-Comparison of electronic typewriters 10(3):8
-Computer News Column 10(4):14; 11(1):5; 11(2):7-8; 11(3):7-8; 11(4):16-17
-Good Computer News and Events 10(2):11
-Proposed Computerization of the Institute of Fine Arts Slide and Photo
Collection 9(1):7
-Use of TRS-80 Microcomputer in Slide Collection 10(1):S6
Baca, Murtha
-Shades of Gütenberg: The Impact of the World Wide Web on the Publication
Dissemination of Vocabularies and Research Tools 25(2):76-78
Ballantyne, Margo
-Cataloging for Unusual or Satellite Slide Collections (1995 roundtable)
-Conservation Practices: The Ideal/The Reality: Some Consequences/Some
abstract 24(2):107; summary 24(2):107
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award Recipient 1995 22(1):10-12
-Northwest regional meeting 20(3):15
-Pacific Rim chapter meeting 24(3):7
Banerji, Naseem A.
-A Revised System for Cataloging Indian Painting 17(4):24-28
Banta, Melissa
-From Site to Sight: Photography in the Service of Anthropology 12(3):21
-annotated bibliography 18(3):30
-applications 16(2):13-14; 18(2):12, 28-30, 32
-bibliography 18(3):29-30
-costs 18(2):30
-equipment and products list 18(2):32-33
-literature on 18(2):32
-primer 16(2):13-14
-special interest luncheon report 19(1):12-13
-survey 18(2):28-30, 32
-users 18(2):32
Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham, England
-slides 19(3):42
Bardhan, Gail
-Audiovisual Collection, Rakow Library Corning Museum of Glass, profile
Bareiss Collections, Toledo Museum of Art (abstract) 16(1):23-24
Barnes Foundation
-A Passion for Art CD-ROM review 23(1):45-46
Barry Capper
-slide vendor 15(3):28; 17(1):45-46; 20(3):47
Basel Kunstmuseum
-slides 19(1):42
Basic Training for Art Slide Curators See Workshops and Training Programs
Bates, Vicki
-The Architecture Audio Visual Library, University of Sydney, profile
Batke, Peter
-computer literacy for librarians 20(4):49-50
Battey, Megan
-CIHA program report 1989 16(4):13-14
-Microcomputer Applications Workshop Report 1987 14(3):10-11
Baugh, Susan
-Life in a Michael Graves Designed Slide Library (abstract) 17(4):15-16
Baylor University Slide Library, profile 21(4):34
Bearman, David
-AMICO: Collective Licensing of Art Galleries Digital Galleries (abstract)
(jt. auth) 24(2):6-7
Beals, Jessie Tarbox, photographer 23(4):53-61
Bearor, Karen A.
-Proposed Third Line Classification for Altarpieces, Modified Fogg System
Beetham, Donald W.
-Advances in Computer Technology 14(2):8-9
-Artsearch: Videodisc and Retrieval System 13(3):12-13
-Flexible Formatting: The Rutgers Automation Project 12(1):S7-11
-Image Buyers' Guide 24(4):5; 25(1):3; 25(2):6; 25(3):6
-Islamic Architecture Videodisc Plus: Images System 14(1):27-28
-Products and Technology column 13(2):16-17, 13(3):12-13, 14(1):27-28,
14(3):14, 14(4):9, 15(2):14-16, 15(3):14-15
-Projectors' Effects on Slides 15(3):14-15
-Random Access Slide Projectors: A Tale of Two Classrooms 15(2):14-16
-slide market news column 24(2):25-26; 24(3):29-30; 24(4):20-21; 25(1):38-39;
25(2):25-27; 25(3):41-42; 25(4):20-23
-Video Disks and Visual Resources Collections (I) 12(3):14; (II) 12(4):7-8
-Video Projection 14(4):9
-Video Projections/Disks for Data Storage 13(2):16-17
Beginning Visual Resource Managers See Collection Administration
Bell, Leslie
-Canadian VR curators conference report 21(3):16-18
Bell, Scott
-Creative Collaboration between the Private Sector and Higher Education
in California 21(4):12-13
Best Contemporary Architecture: Around Barcelona CD-ROM review 25(2):29
Bettman Archives
-digitizing project 21(4):14
-Museums and Copyright: Beyond Squabbling (abstract) 21(2):25-26
Biblical Archaeology Society
-slide vendor 16(3):27
Bibliotheque Nationale,
-slides 18(4):33
Bicoastal Productions
-slide vendor 21(1):47
Bien, Linda
-Concordia University Faculty of Fine Art Slide Library, Montreal, Canada,
profile 18(4):24-25
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award Recipient 1994 21(1):9
-Who Goes There: Social Science Concepts for Art Educators (abstract)
Bild und Tonarchiv am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, profile 10(4):19
Billman, Bonita
-The Evolution of a Multimedia Classroom at Georgetown University (abstract)
-Iconography in the Isabella Database (abstract) 21(1):29
-ISABELLA: Georgetown University computer program 20(1):32-33
Bilyeu, Elizabeth Anne
-Digital Arts and Science Travel Award Recipient 1997 24(1):13
-Secluded in the Slide Library: How to Deal with Isolation 24(2):51-52
Binding Materials See Mounts/Binding Materials
Bissell, Tina
-Automation: Where Are We Today? (summary) 17(1):12
-Museum Exhibitions column 15(3):23-26; 15(4):37-39; 16(1):44-46; 16(2):23-26;
16(3):19-23; 16(4):34-36; 17(1):40-44; 17(2):29-31; 17(3):28-30; 17(4):46-49;
18(1):38-41; 18(2):39-42; 18(3):30-33; 18(4):30-33; 19(1):40-42; 19(2):34-36;
19(3):40-42; 19(4):23-25; 20(1):47-49; 20(2):44-47; 20(3):44-46; 20(4):51-53;
21(1):44-46; 21(2):38-41; 21(3):48-51; 21(4):52-55; 22(1):46-47; 22(3):39-43;
22(4):59-61; 23(1):47-51
-A Proposed Classification Scheme for Glassware 18(1):22-23
-Pursuit of Standardization: The Role of Technology in Visual Resources
Collections (abstract) 16(4):16
-Visual Resources Professionals as Art Historian: The Domain Specialist,
abstract 24(2):67
-VRA/ARLIS Session: Conservation and Preservation Issues Beyond the
Book (summary) 17(1):12
Blackwood, Christa
-Guide to Copy Photography for Visual Resources Professionals (jt. auth),
special bulletin
24(1):35; 25(1):8,47
Blauel Kunst-Dias
-slide vendor 19(4):28
Blazina, Vesna (jt. auth.)
-Mapping to MARC at the Bibliotheque de L'Amenagement Universite de
Block, Jonathan
-Micro-Computer Applications for Scholars in the Arts 10(1):S3
Blouin, Joy, See also Alexander, Joy
-CIHA/VRA satellite meeting report (jt. auth.) 1996 23(4):33-34
-Notes from the Editor 18(1):2; 18(4):4; 19(2):2; 21(2):8
-Notes from retiring VRA Bulletin editor 23(1):18
-Private Art Collections column 18(2):24
-The Sellar Collection 18(2):24-26
-VRA Bulletin report 20(1):8
Bodleian Library, Oxford
-manuscript subject access 5(1):1
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
-slide vendor 16(3):27
Botting, Wendy
-Strategies for New Visual Resources Curators (summary) 25(2):107-109
-Subject Indexing and the Visual Resources Collection (abstract) 25(2):115
-Upstate New York Chapter elections 25(4):5
Bower, James
-CIHA 1992 program announcement 18(4):7-8; program schedule 19(1):18-19;19(2):4,6
-Sharing the Wealth: Software for MARC-Based Cataloging of Visual Materials
-The Getty ULAN (abstract) 16(4):17-18
Bower, Thomas W.
-Make My Day, Use My Image 22(2):54-57
Bradburne, James
-The Merchants of Light: Supporting Cultural Memory with Virtual Reconstructions
Brasher, Jennifer
-Kodak Travel Award Recipient 1997 24(1):13-14
Breitenstein, Mikel
-VR collection fundamentals workshop report 21(3):19-20
Brennan, Margaret A.
-Automation at the Taylor Audio-Visual Centre, Art Gallery of Ontario
(progress report) 15(3):10
-Edward P. Taylor Audio-Visual Centre, Art Gallery of Ontario 18(4):25-26
-special interest luncheon report (Canadian Curators) 17(1):13; (Museum
Collections) 17(1):14
-VRA business meeting minutes 1988 15(1):2-3; 1989 16(1):3-5; 1990 17(1):5-8
British Artists Authority List, Yale Center for British Art, 1987 14(3):2;
15(1):2; 16(1):10
-VRA special bulletin, Mary Lampe 24(1):33; 25(1):47
British Department of the Environment
-slides 16(2):32
British Museum
-Conference on Electronic Imaging and Computer Graphics 21(1):25
Brooklyn Museum Libraries/Archives Photographic Visual Resources, profile
Broom, William
-business meeting minutes 1998 25(1):8-12
-Computerized Art Image Study Resource at Duke University (abstract)
-Duke University's Art-Image Database and Viewing Resource (abstract)
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award Recipient 1994 21(1):9
-Who Has the Perfect Mona Lisa? Do You Really Need to Digitize Your
Collection? summary
-Who Has the Perfect Mona Lisa, Part Deux: Cataloging and Access in
Collections, summary 24(2):108-109
Brumfield, William
-Landmarks of Russian Architecture: A Photographic Survey, review 25(1):43-44
Brown University Slide and Photograph Collection, profile 6(4):12-13
Brown, Lynne
-Video, The Vanguard Visual Resource (abstract) 15(1):24; 15(2):11-14
Brown-Jones, Scottie
-Creative Applications of a Database Manager (jt. auth.) (abstract)
-Documentation Procedures in the Art Slide and Photograph Collection,
Arizona State
University (abstract) 15(1):10; 15(1):21-23
Bruckmann, Denis
-Bibliotheque Nationale database project (summary) 13(3):9
Bryan, Nancy
-Report on the First Eastern European Conference on Museum and Cultural
Documentation 19(3):16,18-19
Buck, Sarah Travis
-Northern California Chapter meeting report 25(2):7-8
Buckheit, Betsey
-Between Two Vocabularies: Image Indexer as Middleman (abstract) 21(2):18
-cataloging concerns in automated slide systems 20(1):14-15
Buckwalter, Kristin
-RILA Art Literature International database (summary) 14(1):2
Budek, See also
Media for the Arts
-slide vendor 15(1):39; 17(1):45
Bunting, Christine
-Reference Tools for VR Collections, 1984 review 12(3):23
-University of California, Santa Cruz Slide Collection, profile 14(4):13-15
Burns, Maureen
-Hermaphrodite as a Paradigm for the Visual Resources Specialist: The
Best of Both
Worlds -Professional and Academic 24(2):73-76
-LUCIVISION (jt. auth) 25(4):80-84
-Noble Goals/Harsh Reality: Library of University of California Images
and Current
Trends in Copyright Law 25(2):51-56
-Southern California Regional Chapter inaugural meeting report, 1994
(jt. auth)
-Special interest luncheon report (Professionalism) 17(1):14-15; (Barcoding
Collections Development) 19(1):12-13
Bustamante, Angela
-Grant Writing, a Hurricane, and New Slide Library (abstract) 21(1):30-31
-Re-purposing a Videodisk (abstract) 17(4):19
-Robert Huff at the National Academy of Science in Washington, D.C.
September 21-
December 15, 1995 22(4):15-17
-Update on MDCC-Visual Arts Learning Resource Center (abstract) 21(4):10-11
Butler-Ludwig, John
-Collecting Data: Reflections on Some Conceptual Concerns 25(1):35-38
-database news column 24(1):25
-Luraine Tansey Travel Award Recipient 1997 24(1):12-14
-Managing Today's Visual Resources Collection: Challenges for the New