CAA [College Art Association of America] 5(1):5; 5(2):3
-1998 VRA In-between session 25(2):33-42
-Intellectual Property Rights Committee 21(1):13-14
-proposed VRA-CAA affiliation 11(1):4
-visual resources committee 1(2):1; 6(1):3
-VR section, professional status committee 3(4):10; 4(1):3; 4(2):5;
4(3):10; 4(4):1; 5(1):5
-VR section, professional status statement 3(4):10; 4(1):4; 4(4):1
CAA ( 1977) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 4(1):11
CAA (1978) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 5(1):1-3
CAA (1979) Visual Resources Session
-conference report 6(1):1
CAA (1980) Visual Resources Session
-affiliate status 7(1):1; 7(4):7
-business meeting minutes 7(1):1
-conference report 7(1):1
CAA (1981) Visual Resources Session
-business meeting 8(1):1
-conference reports 8(1):1
CAA (1982) Visual Resources Session
-business meeting 9(1):8
-reports 9(1):1
CAA (1983) Visual Resources Session
-report 10(1):1
CAA (1984) Visual Resources Session
-VR program preview 10(4):7
CAA (1995) Visual Resources Session
-1994 call for papers 21(2):25-30
-1995 call for papers 20(4):7-8; 21(1):20-21
-Implications of New Visual Resources Technology for Classrooms and
papers 22(2):72-91
CAA (1996) Visual Resources Session
-Visual Surrogate as Intellectual Property (papers) 23(2):70-82
CAA (1998) Visual Resources Session
-call for papers for VRA session 24(2):17
California State Polytechnic University, College of Environmental Design,
Visual Resources Library profile 25(4):23
California Historical
-visual imaging project 23(1):30-33
California State University System
-collaboration with the private sector 21(4):12-13
Callahan, Linda
-Student Staff Management at Mount Holyoke College: Maximizing the Help,
Minimizing the Headaches 19(2):21-22, 24; (abstract) 18(4):15
Calligraphy, Asian 12(1):7-8
Cambridge University
-digitizing project 21(4):24
Canadian Conservation Institute
-publications 9(3):8
Canadian Visual Resources Curators 5(3):17
-Annual Conference report 1989 16(3):8-9
-breakfast discussion 20(1):17-18
-conference announcement 21(1):23
-conference report 21(3):16-18
-Ontario and Quebec Curators Conference 4(3):2
-special interest luncheon 16(1):20; 17(1):13; 19(1):13
Canberra School of Art
-digitizing project 21(4):24
Capper, Barry See Barry Capper
Caprina Project
-access to digitized images for education 22(2):71-74
-at the University of Maryland at College Park 22(2):82-84
Carbone, Emily J.
-Museum Staff Unveils Rare Find 16(2):14-15
Carlin, Jane
-Private Sanctuary to Public Domain: Managing the Merger of Two Distinct
(abstract) 25(2):113
Carmin, James
-ARLIS/NA program announcement 198915(2):4-5
Carnahan, Caron
-Fair Use on the Brink: Implications of the White Paper for Visual Resources
Collections 23(2):79-82
-The Getty's MESL: Reports from the Trenches (abstract) 25(2):69
-Saving at the Image Bank: Considerations of Technology and Access in
Planning 22(2):57-60
-Visual Surrogate as Intellectual Property: Is 'Fair Use' on the Verge
of Extinction?
(abstract) 23(2):70
-VRA listserv column 24(1):27-29; 23(4):21-23; 24(3):31; 24(4):22-23
Carpenter, Mikki
-Typewriter News 10(1):20
Cashman, Norine See also Duncan, Norine
-Brown University Slide and Photograph Collection, profile 6(4):12-13
-Copyright Statement (Brown University) 10(4):10
-more on climate control for slide rooms 6(4):17
-Quality, Documentation, and Service: What Do We Expect from Slide Vendors?
(abstract) 18(1):9
-Slide Buyers' Guide (6th edition), 1990. 16(1):3; 17(1):8,10,48; 18(1):4,
-Slide Market News column 10(4):23-24; 11(1):8-9; 11(2):12-13; 11(3):18-19;
11(4):27-29; 12(1):22-24; 12(2):15-16; 12(3):34-35; 12(4):19-20; 13(1):36-39;
13(2):30-32; 13(3):21-22; 13(4):17-18; 14(1):42-47; 14(2):21-22; 14(3):28-30;
14(4):26-28; 15(1):39-40; 15(2):27-28; 15(3):28-32; 15(4):42-44; 16(1):47-49;
16(2):32,35; 16(3):27-29; 16(4):39-41; 17(1):45-48; 17(2):33-34; 17(3):30,32;
17(4):49-50; 18(1):42-45; 18(2):43-47; 18(3):34-35; 18(4):33-34; 19(1):42-43;
19(2):36-38; 19(3):42-43
-special interest luncheon report (VRMS) 19(1):16
Cataloging See Classification and Cataloging
-David Macaulay's World of Ancient Engineering: Cathedral 21(3):45
-Light on the Stones: Medieval Church of Vezelay 21(4):49-50
-Three English Cathedrals: Norwich, Lincoln, Wells video review 22(3):38
-Treasures of the Cathedrals: Meaning and Symbolism 24(4):29-30
Catholic University of America, Washington DC, Department of Architecture
and Planning
-Slide Collection Reorganization Project 7(4):12
Cawkwell, Sarah
-The Women Artists Slide Library (London), profile 15(3):20-21
-ArtLook 24(3):33
-Best Contemporary Architecture: Around Barcelona 25(2):29
-Documents for the History of Collecting 22(1):53-54
-Early American History through Art review 25(1):40
-Emile de Antonio's Painters Painting review 25(1):40
-Focal Encyclopedia of Electronic Media 24(4):30
-Form Function in Architecture, Volume I 24(2):27
-Frank Lloyd Wright Companion 23(3):22
-Frank Lloyd Wright: Presentation and Conceptual Drawings 23(3):21-22
-Grammar of Ornament 24(4):29
-Great Buildings Collection 22(3):39
-Great Paintings - Renaissance to Impressionism, Frick Collection: 22(4):57
-Interaction of Color 22(3):37
-joint project: Imagenesys and Mint Museum 22(4):17-18
-Kodak's Photo CD System 18(1):35 (JR); 19(3):38 (JR); 19(4):20 (JR);
22(2):72-73; 22(2):82
-La Bibliotheque des Ducs de Bourgogne on CD-ROM 25(2):79-81
-Leonardo da Vinci 24(3):31-32
-literature review 25(2):32
-Masterworks for Learning: A College Collection Catalogue 25(3):46-48
-Modern Art (The Maeght Foundation) 23(1):46-7
-National Gallery Complete Illustrated Catalogue on CD-ROM 25(3):49
-new technologies and interactive multimedia products 19(1):22
-options and confusion 20(3):35
-A Passion for Art (The Barnes Foundation) 23(1):45-46
-Perseus 2.0 24(1):30-31
-photo CD applications 22(2):71-75; 22(2):75
-Robert Mapplethorpe 22(4):58
-Treasure of the Cathedrals: Meaning and Symbolism 24(4):29-30
Central Pennsylvania Slide Curators/Librarians Conference 17(4):13
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
-slide vendor 24(2):25
Centre Georges Pompidou 4(3):10
Ceramic Arts Library
-slide vendor 23(3):28
Chadwyck-Healey, Charles
-Colour Microfiche Production and Reproduction 9(S):2
-Future for Microforms in an Electronic Age 10(1):S9
-Microforms column 13(3):13-14; 14(1):28-29
-New Reference Sources for Researchers in the Visual Arts: Clippings
Files on
Microform 14(1):28-29
-Reproducing Continuous Tone Images on Microfilm: Problems and Possibilities
CHArt [Computers and the History of Art] Conferences
-1986 program report 14(1):11
-1987 program announcement 14(3):7; report 15(1):19
-1988 program announcement 15(3):5; report 16(1):18-19
-1989 program announcement 16(3):8; report 17(1):27-29
-1991 program announcement 18(2):8; 18(3):6
-1992 program announcement 19(2):8-9; report 20(1):29-32
-1994 program announcement 21(1):25
CHArt Journal
-new journal 18(1):45
-review vol.2 no. 1 19(2):33-34
-review vol.4, part 1 21(1):43-44
-review vol.4, part 2 21(4):50-51
Cheney, Liana De Girolami
-Female Self-Portraits of the Renaissance 23(4):67-74
Cherry, Edith
-The Plant Materials Image Collection Project: University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque 25(2):44-51
Chewning, J.A.
-AAT and Visual Collections 11(1):S9
Chiarmonte, Paula
-Dunlap Visual Documentation Program 7(3):15
-Introduction to Videodisc Technology 9(2):7
-Microform Technology 10(1):S9
-Microforms-bibliography 7(2):13
-videodisc as an information storage medium 9(4):11
-videotapes versus videodiscs 9(3):13
Childress, Eric
-Traditional Emerging Library Standards for Intellectual Control of
Image Objects: an
overview 23(4):88-92
Chillman, Helen
-review of Slide Libraries, 2nd ed. 7(2):16
Chipman, Alison
-Using the Art and Architecture Thesaurus to Gossip About Pictures 23(2):20-22
CIAA [Collections of Information Antipiracy Act] 25(1):53-57
CIHA [Confres Internationale d'Histoire de l'Art] (Bologna, 1979) 4(4):5
-conference report 6(4):7
-organizational structure 6(4):9
CIHA (1982)
-program listing 9(3):5
CIHA (Vienna, 1983)
-papers 10(4):S1
-preview 10(1):1
-report 10(4):2
CIHA (Washington DC, 1986)
-abstract 14(1):13-18
-call for papers 12(2):5; 12(3):2-3
-program announcement 12(3):2-3; 13(1):8-10
-program report 13(3):6; 13(3):8-11; 13(4):2
CIHA (Strasbourg,
-abstracts 16(4):16-20
-call for papers 15(1):18; 15(2):3-4; 15(3):4
-program announcement 16(1):16-17
-program report 16(4):13-14
-program schedule 16(2):5-6
-update 15(4):6
CIHA (Berlin, 1992)
-call for papers 17(4):9; 18(1):14-15; 18(2):8-9
-program announcement 18(4):7-8
-program report 19(3):15
-program schedule 19(1):18-19; 19(2):4,6
-review of papers from VRA meeting 21(1):41-42
CIHA (Amsterdam, 1996) 20(3):3
-applications for travel awards 23(1):19
-planning committee report 20(1):10
-VRA call for papers 22(4):7-8
-VRA call for participation 22(1):16; 22(2):7; 22(3):8
-VRA satellite meeting report 23(3):6-8; 23(4):33-34, 34-114
-VRA schedule 23(1):15-18
CIMI [Computer Interchange of Museum Information]
-formation 18(1):20; 21(1):51-52
Cincinnati Art Museum Slide Collection, profile 6(1):6
Circulation Policy See Collection Development
City University of New York See CUNY
Clark, Cynthia
-Profile of the Princeton University Department of Art and Archaeology
Slide and
Photograph Collections 8(4):7
Clarke, Sherman
-Authority Control and the VISION Project 25(4):52-54
-Who Has the Perfect Mona Lisa, Part Deux: Cataloging and Access in
Collections (abstract) 24(2):108
Classification and Cataloging See also Classification and Cataloging
-1893 World's Columbian Exposition 23(1):28-29
-AACR2 Revision for cataloging art reproductions 20(4):19-27
-AAT Thesarus, cataloging with 16(2):9-10; 21(4):28-32; 23(2):20-22
-African art 9(1):1; 12(3):16-18
-altarpieces, modified Fogg System 14(1):32-34
-ancient metalwork 13(2):19-22
-and indexing in automated database/MARC 20(1):14-15
-Arch of Constantine reliefs 19(4):7-9; diagram 19(4):7-9
-architecture 6(2):8; 6(3):6; 7(1):3; 7(2):7; 7(4):12; 10(1):S10; 11(4):9-10;
11(4):14-16; 12(1):9-10; 18(4):14; 20(3):24-28; 20(4):27-30; 23(2):54-56
-ARLIS/NA architectural drawings cataloging discussion group 17(2):5
-Asian art using Fogg system 15(3):15-16
-Asian column 16(1):34-38; 16(2):15-16; 16(3):10-12; 16(4):23-26; 17(2):15,17,
17(3):19,21; 18(2):14-17
-Asian, country divisions 12(4):8-9
-Asian, general scenes 16(3):10-12
-Asian maps 17(3):19,21
-Asian sculpture 14(1):29-30
-automated slide systems concerns 20(1):14-15
-bibliography of projects 25(3):64-66
-Brancacci Chapel, diagram for 18(2):17
-Brescia Lipsanotheca 22(1):28-29
-Brigham Young computer cataloging system 13(2):6
-Buddhist art 13(1):25-26; 13(2):18-19; 15(4):26-28
-Burmese art 14(4):9-11
-Byodoin, Uji 18(1):21-22
-California History images 22(4):19-35, 23(1):30-33
-Cambodian art 12(3):15-16
-cataloging bit by bit 11(1):S19-22
-cataloging images of California History 23(1):30-33
-Cham art 15(1):32-33
-Chinese flower arrangements 17(1):31-32
-Chinese metalwork 16(2):15-16
-Christian iconography 21(1):37-39
-church interiors 20(2):23-24
-Classification and Cataloging of Pictures and Slides 8(4):17
-classification, computer, coexistence 10(1):S10
-classification systems 5(4):1-2
-compiling a case for cataloging standards 20(1):35-37
-compiling list of data elements 21(1):21
-computer applications 5(1):1
-contemporary art 8(1):4, 11(1):S3-6; 14(1):30-32; 14(2):12-13
-contemporary artists slides 20(4):30
-contemporary Asian art 20(1):21-22
-contemporary Native North American art slides 20(1):20-21
-Cutter number tables 4(4):3
-Cutter table for Asian names 12(2):5-6
-decorative arts 7(4):3, 8(1):3; 13(1):26-27
-decorative arts at the Winterthur Museum 17(2):23-27
-descriptions of works of art 20(3):11
-design 8(1):3
-design and decorative arts 12(1):10-11; 12(2):6; 12(3):16; 13(4):9-10;
18(4):14; 19(2):11-15
-digitized collections 24(2):108-109
-directory for classification schemes 11(3):17; 11(4):26; 12(1):21
-East Asian painting 10(4):17
-East Indian painting 7(3):6
-Episcopal Chair of Archbishop Maximian 22(3):24-25
-ethnography 18(4):17, 19
-facet theory 13(2):19-21
-Far Eastern painting slide sequences 16(1):19; 16(1):34-38
-Florida International University 20(2):25-31
-Fogg System 7(3):7; 14(1):32-34; 14(2):12-13; 15(3):15-16
-folklore-related collections 12(3):19-21
-general principles and basics 12(4):9-10
-general scenes (Asian) 16(3):10-12
-glassware 18(1):22-23
-Gospel book cover 22(3):27
-Gothic cathedral facades 19(2):16-17
-graphic design and illustration 18(4):15; 19(3):22-25
-graphic design slides 14(1):19; 22(4):45-47
-guide to indexing and cataloging with the AAT 21(4):28-32
-Han Dynasty tomb reliefs 16(4):23-26
-high tech slides 11(4):16
-Hindu art 13(2):18-19
-iconographic indexing at Australian National University 15(1):35-36
-image cataloging in MARC 21(3):23-33
-in MARC at California Historical Society 22(4):19-35; 23(1):30-33
-indexing and cataloging with AAT 21(4):28-3
-indexing practices, subject access, and controlled vocabularies 25(3):35-40
-Indian architecture and stone sculpture 13(1):27-28
-Indian coins 17(2):15,17
-Indian painting 11(1):5-6, 11(2):8-9; 11(3):5-6; 17(4):24-28
-Indonesian art 14(2):9-11
-information organization 25(3):51-58
-Inuit (Eskimo) 9(1):27; 9(2):11
-Islamic architecture 9(1):1
-Ivory book cover 22(3):25
-Japanese 9(1):1
-Japanese art 25(2):109-110
-Japanese Buddhist art 15(4):26-28
-Japanese ceramics 15(2):16-17
-Japanese "Cutter" table 12(2):5-6
-Japanese-Sanskrit equivalents 14(3):14-16
-keywording for subject retrieval 23(2):13-16
-landscape architecture 7(2):10; 9(3):12
-listserv column 25(2):28
-literature on 12(3):27
-Lupicinus Gospel Book 22(3):27
-manuscripts 3(4):2
-MARC-based software 17(3):23-26
-MARC format 17(2):19-21; 18(1):24-25,27-28; 18(2):18-21; 18(3):14-21;
19(1):38-39 (JR); 19(2):17-21; 20(2):25-31
-Medieval minor arts 18(4):13-14; 19(1):27-28, 30
-metalwork, ancient 13(2):19-22
-metropolitan 8(1):3
-modern and contemporary art 14(1):30-32; 20(1):21; 20(4):30-34
-Mughal painting 11(3):5-6
-Murano Ivory 22(3):25
-mythology 21(1):37-39
-NASA Visual Thesaurus 19(1):39 (JR)
-National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian 5(1):1
-Native American art 9(S):12; 20(1):20-22; 20(2):7-8
-Nepalese painting and sculpture 18(2):14-17
-non-art collections, 22(2):30-32
-non-traditional media 21(2):36, 38
-North American Indian 9(1):11; 9(2):11; 9(S):14
-Oceanic 9(1):1
-of visual resources 17(3):21-22
-Oriental art 12(1):10; 12(3):15-16; 12(4):8-9
-photography 8(1):3
-Pinyin romanization 6(3):3; 8(1):3; 11(4):12-13
-postmodern art 16(4):30-33; 20(4):30-34; 21(2):20
-Pre-Columbian 9(1):1, 9(2):11
-prehistoric art 8(2):14
-proposed column on 11(3):6-7
-Rahn foundation slide collection 7(1):13
-Rajput painting 11(2):8-9
-re-cataloging an existing collection 10(1):S10
-Royal College of Art classification system 6(4):14
-Russian and Soviet photography slides 20(1):22-23
-Santa Sabina, west portal doors 22(3):26
-sarcophagus of Junius Bassus 22(1):30
-satellite slide collections 22(2):93
-scientific examination of works of art 8(4):5
-sculpture guidelines 14(1):29-30
-shared cataloging for VR collections 18(1):24-25, 27-28; 23(2):67-68
-small slide collections 7(4):11
-special bulletin, Iconogaphic Contents and Diagrams for Descriptive
Cataloging of Complex Works of Art 24(1):34
-special interest luncheon (general issues) 19(1):13
-special interest luncheon on Asian Cataloging 16(1):19
-standard descriptive terminology 19(1):25-27
-subject indexing 5(1):1-2; 7(2):6; 7(3):5; 7(4):4; 10(2):1; 20(3):16-2;
23(2):13; 25(2):115
-subject inquiry in ICONCLASS 23(2):22
-system for visual materials of Third World Peoples 3(4):6
-systems for 12(3):27, 12(4):9-10
-Thai art 13(3):14-15, 13(4):9; 14(4):5-6
-thousand points of retrieval 23(2):17
-Tibetan painting and sculpture 18(2):14-17
-Tintoretto's decoration in Scuola Grande di San Rocco 21(4):33-34
-tools and resources column 17(3):22-23; 17(4):32; 18(1):24-25, 27-28;
19(3):26; 19(4):9-10
-tribal art cataloging problems 20(2):7-8
-twentieth century art 5(2):10
-United States Capitol 17(4):29-32
-University of California - see also Santa Cruz classification system
-University of Illinois classification system 1(2):2
-University of Maryland School of Architecture 7(4):12
-University of Michigan system 8(3):7
-unusual slide collections 22(2):93
-urban planning 7(4):13
-using Architectural Subject Authority 16(4):17
-Wade-Giles Romanization System 8(1):3
-websites 25(3):43
-western churches, hierarchy for 18(3):13
-Winterthur Museum slide collections 17(2):23-27
-Who is Kongo Rikishi and Where Can I Find Him? 25(2):109-110
-workshop on 11(1):10; 11(3):15-17; 12(1):9-10; 12(1):10
Classification and Cataloging columns 5(2):10; 11(3):6-7; 11(4):14-16;
12(4):9-10; 13(1):26-27; 13(4):9-10; 15(3):16; 17(3):21-23; 17(4):29-32;
18(1):22, 24-25, 27-28; 18(2):17; 18(3):13-14; 18(4):17,19; 19(2):11;
19(3):22, 26; 19(4):7-10; 20(2):25,31; 20(3):24
Classification and Cataloging of Pictures and Slides 8(4):17
Claxton-Oldfield, Patricia
-The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, Ontario, profile 18(4):25
Clearinghouse on Art Documentation and Computerization 20(1):44; 20(4):34-37
Clement, Robert
-Odilon Redon and Maurice Denis, review 24(1):32
Clemson University, College of Architecture Slide Collection, profile
Cloud, John
-Digital Transition roundtable (abstract) 24(2):115
-Luraine Tansey travel award recipient 1996 23(1):12-14
CNI [Coalition for Networked Information]
-cultural heritage to information superhighway 21(4):59-61
-task force meeting report 23(4):8; 24(2)6-8; 24(4):8-10
CNI/OCLC [Coalition for Networked Information/Online computer Library
-workshop on metadata networked images and databases report 23(4):9-10
Coalition for Networked Information See CNI
Coates, Donna J.
-Photographic Collections at the Center for American History, the University
of Texas
at Austin 22(2):20-23
Codex Capponianus 228 23(4):41-45
Coffman, Eileen Wilson
-Microcomputer Applications in Visual Resources Collections Workshop
1991 Report
-Southern Methodist University Slide Library 21(4):42-43
Cohen, Eunice M.
-Responses on Slide to Print Copiers 9(3):15
Cohen, Jeffery
-Digital Stone Soup: Developing a Digital Image Bank for American Architecture
Workshop (abstract) 25(2):116
Cohen, Kathleen
-Art History Database for the Internet (abstract) 21(2):22-23
-Bootstrap Training and Development: Teaching What We Do Not Know 24(2):41-47
-Lessons Learned from Project Delta 22(2):44-50
-Sharing and Searching the VISION: A Faculty Perspective on the VRA
Categories 25(4):65-67
-Some Questions on Copyright, Art History, and the New Media 20(2):34-40;
20(1):23-24 (abstract)
-A Visual Database and Videodisc (abstract) 15(1):8
Coke, Van Deren 12(3):24 (JR)
Cole, Karl
-Job Differences Among VR Professionals (summary) 14(1):2
-Report on Recent Work of the Standards Committee, Abbreviations Subcommittee
-Standards Committee Museum Abbreviation Survey 15(1):16
-Standards Committee report 1989 17(1):11
Coleman, Jim (jt. auth)
-The Macro View of the VISION Project: Project Goals and Prospects for
the Future
Colescott, Robert
-The One-Two Punch video review 21(3):44-45
Colgate University Fine Arts Department Slide Library, profile 12(2):8-9
Collection Administration 4(1):12; 5(2):3; 5(3):5; 19(3):32; 19(4):11
See Also Collection Administration
Column and Professional Issues
-access to images in non-academic collection 24(2):85
-acquisitions 10(4):23
-administration issues 6(1):9
-Annotated Bibliography of Slide Library Literature 12(3):26
-applying art collection conventions to a natural science collection
-beginning VR professionals 19(1):11; 20(1):18-19; 22(2):92-93; 24(2):71-73;
-budgets 2(1):4; 9(1):17; 9(2):21; 9(3): 24; 15(4):12
-call for generalists 25(2):84-88
-changes in curatorship 10(1):310
-circulation policies and procedures 1(2):1; 2(1):4; 5(1):9-10; 5(4):9;
6(1):1; 6(3):7; 15(1):9-10; 18(2):28-30, 32
-clipping files 14(1):28-29
-collection statistics 5(4):14
-consulting services 9(2):4
-customer service 24(2):56-58
-customs duty on slides 7(2):7; 8(4):13
-database manager 13(1):17-22; 14(1):21-25
-disaster plans 16(4):41; 20(1):19
-donations 7(4):5
-downsizing a film repository 22(2):28-29
-equipment checklist 6(4):4
-evaluating an architectural slide collection 16(3):12-14
-facility planning 6(4):2
-filing guide cards 7(4):13
-graphic documentation of 15(1):21-23; 15(2):9-14; 15(3):6-9
-Guide for Management of Visual Resource Collections 12(3):25
-historical photographs in academic research library 22(2):24-28
-housekeeping needs 17(3):17-18
-how to deal with isolation 24(2):51-52
-ideal reference shelf 3(2):3; 15(4):12-17
-Image Buyers' Guide 24(3):6; 24(4):5
-impact of hi-tech 10(1):S11
-importance of statistics 22(2):92-93
-insurance coverage of slide collections 6(2):9; 6(4):3
-interlibrary loan and VR collections 14(4):16-20
-internships in slide room 4(1):13; 6(3):10; 18(4):15-16
-job descriptions and staff responsibilities 16(1):11-13
-lesson in self-preservation 16(2):4
-librarians and curators learning from each other 24(2):32-34
-life in a Michael Graves designed slide library 17(4):15-16
-linguistic issues in image access 21(2):18-20
-managing a collection of historical photographs in an academic research
library 22(2):24-28
-managing Playboy photo archive 22(2):24
-management 8(4):3; 4(4):2
-merger of two district facilities 25(2):113-114
-new developments in curatorship 10(1):S11
-one person slide library 15(1):23; 24(2):50, 56-59
-ordering procedures 7(1):17
-organizing and maintenance of museum slide collection 14(1):35-36;
14(3):17-18; 14(4):11-12
-paperwork in the visual resources library 11(4):5
-photocopy request schedule and forms 19(4):11; 20(1):38-40
-photographs at the Center for American History 22(2):20-23
-planning a move 20(1):19-20,32; 20(3):29-33; 21(1):19, 34-35
-planning for new facilities 20(3):29-33
-policies and procedures, written documentation of 15(1):9-10
-profession and VRA 25(2):21-22
-prospective staff questionnaire 7(1):9
-questions employees should ask about positions 4(1):5
-questions employers should ask regarding qualifications 4(1):4
-re-cataloging problems 10(1):S10
-reference materials 4(1):12; 4(4):7; 5(2):3; 15(4):12-17
-Reference Tools for VR Collections, review 12(3):23; 20(1):33-34
-refiling an established slide collection 21(1):34-35
-reorganization 7(4):12; 9(3):7
-security for student loans 8(3):18
-security of slide collections 8(4):5
-selective replacement through coding 11(2):10
-shelf list 7(4):11
-slide collection on the move 17(1):16
-slide exchange programs 7(2):3; 7(4):18
-slide production 5(2):7
-slide quality 1(2):3; 5(2):5; 5(3):9; 5(4):14; 6(2):5; 6(4):21; 7(2):15;
10(4):S1; 14(1):3-4; 24(4):12
-small collections 6(2):8; 15(2):23; 20(1):16-17
-special interest luncheon report on student and staff management 19(1):12-15
-staff responsibilities in VR collections 16(1):11-13
-staff statistics 10(1):S7
-staffing survey 9(3):24
-strategies for new curators 25(2):107-109
-stress and the curator 22(2):12-15
-student internships (abstract) 18(4):15-16
-student staffing (abstract) 18(4):15; 19(2):21-22, 24
-study photographs 9(3):20
-subject access 5(1):1-2
-technology considerations in imagebase planning 22(2):57-60
-technology issues in VR collections 16(4):19-20; 17(1):20; 22(2):71-91
-thoughts on being a slide curator in 1994 21(4):11-12
-uniqueness of VR curator 22(4):13-15
-user orientation 15(1):9; 15(2):9-11
-weeding a slide collection (abstract) 17(4):18
-what do we collect and why? 25(2):111-112
-writing annual reports 22(2):93
-workstudy students 7(2):6; 9(1):17
Collection Administration column 19(3):32; 19(4):11; 22(2):24-28
Collections, as Fine Arts and Historical Documentation See also Profiles,
Library and VR Collections
-Alice Ravenel Huger Smith's Watercolors for A Carolina Rice Plantation
of the '50s
-Andreas Brown Postcard Collection, Getty Center for the History of
Art and
Humanities 17(1):34-38
-Bareiss Collection at the Toledo Museum of Art 16(1):23-24
-Czarist Russian and Soviet Photography in the collection of the DAAP
Slide Library
-Douglas Cooper Archives, Getty Center for the History of Art and the
Humanities (abstract) 16(1):
-Eliot Elisofon Archives, National Museum of African Art 19(2):26-27
-John Adams Thierry Photograph collection of Southeast Asian Art (abstract
-John Henry Parker Collection of Art by American Women 18(2):24-26
-Louise and Allan Sellars Collection of Art by American Women 18(2):24-26
-National Air and Space Museum Archives 19(2) :27-30
-New York Public Library Stereograph Collection 16(2):19-22
-small collections 20(1):16-17
-Smithsonian Institution, various photographic archives 19(2):26-30
-Stanley Collection of African Art, University of Iowa (abstract) 16(1):22
-Walter Koelz collection 18(4):22-24
-Walter Rosenblum Collection, Photo Archives, National Museum of American
(abstract) 16(1):22
-Vincenzo Vittorio (1658-1712) 23(4):46-52
Collections of Information Antipiracy Act See CIAA
Collections Outside Art History Departments See also Collections as
Fine Art and Historical Documentation 10(2):13-14
-a leaner, meaner image collection 22(2):28-29
-applying art collection conventions to a natural science collection
-Colonial Williamsburg 16(4):26-27
-costume imagebase, Columbia College Library, Chicago 22(2):40-43
-managing a collection of historical photographs in an academic research
library 22(2):24-28
-Playboy Enterprises Photographic Library 19(1):36-37
-photographic collections at the Center for American History, the University
of Texas
at Austin 22(2):20-23
-NASA's Lyndon Johnson Space Center Film Repository 15(3):16-17
-plant materials image collection project 25(2):44-51
-questionnaire 10(3):10
-rights and reproduction issues 15(2):18-19; 15(4):28-30
-Virginia State Library and Archives 16(2):19
-Winterthur Museum 17(2):23-27
Collections Outside Art History Department column 10(3):10; 10(4):18;
11(1):6; 11(2):10- 11; 11(4);9-10; 12(4):10; 16(2):19; 16(3):12-14;
16(4):26-27; 17(2):23-27
College Art Association of America See CAA
Collins, Donna Lacy
-A Slide Library Database Using an Apple Macintosh Plus Computer System
15(1):8, (demonstration) 15(1):25-26
Collins, Eleanor
-1994 distinguished service award recipient 21(1):9-11
-collections without curators 6(2):3; 6(3):3
-Guide for Collections without Curators, 1979 12(3):26
Collins, Sheldan
-How to Photograph Art, 1986, review 13(4):5-6
Colonial Williamsburg Slide Library 14(2):13-14
Colonial Williamsburg Visual Resources Collections, profile 16(4):26-27
Color Slide Enterprises
-out of business 16(2):32
Colorbrite 7(4):4
Columbia University, Avery Library
-videodisk project 21(2):24
Comerford, Kevin
-Dallas Museum of Art Collections Information System 21(1):33-34; 21(4):34-36
-Dallas Museum of Art Visual Resources Library 21(4):34-36
Comite Internationale d'Histoire de l'Art See CIHA
Commission on Preservation and Access
-meeting with VRA 18(2):38
-publications 18(2):39; 18(3):29
Compact Optical Discs See CD-ROM
Computer Interchange of Museum Information (Committee on) See CIMI
Computer News column 10(2):11; 10(3):8; 10(4):14; 11(1):5; 11(2):7-8;
11(3):7-8; 11(4):16-17, 66-69; 12(1):16-17; 12(2):10-11; 12(3):10-11;
12(4):6-7; 13(1):23-25; 13(3):8-11; 13(4):6-8; 14(1):21-25; 14(2):5-7;
14(4):7-8; 15(1):28-31; 15(3):10-13; 15(4):20-21; 16(2):11-13; 16(4):21-23;
17(1):29-31; 17(2):8, 10; 17(3):14-16; 18(1):16-17; 19(1):21-23; 20(3):41-42;
20(4):49; 21(1):33
Computers and the History of Art See CHArt
Computers See also Automation; CHArt; Computer News Column; Databases;
Hardware; Software
-advances in technology 14(2):8-9
-and artificial intelligence 14(1):15
-and visual images 13(1):3
-and VR collections 16(4):16; 11(1):S11-15
-and VR environment 11(1):S16-18
-applications 5(1):1; 6(4):2; 7(1):8; 7(3):4; 8(1):4-5; 8(4):2; 9(1):6,18;
9(2):19; 9(4):3, 16; 9(S):1; 10(1):S3; 10(2):17; 10(4):S18 S21; 12(1):S11-12;
13(2):6-9; 14(1):2-3, 21-25; 14(3):11-13; 14(4):7; 15(1):8, 25-26; 15(4):11-12;
16(1):28; 16(2):8,14-15; 16(4):18-21; 17(1):19, 29-31; 17(2):10-11;
17(3):14, 16-17; 19(3):19; 20(2):26-28; 21(1):27-29, 33-34, 53; 21(2):8-10,
13-18, 22-24; 21(3):21-33, 58; 21(4):11,12,15-24, 51; 22(2):36-39, 60-66,
82-84; 23(2)57-60; 23(4):62-65
-applications proposed 9(1):7
-automatic processing of art history data 10(4):9
-backup systems 23(4):15-16
-classification, computer, consistency10(1):S10
-Clearinghouse on Art Documentation 20(4):34-37
-computer literacy for librarians 20(4):49-50
-computers and digital images 13(1):3
-development in micrographics 10(1):S9
-directory of computer users 11(1):5; 11(4):19
-electronic slide table revisited 14(4):8; 16(2):13-14
-equipment and supplies for micros 11(4):20
-for data processing photographs 10(4):S18
-Guide to Computer Programs for Visual Resources Collections 8(4):4
-history and components of 11(1):S16-17
-in the visual arts 10(1):S1
-museum applications 23(4):62-65
-networking with 12(1):16-17
-news and events 10(2):11
-portrait-making computer 14(2):8-9
-seminar notes 10(2):12
-survey of technology usage 17(1):20; (abstract) 16(4):19-20
-touch screen system 2(2):36-39
-use of hard disks 11(1):S2-3
-user survey 21(3):59
-using for photographic archives 21(2):8-12
-visual artist's perspective 21(2):26-28
-Witt Library 10(4):S18
-wonderful world of 21(1):39
-workshop 12(3):8-10
Concordia University Faculty of Fine Arts Slide Library, profile 18(4):24-25
Conference on Fair Use See CONFU
CONFU [Conference on Fair Use] See also NII
-and MESL 25(1):27-28
-Guidelines for Digital Images 23(4):6; 24(1):53-59
-report 20(3):5-6; 21(3):45; 22(4):13; 23(2):70-72; 24(2):21-23; 25(2):22-25
-review and proposed guidelines 24(1):21-25
-statements 20(3):5-6; 21(3):5-6
-town meeting September 1997 24(4):6-7
-update 23(4):17-18
-VRA position statement on digital image guidelines 23(4):6
-VRA votes not to endorse digital image guidelines 24(1):16
Congres International d'Histoire de l'Art See CIHA
Connecticut College Center for Arts and Technology Symposium 19(2):10
Connecticut College Slide Library, profile 14(2):14-16
Conservation and Preservation, See also Conservation Column
-Allerton Institute conference on preserving non-book materials report
(1988) 15(4):22-23
-archival slide mount, proposed 14(2):7-8; 15(1):31
-archival storage of paper 20(2):53
-autochrome plates 9(4):10
-binding guidelines 10(4):13
-causes of damage to film 10(1):12
-chemical streaking on film: how to avoid it 9(1):20
-cleaning slide mounts 13(2):14-16
-climate control 6(4):17
-cold storage for color slides 7(3):11
-color film preservation 9(S):6
-color slide preservation at the Smithsonian 17(1):16
-Commission on Preservation and Access 18(2):38; 18(3):29
-conservation 6(3):4, 9(3):8
-Conservation in the Library, 1983 11(1):7
-does humidity fade Agfachrome film? 8(4):17
-emergency preparedness 14(1):20
-environment control 10(1):12
-film cleaners, glass polishes 8(1):12
-film preservation 3(1):2; 7(2):1,9; 7(3):11; 7(4):2,14
-fungus growth on slides 3(1):3, 7(4):4
-fungus in glass-mounted slides: recent findings 9(S):7; a follow-up
report 11(3):8-9
-fungus, study of 9(2):11
-glass negative storage 8(2):16
-glue stick warning 10(2):13
-heat and humidity, the villains 8(2):6
-history of photographic conservation 12(1):15 (JR)
-humidity measurement and control 9(2):9
-humidity problems steps toward resolving 8(4):11
-humidity problems still unresolved 8(3):3
-hypo residues 12(1):17; 12(2):11-12
-issues beyond the book 17(1):12
-issues of 17(4):21-22
-label adhesives 19(4):22
-light, heat, humidity, and their effects on film 10(1):12
-materials in non-book formats 15(4):22-23
-moisture control through slide mounting 8(3):8; 8(4):8
-of magnetic media 17(1):15
-of silver gelatin microfilm 17(1):15-16
-paper, fiber-based 13(2):13-14
-photographic conservation 9(1):21; 9(2):15; 9(3):14; 9(4):10; 12(2):7
-photo conservation bibliography 9(2):9; 11(3):9-12
-photograph albums and 14(4):12-13
-photograph mounting supplies, archival 13(3):7-8
-photographic 12(2):7
-photographic collections disaster preparedness 9(4):9
-photographic negatives, handling 10(4):54
-photography as aid in restoration 9(1):5
-pink slides solutions explored 3(4):8-9
-practices: the idea/the reality 24(2):107
-preservation 8(1):14; 8(2):12; 20(3):42-43
-preservation of photographs 7(3):12
-Preserving Library Materials, a manual review 7(3):9
-progress toward an archival slide mount 15(1):31
-projector heat damage 7(1):14; 7(2):9
-publications available 18(2):39
-queries from readers 10(2):7
-questions and answers 10(1):12
-RC photographic paper 13(3):11-12
-realities and politics 8(2):4
-recommended toners 12(2):12
-relative humidity: measure and control 9(2):9
-resin coated paper 13(3):11-12
-seasonal check-ups for slide room equipment 10(2):6
-slide labels 18(2):34-38
-slide mounts, keep clean 13(2):14-16
-slides: when to conserve 12(3):11-12
-special housekeeping needs in VR collections 17(3):17-18
-special interest luncheon on 16(1):20-21
-stability and preservation of photographic images report 9(4):9
-Stability of Photographic Images Symposium report (1986) 14(1):26-27
-stability of Polaroid Autoprocesses 35 film 11(4):22
-storage conditions 6(3):14
-suppliers of materials 12(2):7
-transparencies in paper mounts 11(4):20-22
-VRA Special Bulletin 24(1):33
-VRA/ARLIS session report 17(1):12
-When to Conserve: A Guide to Slides Deserving Special Care 12(3):11-12
-wrinkle: a slide problem 7(1):14; 7(2):9; 7(3):10
-workshop, Rutgers 23(1):26
Conservation column 9(3):8; 10(1):12; 11(2):6-7; 11(3):8-9; 11(4):20-23;
12(1):17; 12(2):11-12; 12(3):11-14; 13(2):14-16; 13(3):11-12; 14(1):26;
14(2):7-8; 14(3):13-14; 15(1):31-32; 15(4):22-23; 17(3):17-19; 17(4):21;
18(1):17-19; 18(2):34-39; 18(3):29
Conservation in the Library, Susan Swartzburg, 1983, review 11(1):7
Conservation of Photographs (Kodak Publication F-40) 13(2):16
Conservation Practices for Slide and Photograph Collections
-VRA special bulletin 24(1):33
Conservators, Photographic Records
-education of 9(4):9
Consultant Services
-funding 11(2):15
Contemporary Art
-1970s, slide sets on 13(1):29
-Asian art 20(1):21-22
-ceramics, glass, and printmaking slides 12(4):11-13
-ceramics visual resources 15(4):32-33
-contemporary design 13(3):2-3
-drawing, videotapes on 14(3):19-20
-Fogg system applied to 14(2):12-13
-modern and contemporary art 14(1):30-32; 20(1):21; 20(4):30-34
-multimedia art slides 11(1):S3-6
-Native North American slides 20(1):20-21
-New York gallery exhibitions 11(1):S8
-organizing slides 20(4):30
-positively post 20(4):30-34
-postmodern art 16(4):30-33; 20(4):30-34
-proposed column on 12(2):6-7
-resources in contemporary art column 12(4):11-13; 13(1):29; 13(2):24-25;
13(3):15-16; 14(1):37; 14(3):19-20; 15(4):32-33; 1(4):30-35
-selected bibliography 16(4):32-33
-slide classification 11(1):S3-6; 14(1):30-32; 14(2):12-13; 16(4):30-32
-sources for slides 12(4):11-13; 14(1):37; 14(3):19-20; 15(4):32-33
-video art 13(3):15-16
-videotapes on contemporary artists 13(2):24-25
-women photographers, visual resources 14(1):37
Contemporary Art Resources
-slide vendor 15(4):42; 16(3):27
Controlled Vocabulary See Authority Control
Cooper Union Library Visual Resources Collection, profile 20(4):39
Copeland, Carolyn
-Walter Koelz as a Collector 18(4):22-24
Copy Photography
-color copy and museum photography 5(4):4
-color correction 5(2):6; 6(4):11; 11(2):9-10
-costs 8(3):18
-equipment 2(1):4; 6(1):10-11; 9(1):16
-film selection 4(3):9; 5(2):7; 6(1):3; 6(3):4
-guides for 12(3):26; 18(1):9; 19(1):11; 19(2):4; 24(1):35
-preservation 3(1):2
-reproducing green 9(2):8
-techniques 6(2):4
Copyright, See also CONFU
-academic slide collections, key issues 24(2):83
-AHIP pilot project 22(1):52-53
-and electronic imaging 20(1):23
-and fair use summary 13(3):9
-and imaging in Europe and the United States 19(4):20-21 (JR)
-art history, and the new media 20(1):23-24; 20(2):34-40
-Australia audiovisual review, 1982-83 10(4):S18
-Australian 8(4):17
-bibliography 12(2):13; 20(2):40
-CAA committee on 8(1):1
-CAA Intellectual Property Rights Committee 22(1):13
-CAA/VRA 1994 joint session 21(2):25-30
-Canadian 4(2):4
-clarification from Slide Producers' Association 10(2):5
-CNI task force meeting, report 24(4):8-10
-comments by art slide photographers and slide producers 19(4):30-31
-computer programs 21(2):26-28
-CONFU meeting report 25(2):22-25
-CONFU update 23(4):17-18
-copy photography and (summary) 14(1):11-12
-copyright statement, Brown University 10(4):10
-data pirates beware 25(1):53-57
-developments in electronic image databases 21(4):15-24
-Digital Debate for Visual Resources Collections 24(4):33-37
-Digital Future Coalition report 25(4):6-7
-digital images and fair use websites 24(4):40-43
-digital images and the Internet 24(2):84-85
-digital permissions 23(2):73-76
-effect on photocopying for slides 5(1):4
-effect on slide duplication 5(1):6
-electronic imaging issues 20(1):23
-fair use and licensing agreements 23(2):73-76
-fair use Conference report 21(3):4-5; 22(4):13; 23(2):70-72
-fair use Conference statements 20(3):5-6; 21(3):5-6
-fair use in the age of licensing 24(3):8-10
-fair use issues for academic slide collections, 24(2):77; a curators
view 24(2):78-80
-'fair use' on the verge of extinction? 23(2):70-1
-image ethics bibliography 25(3):59-64
-implications of new technology 22(2):54-57
-information piracy act 25(1):55-57
-Intellectual Property and National Information Infrastructure Statements
-Intellectual Property, Copyright Law and Fair Use Doctrine 24(2):8-9
-intellectual property rights 22(1):52-53; 24(3):28, 24(4):17-19
-issues for academic slide collections: fair use in the digital environment
-law 5(1):4; 6(1):1
-law in the digital world: fair use, education and libraries after CONFU
-legal aspects and VR management 16(4):21
-library of University of California images and current trends in copyright
law 25(2):51-56
-licensing original photography 21(2):28-30
-literature on 12(3):26
-make my day, use my image 22(2):54-57
-ownership and fair use in an age of licensing 24(3):8-10
-photocopying copyrighted art works 5(2):7
-photographers' and slide producers' comments 19(4):30-31
-proposal for educational fair use guidelines for digital images, 1996
-public hearings statement 21(3):6-7
-regulations, teaching effectiveness 14(1):17
-report on final CONFU Meeting 24(2):21-23
-report on intellectual property, copyright law and fair use doctrine
symposium 24(2):8-10
-review on CONFU and proposed guidelines 24(1):21-25
-rights and reproductions, part II 15(4):28-30
-rights and reproductions issues in museums 15(2):18-19; 15(4):28-30
-slide duplication consideration 9(1):26
-Slide Producers Association opinion survey 10(2):4; 10(4):10
-slide reproduction rights 10(1):9; 10(4):10
-slides copyrighted 5(1):6
-special interest luncheon, report on 19(1):13-14
-symposium on intellectual property and fair use 24(2):8-9
-teaching effectiveness and 14(1):17; (abstract) 14(4):16-20 (JR)
-town meeting September 1997 24(4):6-7
-use my image 22(2):54-60
-videodisk issues 17(1):12-13
-videotaping and 11(1):S6-8
-VRA/CAA session report 17(1):12-13
-white paper implications 23(2):79-82
Corcoran Gallery of Art
-slides 22(3):19, 22
Core Categories for Visual Resources
-an update 24(4):14-19
-applying to illuminated manuscripts 24(2):89-90
-authority control and the VISION project 25(4):52-54
-beyond creator, title, and media: the VRA Core at Western Michigan
University 25(4):68-70
-collaborative access: the Harvard experience 25(4):71-76
-core categories and cultural diversity 25(4):45-48
-core categories in the wider data context 25(4):41-44
-core record for visual resources collections 24(2):113-115
-creating the VRA Core: the critical issues 25(4):34-40
-draft 23(3):57-63
-Dublin Core 23(4):10; 24(2):8, 10-11
-guidelines and full descriptions 25(4):55-57
-iconography and the VISION project 25(4):55-57
-images of architecture, the VRA Core 2.0, and the VISION project 25(4):58-61
-implementing a national database (roundtable) 25(4):13-15
-indexing practices, subject access, and controlled vocabularies 25(3):35-40
-introduction 25(4):32
-IRIS: a cooperative project in New England 25(4):77-79
-LUCIVISION 25(4):80-84
-MARC, the VRA Core Categories and Illuminated Manuscripts 24(2):91-96
-metadata needs of non-art images 25(4):62-64
-preface 25(4):30-31
-progress report 24(3):25-27-
-provisional list 23(2):61-63
-sharing and searching the VISION: a faculty perspective on the VRA
Core Categories 25(4):65-67
-the macro view of the VISION project: project goals and prospects for
the future 25(4):49-51
-Version 2.0 25(4):92-104
-VISION evaluation survey: summary of results 25(4):85-91
-work description categories 25(4):29
Cornell University
-digitizing project 21(4):25
-George W. Knight Slide Library, profile 21(3):35-36
-slide collection, profile 11(2):11
Corning Museum of Glass, Audiovisual Collection, Rokow Library, profile
Cornish, Graham
-Resource Sharing and Interlending of Visual Materials: The United Kingdom
Experience 14(4):16-20
Couprie, L.D.
-Two Projects Using ICONCLASS with Illustrated Books (abstract) 14(1):16
Courtauld Institute of Art, London
-university slide scheme 15(3):32; 16(2):35
-Witt Library, profile 7(2):5
Cowen, Chester
-Report of the Research Committee on Special Classification Systems
for Visual
Materials of the Third World Peoples: part I 3(4):6
Cowick, Nan
-University of Houston Art Slide Library 21(4):44
Craig, Glenn
-Edinburgh College of Art Library, profile 18(4):26-27
Creative Concepts of California
-slide vendor 18(1):43; 18(4):33; 20(2):48; 20(4):54; 22(1):47; 24(3):29
CrisMark Slides
-slide vendor 23(3):28, 23(4):19; 24(1):26; 25(3):41
Cromwell-Kessler, Willy
-The VRA Core Categories in the Wider Data Context 25(4):41-44
Crucifixion and Resurrection
-video review 22(3):38-39
Crystal Productions
-slide vendor 23(3):29
Culbertson, Martine
-Use of Hard Disks in Computerized Slide Collections 11(1):S2-3
Culver, Joanne
-Computers and the VR Environment 11(1):S16-18
CUNY [City University of New York]
-Graduate Center Slide Library, profile 21(3):37-38
Cyrwus, Janet
-Northwestern University Art History Department Slide Collection, profile