Publication Index A

A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat, 1884
-video review 21(4):48

AACR2 [Anglo American Cataloging Rules]
-cataloging of art reproductions report 20(4):19-27
-Manual for Graphic Materials 8(2):9

AAM [American Association of Museums] (Cleveland, 1979)
-report 6(3):2

AAT [Art and Architecture Thesaurus]
-access to material artifacts 22(4):48-57
-and the MARC format 17(1):38-40 (JR)
-and visual collections 11(1):S9; 16(2):9-10; 17(1):38-40 (JR)
-applications 19(1):38-39 (JR); 19(2):13-15
-as an international resource (abstract) 16(4):18
-Authority Reference Tool/ART (electronic format) 19(1):21-22
-Directory of AAT Users, special bulletin 24(1):34; 25(1):46
-guide to indexing and cataloging 21(4):28-32
-issues of access in artifact collections 22(4):48-57
-overview of 15(2):20 (JR)
-project 7(4):4; 8(1):1,8; 9(2):3; 10(1):3
-relocation of 13(4):18-19
-retrieval issues 18(3):25-26 (JR)
-update 14(1):48
-using to gossip about pictures 23(2):20-22
-VRA endorsement 21(1):13

Abell, Mary
-Slide Library Visual Arts Department, Dowling College 21(3):38
Abid, Ann (et. al.)

-Planning for Automation of the Slide and Photograph Collections at the Cleveland
Museum of Art: A Draft MARC/Visual Materials Record 19(2):17-21

Academic Challenge
-slide vendor 16(4):39

Ackerman, Lisa
-Applying to the Kress Foundation (abstract) 18(1):11

ACRL [Association of College and Research Libraries]
-Art Section, 1988 program announcement 15(1):17

Acronyms 21(1):32

ADEC Art Price Annual & Falk's Art Price Index
-website review 25(4):26

ADGAP [Association pour la Diffusion des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques] 5(2):10; 5(3):7

Administration of VR Collections See Collection Administration

African Art, Women, History: The Luba People of Central Africa
-video review 25(4):25

Against the Odds: The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance
-video review 22(3):37

AHIP [Art History Information Program]
-art theft report 22(3):49-50
-CD documenting the history of art collecting 22(1):53-54
-cultural heritage crucial to information superhighway 21(4):59-61
-database on folk art 22(1):54
-databases available on WWW 22(1):54-55
-developing documentation standards for describing works of art 21(1):29
-digital imaging standards initiative 21(3):56-57
-electronic imaging alternative 21(1):19
-pilot project to explore intellectual property rights 22(1):52-53
-Union List of Artist Names 22(4):37-44

AITF [Art Information Task Force]
-announcement of formation 16(3):24-25
-developing documentation standards for describing works of art 21(1):29
-formulates framework of art information categories 18(4):20
-holds inaugural meeting 18(1):19-20
-projects and objectives 17(4):33
-receives NEH grant 18(4):35
-VR subcommittee 19(3):11-12; 19(4):9-10

Albers, Josef
-Interaction of Color CD-ROM review 22(3):37

Albrecht, Kathe
-Age of (digital) Enlightenment: Enhancing the Student Access to Visual Culture 24(2):48
-Approaching the New Century: Visual Resources, Electronic Media and the Changing

Art History Classroom, abstract 24(2):36; introduction 24(4):37
-CNI task force report 24(2):6-8
-Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (NINCH Report) 24(3):28; 24(4):17-19
-DC-MD-VA ARLIS-VRA Chapter program report 22(3):9-11
-Digital Future Coalition report 25(4):6-7
-Digital Imaging on Campus: An Early Look at the Museum Educational Site
Licensing Project (abstract) 22(4):12
-Internet Grant Resources Information 23(3):52
-Museum Images in the Classroom: Applications and Insights (abstract) 25(2):70
-Networked Museum Images on Campus: Applications and Impact of the Museum
Education Site License Project, abstract 24(4):13; 25(1):49-52
-On Obtaining Grants: Successes and Suggestions 23(3):50-51
-Report on Final CONFU Meeting (jt. auth) 25(2):22-25
-SECAC 1999 call for visual resources sessions 25(4):15

Alexander, Joy See also Blouin, Joy
-Copyright and Fair Use (summary) 13(3):9
-Copyright Regulations vis-à-vis Teaching Effectiveness (abstract) 14(1):17
-Italian Sources workshop announcement 1989 15(2):14; 15(3):9; schedule 15(4):17-18
-new editor appointed 10(2):4
-notes from the editor 10(3):7; 11(2):4; 11(4):6; 12(1):6; 12(2):5; 13(1):8; 15(3):4
-review of Conservation in the Library 11(1):7

Alfred University Slide collection, profile 23(3):23

Allen Memorial Art Museum
-slides 20(2):47

Allen, Rachel M.
-In "Terms" of MESL: Striking a Balance for the Use of Museum Images (abstract) 25(2):69
-MARC Standing Committee report 17(1):22-23
-Rights and Reproductions: Issues, Not Answers, Part 1 15(2):18-19
-The Walter Rosenblum Collection, Photograph Archives, National Museum of

American Art (abstract) 16(1):22
-VRA MARC Format Committee: Year in Review 17(4):32-33

Alley, Elizabeth D.
-Architecture Classification: An Overview 10(1):S10
-Architecture Schools 6(2):8; 6(3):6
-Architecture slide collections 20(1):12-14
-University of Maryland at College Park School of Architecture, profile 17(4):38-40

American Academy of Rome Photographic Archive of Ancient Roman Topography and Architecture 7(1):1,7

American Association of Museums See AAM

American Committee for South Asian Art
-slide vendor 21(1):47

American Council for Southern Asian Art (ACSAA) color slide project
-slide vendor 25(4):20

American Council of Learned Societies
-cultural heritage crucial to information superhighway 21(4):59-61
American Craft Council
-slide vendor 15(1):39; 15(4):42; 17(1):45

American Craft Museum
-Catalogue Slide and Video Service, profile 20(4):38-39
-slide vendor 18(2):43; 18(4):33; 19(3):42; 20(3):47; 23(4):18

American Indian Artists
-bibliography 5(4):7

American Library Color Slide Co., Inc.
-slide vendor 18(2):43; 20(3):47; 21(2):42; 23(3):28; 24(2):25; 24(3):29; 24(4):20; 25(1):38; 25(3):41

American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America, Robert Hughes
-review 24(2):28

AMICO [Art Museum Image Consortium]
-Collective Licensing of Art Galleries' Digital Content 24(2):6-7
-educational access to museum multimedia documentation (abstract) 25(2):118
-report on launch meeting 24(2):11-13

An Introduction to Iconography, Roelof Van Straten, review 21(3):13

Ana Mendieta: Fuego de Tierra
-video review 24(2):27

Andersen, Josephine
-South African National Gallery Library 18(3):24

Anderson, Anita
-Illinois Institute of Technology, The Daniel Brenner Memorial Slide Collection, profile

Anderson, Barbara
-Copyright Law in the Digital World: Fair Use, Education, and Libraries after CONFU

Anderson, Gail Kana
-Mid-Atlantic College Art Association Consulting Service 9(2):4
-VRA Professional Survey 1984 11(4):7-8

Angeles, Michael
-Analysis and Description of an International Visual Resources Index: A Proposal for
Building an Image Indexing Database 24(3):37-59
-Informational Organization and Information Use of Visual Resources Collections
-Nancy DeLaurier writing award recipient 24(3):7

Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd ed See AACR2

Annotated Bibliography of Slide Library Literature, Stanley Hess, 1978 5(4):1; 6(1):11; 12(3):26

ANSI Standard (Z39.7) for Library Statistics 10(1):S7

Antrim, Elizabeth
-Digital Stone Soup: Developing a Digital Image Bank for American Architecture Workshop (abstract) 25(2):116
-A Virtual Swap Meet in New York, abstract 24(2):109; summary 24(2):109-113
-Working Together to Create an Image Database on the Internet or You Can Teach an
Old Slide Curator New Tricks 22(2):33-36
Applegate, Rachel (jt. auth)
-Selectiveness and Replacement of Sandak Slides Through Simple Coding 11(2):10
Arbury, A. Steve
-Slide Computerization with Filemaker II and the Apple Macintosh SE (abstract) 16(4):20-21; 17(1):29-31

Architect of the Capitol, Washington DC, profile 17(4):40

Architectural Photography 5(4):4; 7(4):5; 8(2):8; 9(1):6; 12(1):18
-of models 12(1):8

Architecture Libraries and VR Collections
-accreditation standards 19(4):30
-Architect of the Capitol, profile 17(4):40
-ARLIS/NA Architectural Drawing Cataloging Discussion Group 17(2):5
-automation of 19(1):38-39 (JR)
-business meeting 8(1):1
-cataloging architectural slides 18(4):14; 20(3):24-28; 20(4):27-30
-cataloging with the Architectural Subject Authority (abstract) 16(4):17
-column query 20(2):22
-conference report 8(1):3
-COPAR Newsletter reprint 17(3):32-33
-evaluating an architectural slide collection 16(3):12-14
-recent and forthcoming slides of architecture (abstract) 18(1):9
-reference materials 20(1):33
-roundtable 20(1):12-14
-special concerns (summary) 11(4):14-16; 15(1):11-12
-special interest luncheon report on 16(1):19; 19(1):11
-subject authority 16(4):17

Archival Photographs
-filing system 8(1):17

Archives of American Art (Detroit)
-collection policy 5(4):3

-slide vendor 19(4):27-28; 20(4):53; 22(3):43; 22(4):61-62; 24(3):29; 24(4):20; 25(1):38; 25(2):25

Archivision Corporate Travel Award 25(1):18, 20

Arizona State University, Tempe Slide and Photographic Collection, profile 6(4):1-2

ARL [Association of Research Libraries]
-Office of Management Services Training and Leadership Development Program 24(3):21-23

ARLIS/NA [Art Libraries Society of North America]
-Book Publication Award 24(2):5
-CAA Joint session, call for papers 1991 17(2):5
-Executive Board Members 1991-1992 18(1):46; 1994-1995 21(1):51
-CAA joint sub-committee on standards for visual resources collections 5(1):5; 5(2):1; 5(3):5; 6(3):5
-CAA/VRA committee on professional status 4(1):3
-Microforms Special Interest Group 9(3):13
-microforms sub-committee 7(4):18; 8(1):1
-Muehsam Award 16(2):31; 19(2):40
-Newsletter, 1973 - , 12(3):26
-publications 12(3):26
-regional meeting, Guadalajara, Mexico 18(3):5-6
-Standards Committee 19(4):29-30
-Standards for VR Professionals 23(1):20-23
-Statement on Slide Quality Standards 5(2):5; 5(3):9; 6(2):5
-VR Special Interest Group 8(1):1; 8(1):3
-VRA joint task force on professional issues 17(1):24; 19(2):30; 22(4):15
-Western Regional Conference (Phoenix, 1978), 5(3):2; 5(4):7

ARLIS/NA Chapters
-Indiana-Illinois chapter meeting 4(4):4; 5(2):3
-New England and the SAH Conference (Cambridge, 1980) 7:(2)3
-New England Chapter 7(1):4; 17(3):13-14
-Northern California chapter meeting 5(2):3
-Ohio Chapter 20(2):19; 21(3):16; 22(1):19; 22(3):11-12
-SE Chapter, 20(2):20-22

ARLIS/NA Conference (Los Angeles, 1977)
-conference report 4(1):11

ARLIS/NA Conference (Toronto, 1979)
-conference report 6(2):2, 9

ARLIS/NA Conference (Philadelphia, 1982)
-VR special interest group report 10(1):S9
ARLIS/NA Conference (Cleveland, 1983)
-program preview 10(4):9

ARLIS/NA Conference (Toronto, 1984)
-CAA joint session preview 10(4):9

ARLIS/NA Conference (Los Angeles, 1985)
-list of sessions 11(3):2-3

ARLIS/NA Conference (New York, 1986)
-program announcement 11(4):2; 12(4):2

ARLIS/NA Conference (Washington DC, 1987)
-Muehsam Award, call for entries 14(2):21
-program announcement 13(2):3

ARLIS/NA Conference (Dallas, 1988)
-joint VRA session 14(4):4-5
-program preview 14(4):3-4

ARLIS/NA Conference (New York, 1990)
-Architectural Drawings Cataloging Discussion Group 17(2):5
-Distinguished Service Award 17(2):32
-program schedule 16(4):10

ARLIS/NA Conference (Kansas City, 1991)
-CAA joint session 17(2):5
-program announcement 17(4):11
-program report 18(3):5

ARLIS/NA Conference (Chicago, 1992)
-joint VRA session 18(3):3

ARLIS/NA Conference (San Francisco, 1993)
-program announcement 19(4):6
-program report 20(2):18

ARLIS/NA Conference (Providence, 1994)
-program announcement 20(4):10-11

ARLIS/NA Conference (Philadelphia, 1998)
-program announcement 24(3):19-20

ARLIS/NA Conference (Vancouver, 1999)
-announcement 25(3):27

-AACR2 revision for cataloging art reproductions 20(4):19-27
- Visual Resources Committee 7(1):4; 7(3):2

Arnadottir, Arndis
-Kodak travel award recipient 1996 23(1):12-14

Ars Nova Medienverlag
-slide vendor 15(3):28; 16(3):27

Art and Architecture Thesaurus See AAT

Art Documentation [JR]
-new photography journals 19(4):19-20
-review of Vol. 8, No. 4. 17(1):38-40

Art Gallery of Ontario
-Edward P. Taylor Audio-Visual Centre 8(3):7; profile 18(4):25-26
Art History
-historians, curators, and collections 25(2):33-43
-use of slide-tape programs 6(4):21

Art History Information Program See AHIP

Art History Interactive Videodisc Project at the University of Iowa 8(3):7

Art in America
-slide vendor 16(1):47; 16(4):39; 17(1):45; 18(1):42; 19(1):42; 23(3):28

Art Information and the Internet, Lois Swan Jones
-review 25(3):49

Art Information Task Force See AITF

Art Institute of Chicago
-profile 6(3):5

Art Libraries Journal
-call for submissions 17(4):52; 18(1):45-46

Art Libraries Society of North America See ARLIS/NA

Art Library Manual, Philip Pacey, 1977 12(3):25

Art Museum Image Consortium See AMICO

Art Now, Inc.
-slide vendor 15(1):39; 17(3):30

Art of Film Online
-internet site review 25(1):41

Art on File
-profile 19(4):18
-slide vendor 16(1):47; 19(2):36; 20(2):47-48; 21(2):42; 21(3):51; 22(3):43; 23(4):18-19; 25(4):21

Art on Film Database 20(2):53

Art Reference Services Quarterly (JR)
-new journal review vol.1 no.1 20(2):43-44

Art Resources
-slide vendor 15(1):39; 15(2):27; 16(3):27; 17(1):45; 18(1):42-43

Art Schools 6(1):8

Art Theft
-Art Theft Archive 5(1):2
-Getty report 22(3):43

Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
-slides 22(3):19,22

Artists, Nationalities of 8(1):14; 8(3):15

-CD-ROM literature review 24(3):33

ArtMARC Sourcebook, Lynda White and Linda McRae
-available 22(1):56; 25(1):4; 25(2):5

Artpark Documentation
-slide vendor 15(3):28

-WWW site for art educators 22(3):48-49

Arzigian, Arleen
-Membership director's report 1997 25(1):14
-business meeting minutes (1996) 23(1):4-9; (1997) 24(1):6-8

Arzola, F. Terry
-Database Management Training of Visual Resource Personnel Using an Instructional
Design Module (abstract) 15(1):9; 15(3):6-9

Asian American Women Artists' Association
-slide vendor 18(2):44

Asian Art Photographic Distribution (AAPD)
-slide vendor 15(4):42; 17(3):30; 18(1):43; 18(2):44; 19(1):42; 21(1):47; 23(4):19; 25(4):21

Asian Slide and Photograph Collections column 10(2):12; 10(3):10; 10(4):17; 11(1):5-6; 11(2):8-9; 11(3):5-6; 11(4):12-13; 12(1):7-8; 12(2):5-6; 12(3):15-16; 12(4):8-9; 13(1):25-26; 13(2):18-19; 13(3):14-15; 13(4):9; 14(1):29-30; 14(2):9-11; 14(3):14-16; 14(4):9-11; 15(1):32-33; 15(2):16-17; 15(3):15-16; 15(4):26-28; 16(1):34-38; 16(2):15-16; 16(3):10-12; 16(4):23-26; 17(2):15,17; 17(3):19,21; 18(2):14-17

Ask the Photographer Column 10(1):13; 10(2):7; 10(3):7; 10(4):12; 11(1):5; 11(2):4-5; 11(3):6; 11(4):13-14; 12(1):15-16; 12(2):9-10; 12(3):10; 12(4):5-6; 13(1):22-23; 13(2):13-14; 13(3):7-8; 13(4):5-6

Association of College and Research Libraries See ACRL

Association of Research Libraries See ARL

Association pour la Diffusion des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques See ADAGP

-slides 16(2):32

Auchstetter, Rosann
-Art Institute of Chicago, profile 6(3):5
-At the University of Michigan 5(4):4-5
-Budget Survey Results 9(3):24

Austin, David
-Images in Time and Space (jt. auth.) 23(4):110-114
-Lady or the Tiger: The Importance of Establishing Warrant for the Names of Fixed
Objects 23(2):51-53
-Sources for Construction of an "Authority" Database for Fixed-Location Object 23(3):31-37

Australian National University
-digitizing project 21(4):24

Australian National University Slide Collection and Iconographic Index, profile

Authority Control See also Subject Access
-and CIDOC's terminology control study (abstract) 16(4):16
-and the AAT (abstract) 11(1):S9; 16(4):18
-artist files 4(3):10
-at the NMAA 14(1):19
-bibliography for fixed-location objects (work in progress) 23(3):31-37
-compiling a case for standards 20(1):35-37
-panel discussion on 14(1):19
-standard descriptive terminology 19(1):25-27
-survey 15(1):23-24
-using a PC 14(3):11-13
-using the Architectural Subject Authority (abstract) 16(4):17
-using the Getty Union List of Artist Names (abstract) 16(4):17-18
-using the Thesaurus of Art Historical Place Names 19(3):26, 28-32
-with multiple-linked files (abstract) 16(4):18-19

Automatic Processing of Art History Data & Documents (Pisa): Preview 10(4):9

Automation See also Computers; Databases; Hardware; Software
-at the Ohio State University Slide Library (abstract) 17(1):19-20
-cataloging and indexing in automated slide databases 20(1):14
-CIHA/VRA meeting summary 13(3):8-11
-circulation of slides 11(2):8
-costs of 14(1):17
-digital technology 16(2):22-23 (JR)
-for museum collections 16(2):14-15
-integrating standardized records 16(4):18-19
-Introduction to Visual Resources Library Automation 12(3):27
-literature on 12(3):27
-of a large slide collection 15(4):9-11
-overview of current conditions 17(1):17-18
-planning for Cleveland Museum of Art 19(2):17-21
-preparation for 11(3):15-17; 11(4):2-3; 17(2):8,10; 18(4):16; 19(2):17-21
-programming for slide labeling 14(2):5-7
-retrieval systems 6(4):2
-revelations and visions (abstract) 17(1):19
-Rutgers project 12(1):S7-11
-shared cataloging 17(3):23-26
-special interest luncheon on 16(1):20
-Taylor A-V Center progress report 15(3):10
-trends 13(1):23
-University of Tennessee, Knoxville 18(4):16
-update on projects 15(3):10-13
-using hard disks 11(1):S2-3
-using mainframes 11(1):S27-28; 12(1):S11-12; 13(2):9-13
-using micros 11(1):S2-3,11-13,19-22; 11(3):7-8; 11(4):17-19;12(1):S7-11,12-14;12(4):6-7; 13(1):17-22; 13(2):6-9; 13(4):6-7;17(1):17-20, 29-31; 17(2):10-11
-using NOTIS (abstract) 17(4):18-19; 18(2):18-21
-using structured query language (SQL) 18(1):16-17
-using the graphical user interface (GUI) 18(1):16-17
-using VRMS 14(1):21-25
-visual referencing of pictures (abstract) 16(4):19
-what price automation 17(2):8, 10
-where are we today? 17(1):12; 17(1):17-18

Aveleyra, Luz Maria
-Alice Ravenel Huger Smith's Watercolors for A Carolina Rice Plantation of the Fifties
20(3):37-40; (abstract) 21(1):29-30
-An Evaluation of the Slide Collection of the College of Architecture at the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte, Part I 16(3):12-13
-architecture column 20(2):22
-cataloging architecture slides 20(4):27-30
-How to Control Depth of Field When Photographing Architectural Models 12(1):18
-Joint Project Between Imagenesys Corporation and the Mint Museum of Art (abstract) 22(4):17-18
-Landscape Architecture Classification 9(3):12
-Problems in Photographing With a Modelscope 11(1):S1-2
-Professional Development-University of North Carolina, Charlotte 10(3):13
-Trouble Spots in Cataloging Architectural Slides (abstract) 18(4):14
-The Use of Filters in Photographing Architectural Projects 13(2):17-18
-Weeding a Slide Collection (abstract) 17(4):18
-Workshop on Photographing Architectural Models 9(4):13

Avrin, Leila
-Resources for Films on Art 11(4):10-12