Early American History through Art
-CD-ROM review 25(1):40
Earnest, Greta
-Authority Control in the Visual Resources: Based on a Survey of ARLIS
Resources Members (abstract) 15(1):23-24
Eastern European Regional Conference on Museum and Cultural Heritage
Eastern Washington University Slide Library, profile 19(4):11-12
Edinburgh College of Art Library, profile 18(4):26-27
Educational Background/Professional Status Survey (1986) 13(4):3
-response to 15(1):14-16
-summary 14(1):1; 14(3):3-6
Edward P. Taylor Audio-Visual Centre, Art Gallery of Ontario, profile
Einaudi, Karin
-Fototeca Unione, American Academy in Rome, profile 7(1):7
Electronic Imaging See also Digital Images
-a public domain art image resource in an era of digital technologies
-a visual resources perspective 20(2):8-13
-Australian projects 22(2):84-92
-batching comes to the arts 21(1):42-43
-Caprina project 22(2):82-84
-Caprina: access to digitized images for education 22(2):71-74
-computerized study resource at Duke University 21(1):27-29
-conference at British Museum 21(1):25
-copyright issues 20(1):23
-copyright, art history 20(1):23-24
-Creating an Image Database on the Internet 22(2):33-36
-Dallas Museum of Art collections information system 21(1):33-34
-Dartmouth College project 21(4):11
-database of folk art 22(1):54
-description of works of art 20(3):11
-development of a touchscreen system 22(2):36-39
-developments in image databases 21(4):15-24
-do you really need to digitize your collection 23(3):38-41
-EVA conference 17(4):44 (JR)
-EVA conference, London, 1993 20(2):17
-exchange of images 20(2):44
-frequently asked questions about SPIRO 21(2):13-18
-Getty AHIP initiative 21(1):19; 21(3):56-57
-Getty's MESL: Reports from the Trenches 25(2):69-74
-image access and retrieval 19(1):39-40 (JR)
-image integrity (abstract) 18(1):10
-image manipulation programs 20(3):36 (JR)
-image quality 17(4):42 (JR); 19(4):19 (JR)
-images on screen 22(1):26-27
-imaging at Williams College 22(20):57-59
-imaging basics 19(4):19 (JR)
-in the museum 18(4):27 (JR)
-IRIS: a cooperative project in New England 25(4):77-79
-Luna Imaging, Inc. 20(2):54
-MESL update 23(4):104-110
-Museum Digital Licensing Collective 25(2):118
-museum projects 20(4):47-48
-new products 18(1):34-35
-Penn State project 21(4):40-41
-private sector contributions to online access 22(1):31-40
-Project Athena at MIT 16(3):19 (JR)
-project Delta 22(2):44-50
-query by image content 22(2):60-66
-reports on projects in progress 23(2):50
-RGL innovative access projects 21(1):54
-roundtable discussion on digital imaging issues 23(2):69
-running list of digitizing projects 21(4):24-28
-searching for effective information retrieval in an imaging project
-software for 19(2):33 (JR)
-storing images 23(3):42-43
-summary 20(2):8-13
-systems anthropology 22(2):75-78
-using an electronic slide table 16(2):11-13
-using digitized images for visual referencing (abstract) 16(4):19
-visual imaging project at the California Historical Society 23(1):30-33
-Visual Resources vol. X no. 1, special issue on 21(3):14
-vocabulary as access to 22(2):78-82
-with CD-ROM 16(3):18 (JR)
-with hypermedia 16(2):22-23 (JR)
-workstation at MIT 16(3):19
Electronic Imaging and Computer Graphics in Museum and Archaeology
-conference announcement 21(1):25
Electronic Imaging and Visual Arts See EVA
Embury, Sheila
-poor quality slides 7(2):15
Emile de Antonio's Painters Painting
-CD-ROM review 25(1):40-41
Emons, Margaret
-Cataloging Architecture Slides at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Emory University Art History Slide Library by Michael Graves (abstract)
Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology
-slides 16(4):39-40
Englemann, Ted See Ted Englemann
Equipment for Visual Resources Collections, See also Products and Technology
Column, and Photographic
-backup systems 23(4):15-16
-binding machines 10(4):5
-bulbs and heat 15(3):14
-checklist 6(4):4
-comparison of 12(4):5-6
-drawer guides 8(2):20; 8(4):20
-Dukane Pro-100 14(4):22 (JR)
-effects of electronic photographic lamps 10(2):18
-effect on slides 15(3):14-15
-Elmo Omnigraphic 35mm slide projector 10(2):17
-Guide to Equipment for Slide Maintenance and Viewing 12(3):26
-improved Kodak 35mm cassette 10(2):17
-Kodak's programmable dissolve control unit 10(1):17
-light tables 3(2):3; 10(4):23
-Neumade cabinets 6(4):3-4
-Nikon LS-10 Coolscan Scanner review 20(3):33 (JR)
-projection equipment 12(4):5-6; 20(1):15-16
-projection lamps 7(2):12; 7(4):11
-projection screens 13(2):25(JR)
-projector damage 8(4):22
-projectors 7(4):15; 8(2):17; 8(4):5,14; 9(3):10; 9(4):14; 12(4):5-6;
13(2):16; 14(4):9,21
-projector's effect on slides 3(1):2; 6(3):4; 6(4):17; 7(2):12,15; 8(3):8;
-random access 15(2):14-16
-remote controls for 12(4):3
-seasonal check-up for equipment 10(2):6
-slide copier 2(1):4; 9(2):18; 9(3):16
-slide storage 7(3):2,11; 7(4):4
-storage cabinets, wooden 3(1):2
-temperature-indicating labels 8(4):20
-typewriters 3(2):3; 8(3):16; 8(4):20; 10(1):20; 10(3):8; 10(4):14;
-video equipment 12(3):23(JR)
-Wess Duper 10(2):17
-Xenon 15(2):16
ESM Documentation
-slide vendor 17(2):33
Essex Studios
-slide vendor 15(3):28
Esto Photographics
-slide vendor 15(1):39
EVA [Electronic Imaging and Visual Arts]
-1990 conference 17(4):44(JR)
-1993 conference program 20(2):17
Evergreen State College Sound and Image Library, profile 19(4):12-13
Exhibition catalogs 6(2):11