Dalberto, Jane A.
-1991 Fundamentals in Visual Resources Management Workshop Report 18(3):9
Dallas Museum of Art
-collections information system 21(1):33-34
-digitizing project 21(4):25
-slides 15(4):43
-Visual Resource Library and Collections Information Center, profile
Dance Index 20(4):59
Dartmouth College
-imaging project 21(4):11
Data Sharing See also Data Standards
-intra-institutional collaborative project 25(2):105-107
-REACH and VISION projects 25(2):100-104
-recent ventures 25(1):99-107
Databases See also Automation, Computers, Software
-and image retrieval 25(3):51-57
-and Videodisc 15(1):18
-Art Literature International 14(1):2
-Art on Film 20(2):53
-authority database for fixed location objects 23(3):31-37
-automating for new access 25(2):94-96
-bibliography on management of databases 12(3):10-11
-building an image indexing database 24(3):37-59
-CNI/OCLC workshop report 23(4):9-10
-cataloging and indexing in 20(1):4
-construction, project Delta 22(2):46-47
-costs 14(1):17
-Dallas Museum of Art Collections Information System 21(1):33-34
-developments in 21(4):15-24
-Duke's art image database 21(2):22; 21(1):27-29
-folk art 22(1):54
-for large slide and photograph collection 15(4):9-11
-for photographic archives 21(2):8-10
-for the Internet 21(2):22-23; 22(2):33-36
-iconography and 21(1):29
-image databases 16(1):26-27; 17(3):27 (JR); 19(1):39-40 (JR); 20(1):44-45;
21(2):22, 24-25; 21(4):15-24; 22(2):40-43; 24(3):37-59; 25(4):1
-Isabella Database 21(1);32-33; 21(1):29
-management 12(4):6-7; 13(1):17-22; 15(1):9; 15(3):6-9
-MICS [Michigan Image Cataloging System] 18(4):16; 21(4):50
-migration of photo archives 25(2):89-93
-National Museum of American Art Database 20(1):54; 20(2):53
-news column 24(1):21-25
-online access of image-based databases 22(1):31-40
-photographic archives 21(2):8-12
-proposal for building an image indexing database 24(2):37-59
-relational 15(4):20-21; 22(1):31-40
-searches using Boolean logic 16(4):21-23
-solutions 15(1):10-11; 15(2):9; 21(2):23-24
-special luncheon 17(1):13-14; 19(1):14-15
-Spanish Artists from Fourth to Twentieth Century 25(2):81-84
-SPIRO 21(1):13-14, 15-16
-standardization 13(1):23-25; 16(4):16-19
-strategy 12(1):S12-14; 12(2):10-11
-structure and retrieval 17(1):18
-solutions for VR professional 21(2):23
-today and future 23(2):50
-upgrading/changing 17(1):18
-using a Macintosh Plus 15(1):8, 25-26
-virtual union by design: national graphic design image database, abstract
-vocabulary as access to visual image 22(2):78-82
-workshop 23(4):9-10
-Yale Center for British Art 13(3):9-10
Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library, profile 21(4):37-38
David Macaulay's World of Ancient Engineering Cathedral
-video review 21(3):45
Davies, Ross
-Data Pirates Beware 25(1):53-57
Davis Art Slides (formerly Rosenthal Art Slides)
-slide vendor 25(2):25-26; 25(4):21-22
Davis, Barbara
-Geography of Fund Raising: Road Maps (summary) 14(4):6
Davis, Patricia
-Geography of Fund Raising: Landmarks (summary) 14(4):6
DC-MD-VA VRA Chapter See VRA Regional Chapters
DeaColor Barrandov
-slide vendor 17(2):33
Decoster, Patty
-Kimball Art Museum Visual Resources Department 21(4):38
DeHart, Florence
-PRECIS and Visual Materials 11(1):S9-11
DeKuyper, Frederick
-Perspective on Key Copyright Issues for Academic Slide Collections
Delaney, Beauford and Joseph
-artists from Knoxville, Tennessee 24(1):45-51
DeLaurier, Nancy See also Nancy De Laurier Writing Awards
-African art 12(3):16-18
-Classification and Cataloging column 5(2):10; 11(3):6-7; 11(4):14-16;
13(1):26-27; 13(4):9-10; 15(3):16
-Classification and Cataloging of East Indian Paintings 7(3):6
-Classification: Some General Principles and Basics 12(4):9-10
-Cold Storage for Color Slides 7(3):11
-Copywork: Costs per Slide 8(3):18
-decorative arts classification committee 13(1):27
-decorative arts committee meeting notes 1987 14(2):11-12
-Defining Decorative Arts 13(4):9-10
-dirty slides 8(3):18
-Do Teachers Care? 5(4):14
-Does Humidity Fade Agfachrome Film? 8(4):17
-energy 6(3):14
-fair play for slide suppliers 5(3):4-5
-film: which side goes up? 5(1):7
-Glue Stick Warning 10(2):13
-Homemade Slide Binder for the Sundt Method 10(1):20
-Humidity Problems Still Unresolved 8(3):3
-Lesson in Self-Preservation 16(2):4
-letter from 21(3):13
-Mid-America Visual Resources Curators to Meet with MAHS 15(4):5-6
-Missouri-Kansas Visual Resources Curators Conference: preview 10(1):7
-new copyright law 5(1):4
-New VR Organization 8(3):4
-notes from the retiring editor 10(2):3
-pink slides explained and solutions explored 3(4):8-9
-Preparation for Automation (summary) 11(4):2-3
-Proposal for a Special Bulletin 14(3):16-17
-receives Distinguished Service Award 16(1):9
-review of Preserving Library Materials, A Manual 7(3):9
-review of Standard for Staffing Fine Arts Slide Collections 10(2):16
-Sandaks Retire 15(3):26
-Separate Visual Resources Organization 7(4):7
-Slide Availability from Some Places in Central and Eastern Europe 10(4):25
-Slide Buyer's Guide, 1972-1980. 12(3):25
-Slide Collections Outside North America 9(S):10
-slide librarian training 15(1):42
-slide market news 10(1):21; 10(2):17; 10(3):15
-Slide Quality Control 10(4):S1
-Status of the Bulletin: A New VR Organization 9(2):6
-Story of a Group: MACAA Visual Resources 8(2):11
-Summary of Developments in Eastman Color Films 10(1):18
-Terminology for Private Collections 15(3):16
-unsought slide acquisitions 5(3):3
-Villains: Heat and Humidity 8(2):6
-VRA business meeting: minutes 10(1):1
-where do slides come from? 5(2):7
-workstudy program to be cut 9(1):17
-work-study students 7(2):6
Delaware Art Museum
-slide vendor 20(1):50
Denison University Slide Library, profile 23(1):45
Denver Public Library
-digitizing project 21(4):25
Development of Christian Symbolism Video Series
-video review 22(3):38-39; 23(4):29
Deveney, Marie
-review of Slide Libraries, 2nd edition 7(2):4
DFC [Digital Future Coalition]
-report 25(4):6-7
Dickinson College Slide Library
-profile 20(1):40-42
-refiling an established slide collection 21(1):34-35
Dictionary of Art, Jane Turner (ed.)
-review 24(1):32
Digital Arts and Science Award Recipients 24(1):13
Digital Collections Travel Award 22(1):17; 23(1):12-13
Digital Future Coalition See DFC
Digital Images See also Copyright; Electronic Images
-age of (digital) enlightenment: enhancing the student access to visual
-and fair use websites 24(4):40-43
-Australia, Images, and the Internet 22(2):84-91
-bibliography 25(3):66-69; 25(1):66
-cataloging and access in digitized collections 24(2):108-109
-collecting data, conceptual concerns 25(1):35-38
-collections, abstract 24(2):108
-changing the classroom 24(2):36; 24(4):37
-copyright, digital images and the Internet 24(2):84-85
-creating a visual catalog at Western Michigan University 25(2):57-60
-database solutions 21(2):23-24
-developing a digital image bank for American architecture 25(2):116
-digital debate for Visual Resources Collections 24(4):33-37
-digital image: friend or foe, abstract 25(2):43
-digital imaging 101 25(2):117
-digital transition roundtable 24(2):115
-digitizing a historic photograph collection 25(2):64-68
-digitizing and storing images for teaching 25(2):61-64
-digitizing projects 21(4):11,14,24-28,40-41; 23(4):30; 24(1):41-44
-do you need to digitize 23(3):38-41
-educational uses 22(2):71-74; 23(2):69; 24(2);48
-guidelines 24(2)21-23
-icon project: slides and digital images as research tools 24(1):41-44
-images as evidence in art history 25(1):58-65
-image database on Internet 22(2):33-35
-images and exhibitions 22(2):36-39
-lessons learned from project Delta 22(2):44-50
-licensing of 23(2):73-76
-list of projects 21(4):24-28
-MESL project 22(4):12; 24(4):13
-multimedia at Kansas State 21(2):24-25
-networked museum images on campus 25(1):49-52
-permissions in slide library 23(2):73-76
-plant material image collection project 25(2):44-51
-regional session with ARLIS 20(3):14-15
-reinventing the comprehensive reference collection 25(2):96-99
-RLG access project 21(1):54
-sharing images over a network 24(1):37-40
-SPIRO 21(1):13-18
-standards for use of 21(3):56-57
-study resource 21(1):27-29; 21(2):22
-technology and access in imagebase planning 22(2):57-60
-vendor issues 23(2):69
-workshop 22(1):24-25; 23(4):9-10; 23(3):11-12; 25(2):117
Directory of AAT Users
-VRA special bulletin 24(1):34; 25(1):46
Directory of Art Libraries and Visual Resources Collections, Judith
Hoffberg and Stanley Hess, 1978 12(3):26; 20(1):9
Directory of Art Slide and Photograph Collections in the United States
and Canada, Carla Conrad Freeman and Barbara Stevenson (eds.). 19(3):46
Disaster Planning for Visual Resources Collections, Lise Hawkos
-VRA special bulletin 24(1):34; 25(1):46
Documents for the History of Collecting
-new CD-ROM 22(1):53-54
Donovan, Kevin
-applied digital imaging: reports on projects in progress (abstract)
-From the Mouths of Vendors: A Roundtable Discussion on Digital Imaging
(abstract) 23(2):69
Doorly, Patrick
-Icarus UK, profile 18(3):23-24
Doron, Renee
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award Recipient 1997 24(1):12-14
Douglas Cooper Archives, Getty Center for the History of Art and the
Humanities (abstract) 16(1):22-23
Dowling College Slide Library, profile 21(3):38
Drawing the Line: A Portrait of Keith Haring
-video review 21(1):40
Drew, Frances K.
-Medals Make a "Special" Collection (abstract) 15(1):26-27
Droll, Christine
-Cincinnati Art Museum Slide Collection profile 6(1):6
-Ode to a Slide Curator 3(2):7
Drummond, Frances
-Problematic Uniqueness of Visual Resources Curation (abstract) 22(4):13-15
Dubinsky, Lon
-Drawing the Line or Making Connections (abstract) 21(2):21
Dublin Core See Core Categories
Duke University
-computerized art image study resource 21(1):27-32; 21(2):22
-digitizing project 21(4):25
Dulan, Peter
-Accessioning Slides with dBase II 11(4):17-19
-Cataloging Slides Bit by Bit 11(1):S19-22
-Computer Software for Slide Libraries (summary) 14(1):12-13
-New Products and Product News (summary) 13(4):2-3
Dumbarton Oaks
-slides 22(3):19-20, 22
Duncan, Marcia (jt. auth.)
-Slides in University Libraries: A Case Study 7(1):10
Duncan, Norine See also Cashman, Norine
-IRIS: A cooperative project in New England 25(4):77-79
-Slide Market News column 19(4):27-29
Dunlap Society 7(3):15
-out of business 22(3):19
-slide vendor 15(2):27; 16(2):32; 16(3):37; 16(4):39; 18(1):43
-visual documentation program 7(3):15
Dupuy See Pierre Dupuy
Durran, Jennifer
-Developments in Electronic Image Databases for Art History 21(4):15-24
Dutch Art, An Encyclopedia, Sheila D. Muller, ed., review 24(1):32
Dvoretzky, Rachel
-Awareness and Wellness in the Slide Library 22(2):10-12
-Revised Cataloging Scheme for the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition
-VRA Listserv column 20(3):49-50
Dywer, Eugene
-Fulvio Orsini's Book of Famous Greeks and Romans: the Codex Capponianus