-damage from aldehyde fumes 9(2):13
-damage from x-ray 9(3):14
-deterioration of 7(2):9, 11; 7(1):14
-direct duplicating #SO-015 7(2):11
-direct positive 4(4):7; 6(1):3
-Direct Positive Panachromatic DP402 7(2):13
-Direct Positive Film 5246, discontinued 16(2):18
-does humidity fade Agfachrome 8(4):17
-Eastman color 3(4):8; 7(4):17
-Eastman color films summary 10(1):18
-Eastman color LF 8(1):20; 8(2):20
-Eastman color LF#5378 6(3):14
-Eastman color LS#7378 6(1):14
-Eastman color motion picture print 3(2):6; 3(4):8
-Eastman color print 35384 9(1):25
-Ektachrome (E-6) 9(2):14; 9(3):15
-Ektachrome 100 11(3):5 (JR)
-Ektachrome 1000 10(1):18
-Ektachrome 160 7(3):11; 10(1):13; 10(2):8
-Ektachrome 400 5(2):7; 5(4):13; 7(4):15
-Ektachrome 50 6(3):4; 6(4):11; 7(2):13; 7(3):11; 7(4):15; 10(1):13;
-Ektachrome 5071 8(2):10; 8(3):4; 8(4):12
-Ektachrome 64 10(1):13; 10(2):8
-Ektachrome Duplicating Film Type K/8071 18(1):35 (JR)
-Ektachrome professional 9(3):15
-Ektachrome SE SO-366 8(1):16; 8(2):10; 8(3):4; 8(4):12
-Ektachrome slide duplicating #5038 3(2):6; 3(4):8
-Ektachrome slide duplicating #5071 3(4):9; 4(4):7; 5(1):7
-Ektachrome slide duplicating #5701 7(4):15
-Ektachrome X 3(2):6; 3(4):8
-Ektachrome, restoration of color 6(2):7
-Ektachromes 8(2):1, 4, 17; 8(3):5, 6; 8(3):10, 11
-Ektachromes life expectancy 3(2):6; 3(4):8; 4(4):7; 5(1):7; 6(3):4;
-Ektacolor #5028 3(4):8
-emulsion identification 8(3):5; 8(4):13
-films with built-in filtration 13(1):30 (JR)
-filtration 10(1):13; 10(2):8
-for museum/gallery photography 7(3):11
-Fuji Internegative Film IT-N 18(4):29 (JR)
-Fujichrome 100 10(1):13; 10(1):18; 10(2):8
-Fujichrome 400 7(4):15
-Fujichrome 50 10(1):18
-Fujichrome 50RF 10(4):22
-Fujichrome Duplicating Film CDU 18(4):29 (JR)
-Fujichrome Professional 50, 100; tungsten 64 10(1):18
-high contrast black and white slide film 8(1):15
-high speed slide films 11(3):5 (JR)
-Ilford Cibachrome High Resolution Recording, FT 245 10(1):7
-instant slide films 12(1):14 (JR), 12(3):10
-Kodachrome 8(2):4, 17; 8(3):5, 6, 10, 11; 9(2):14
-Kodachrome 200 slide film 13(3):17 (JR); 15(4):34 (JR)
-Kodachrome 25 6(3):4; 8(3):11; 8(4):12; 10(1):13; 10(2):8; 12(1):14
-Kodachrome 25 & 64 in bulk rolls 13(2):15
-Kodachrome 40 #5070 5(1):7; 5(4):13; 6(3):4
-Kodachrome 40-A 10(1):13; 10(2):8
-Kodachrome 64 8(3):11; 10(1):13, 10(2):8, 11; (3):5 (JR)
-Kodachrome II professional film (type A) 5(1):7
-Kodachrome quality from Fuji 10(4):22
-Kodachrome, history of 12(4):13 (JR)
-Kodachromes, life expectancy 3(2):6; 3(4):8-9; 5(1):7; 6(3):4
-Kodacolor 1000 10(1):18
-Kodak 8071 Type K Slide Duplicating Film 18(4):29 (JR)
-Kodak Direct Positive (DP 402) 9(3):10; 10(4):12
-Kodak Ektachrome Slide Duplicating Film 5071 18(4):29 (JR)
-Kodak Ektaflex PCT reversal 9(3):15
-Kodak Elite 20(3):33
-Kodak Instagraphic 12(3):10
-Kodak LPD4 precision line 8(1):15; 10(4):12
-Kodak Lumiere 20(3):33
-Kodak Panatomic X 10(4):12
-Kodak Technical Pan 10(4):12
-Kodak Vericolor Internegative Film 18(4):29 (JR)
-Kodalith reversal 6(1):3
-leader retrieval 8(4):14
-light sources and filtration 10(1):13; 10(2):8
-LPD-4 4(30):9; 5(2):7
-new Kodak slide films 15(4):34
-new Polaroid slide films 14(3):20-21 (JR); 15(4):34 (JR)
-Newton rings 5(2):5; 8(3):9
-nitrate 7(2):11
-Palapan Continuous Tone (Polaroid) 10(4):12
-Pan-X reversal 6(1):3
-Panatomic X 7(2):13; 7(4):15; 9(3):10; discontinued 16(2):18
-Polaroid 46-L and 146-L 12(3):10
-Polaroid autoprocess 35 mm 9(2):13 ;9(4):14; 11(1):6-7 (JR); 11(4):22;
(JR); 13(4):14 (JR)
-Polaroid instant 35mm 10(1):16
-preservation bibliography 9(5):5, 6
-Recordak Direct Duplicating Print #5456 8(2):8
-reducing costs 10(4):22
-resources for films on art 11(43):10-12
-selecting a lab for color processing 11(4):13-14
-silver gelatin microfilm (abstract) 17(1):15-16
-stability and preservation of (abstract) 17(1):16
-storage of 7(3):12; 8(1):12; 8(2):2, 3, 6; 8(3):10
-T-MAX 100 16(3):18 (JR); 16(4):33 (JR)
-tungsten slide films 14(2):16 (JR)
-variations in film and processing 20(1):45-46
-Vericolor slide film #5072 5(4):13
-Vericolor SO-297 8(1):16
-which side goes up? 5(1):7
-X-ray damage 21(1):42
-X-ray exposure of 12(3):12-14
Film Review Index 13(2):32
Film/Video and CD-ROM column 21(1):40-41; 21(3):44-45; 21(4):48-50;
22(3):37-39; 22(4):57-58; 23(1):45-47; 23(3):21-22; 23(4):28-29; 24(2):27;
24(4):29-30; 25(1):40-41; 25(2):29-30; 25(3):46-48; 25(4):25
Fink, Eleanor E.
-Advantages of Using the MARC Format (abstract) 16(4):18
-CIHA program announcement 1992 18(4):7-8; program schedule 19(1):18-19;
-Chroniclers of American Art: Peter Juley and Son 12(1):S1-2
-distinguished service award recipient 22(1):7, 9-10
-National Museum of American Art, Inventory of American Sculpture (summary)
-Notes from the President 15(2):2-3
-Problems of Handling Historical Photograph Negatives 10(4):S4
-VRA/ARLIS conference abstracts 1988 14(4):4-5
-Work of CIDOC-International Documentation Committee (abstract) 16(4):16
Finnish National Gallery, The Central Art Archives, profile 18(4):26
Fisher, Jane
-Sound and Image Library, Evergreen State College, profile 19(4):12-13
Fitzgerald, Betsy
-Polaroid instant 35mm slide films 10(1):16
Fitzgerald, Kevin
-Difficult Designs: Slide Classification for Design and the Decorative
Arts at the Atlanta
College of Art 19(2):11-15; (abstract) 18(4):14
Florida International University
-cataloging, MARC based 20(2):25-31
Florindo Fresaro
-slide vendor 15(3):28
Flott, Nancy
-Microcomputers and the VR Collection 11(1):S11-15
Flukinger, Roy
-Windows of Light, review 21(2):58-59
Focal Encyclopedia of Electronic Media, review of CD-ROM 24(4):30
Follis, Nancy
-Availability of Slides in Greece 6(1):14
-Selective Replacement of Sandak Slides through Simple Coding (jt. auth.)
Form Function in Architecture, Volume 1: Chapel of the Benedictine Monastery
at Las Coudes, Brion Cemetery, and Monastery of La Tourette
-CD-ROM review 24(2):27
Fototeca Unione, American Academy in Rome 9(4):11
Four French Symbolists: A Source Book on Pierre Puvis de Chavannes,
Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon, and Maurice Denis, by Robert Clement
-review 24(1):32
Fowler Museum of Cultural History
-NEH grant 20(3):51
Fox, Marian
-IBM PC/XT and Advanced DB Master 11(1):S22-27
Frank Lloyd Wright Companion
-CD-ROM review 23(3):22
Frank Lloyd Wright:
Presentation and Conceptual Drawings
-CD-ROM review 23(3):21-22
Frank, Andrea M.
-ARLIS/NA VRMS division report 17(3):13-14
Fraser, Mary
-travel award recipient 1998 25(1):18
Fredericksen, Lin
-projection equipment trends 20(1):15-16
Freeman, Carla Conrad
-An Overview of Visual Resources Publications (summary) 13(4):3
-Art of the 1970s: A Comparison of Two Slide Sets 13(1):29
-bylaw change 16(2):3
-Collections Outside Art History Departments 10(4):18, questionnaire
-Collections Outside Art History Departments column 11(1):6; 11(2):10-11;
11(4):9-10;12(4):10; 16(2):19; 16(3):12-14; 16(4):26-27; 17(2):23-27
-Contemporary Drawing: Videotapes by The Drawing Society 14(3):19-20
-Contemporary Women Photographers: Selected Visual Resources 14(1):37
-Creative Slide Acquisition Programs 11(2):10-11
-Design Slide Classification Systems 12(1):10-11
-Directory of Art Slide and Photograph Collections in the United States
and Canada, (jt. ed) 19(3):46
-Directory of Visual Resources Collections in the United States and
Canada, report
-International Bulletin for Photographic Documentation of the Visual
Arts, Cumulative
Index Volumes 11-15, publication announcement 16(3):25
-Macintosh users group 18(4):29; 19(1):23
-Notes from the President 17(1):5; 17(2):4-5; 17(4):4; 18(1):2-3; 18(3):2;
-Postmodern Art: Approaches to Slide Classification 16(4):30-33
-producing slide "microfiche" 11(4):23-24
-Professional Status Survey announcement 16(3):5
-Resources in Contemporary Art column 12(4):11-13; 13(1):29; 13(2):24-25;
13(3):15-16; 14(1):37; 14(3):19-20; 15(4):32-33; 16(4):30-33
-Scholes Library Slide Collection, New York State College of Ceramics,
University, profile 10(1):10
-Selection and Acquisition of Artists' Tapes 13(3):15-16
-Sources for Slides of Contemporary Art, Ceramics, Glass and Printmaking
-special interest luncheon report (Macintosh Users) 19(1):15
-Subject Indexing the Art School Slide Collection 10(2):14
-Video as an Information Source: Contemporary Artists on Tape 13(2):24-25
-Visual Collections as Information Centers: Emerging Roles for Academic
Slides and
Photograph Curators (abstract) 16(1):25
-Visual Media in Education: An Informal History (summary) 14(1):1
-Visual Resources in Contemporary Ceramics 15(4):32-33
-Visual Resources Directory, to be published 19(3):46
-VRA elections announcement 1990 17(1):22
-VRA Membership and Development Committee announcement 17(1):11
Freer Gallery of Art
-slides 22(3):20,22
Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery Library, Smithsonian
Institution, profile 18(1):31
Freitag, Wolfgang
-receives ARLIS/NA Distinguished Service Award 17(2):32
Frick Collection
-slide vendor 20(1):50; 21(3):52
Frick Collection: Great Paintings-Renaissance to Impressionism
-CD-ROM review 22(4):57
Frick Museum, Frick Art Reference Library, profile 20(4): 40
Frisch, Sheryl
-Improving Professional Status in the California State University System:
A Progress
Report 23(2):45-49
-Luraine Tansey travel award recipient 1996 23(1):12-14
Frontz, Stephanie
-What Can Art/Architecture Librarians and Visual Resources Curators
Learn from Each
Other, part II, summary 24(2):35-36
Fry, Eileen
-Care and Maintenance in the Handling of Historic Photographic Negatives
-Comparative Aging of Identical Slides in Various Collections 9(4):13
-decorative arts committee report 1987 14(2):11-12
-Faceted Classification of Ancient Metalwork 13(2):19-22
-Geographic Authority Work (summary) 14(4):5-6
-Manuscript Information and the Visual Resources Professional 24(2):97-102
-New Bells and Whistles: Factors Affecting Upgrading and/or Switching
to a New
Database System (abstract) 17(1):18
-New Images of Ourselves: The Impact of Hi-Tech on Professionalism 10(1):S11
-Osborn-I Microcomputer: Feasibility for Use in Organizing and Classifying
Slides 9(S):1
-Reference Materials for Slide Curators 3(2):3
-Slide Label Typewriters 3(2):3
-special interest luncheon report (Copyright Issues) 19(1):13-14
Furbush, Barbara
-J. Paul Getty Museum Slide Library, profile 25(3):44
-Southern California chapter report 23(3):9-10
Fye, Eleanor
-Trinity University Fine Arts Slide Collection 21(4):41-42