A Sunday on La Grande
Jatte by Georges Seurat, 1884
-video review 21(4):48
AACR2 [Anglo American
Cataloging Rules]
-cataloging of art reproductions report 20(4):19-27
-Manual for Graphic Materials 8(2):9
AAM [American Association
of Museums] (Cleveland, 1979)
-report 6(3):2
AAT [Art and Architecture
-access to material artifacts 22(4):48-57
-and the MARC format 17(1):38-40 (JR)
-and visual collections 11(1):S9; 16(2):9-10; 17(1):38-40 (JR)
-applications 19(1):38-39 (JR); 19(2):13-15
-as an international resource (abstract) 16(4):18
-Authority Reference Tool/ART (electronic format) 19(1):21-22
-Directory of AAT Users, special bulletin 24(1):34; 25(1):46
-guide to indexing and cataloging 21(4):28-32
-issues of access in artifact collections 22(4):48-57
-overview of 15(2):20 (JR)
-project 7(4):4; 8(1):1,8; 9(2):3; 10(1):3
-relocation of 13(4):18-19
-retrieval issues 18(3):25-26 (JR)
-update 14(1):48
-using to gossip about pictures 23(2):20-22
-VRA endorsement 21(1):13
Abell, Mary
-Slide Library Visual Arts Department, Dowling College 21(3):38
Abid, Ann (et. al.)
-Planning for Automation
of the Slide and Photograph Collections at the Cleveland
Museum of Art: A Draft MARC/Visual Materials Record 19(2):17-21
Academic Challenge
-slide vendor 16(4):39
Ackerman, Lisa
-Applying to the Kress Foundation (abstract) 18(1):11
ACRL [Association
of College and Research Libraries]
-Art Section, 1988 program announcement 15(1):17
Acronyms 21(1):32
ADEC Art Price Annual
& Falk's Art Price Index
-website review 25(4):26
ADGAP [Association
pour la Diffusion des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques] 5(2):10; 5(3):7
Administration of
VR Collections See Collection Administration
African Art, Women,
History: The Luba People of Central Africa
-video review 25(4):25
Against the Odds:
The Artists of the Harlem Renaissance
-video review 22(3):37
AHIP [Art History
Information Program]
-art theft report 22(3):49-50
-CD documenting the history of art collecting 22(1):53-54
-cultural heritage crucial to information superhighway 21(4):59-61
-database on folk art 22(1):54
-databases available on WWW 22(1):54-55
-developing documentation standards for describing works of art 21(1):29
-digital imaging standards initiative 21(3):56-57
-electronic imaging alternative 21(1):19
-pilot project to explore intellectual property rights 22(1):52-53
-Union List of Artist Names 22(4):37-44
AITF [Art Information
Task Force]
-announcement of formation 16(3):24-25
-developing documentation standards for describing works of art 21(1):29
-formulates framework of art information categories 18(4):20
-holds inaugural meeting 18(1):19-20
-projects and objectives 17(4):33
-receives NEH grant 18(4):35
-VR subcommittee 19(3):11-12; 19(4):9-10
Albers, Josef
-Interaction of Color CD-ROM review 22(3):37
Albrecht, Kathe
-Age of (digital) Enlightenment: Enhancing the Student Access to Visual
Culture 24(2):48
-Approaching the New Century: Visual Resources, Electronic Media and
the Changing
Art History Classroom,
abstract 24(2):36; introduction 24(4):37
-CNI task force report 24(2):6-8
-Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights (NINCH Report) 24(3):28;
-DC-MD-VA ARLIS-VRA Chapter program report 22(3):9-11
-Digital Future Coalition report 25(4):6-7
-Digital Imaging on Campus: An Early Look at the Museum Educational
Licensing Project (abstract) 22(4):12
-Internet Grant Resources Information 23(3):52
-Museum Images in the Classroom: Applications and Insights (abstract)
-Networked Museum Images on Campus: Applications and Impact of the Museum
Education Site License Project, abstract 24(4):13; 25(1):49-52
-On Obtaining Grants: Successes and Suggestions 23(3):50-51
-Report on Final CONFU Meeting (jt. auth) 25(2):22-25
-SECAC 1999 call for visual resources sessions 25(4):15
Alexander, Joy See
also Blouin, Joy
-Copyright and Fair Use (summary) 13(3):9
-Copyright Regulations vis-à-vis Teaching Effectiveness (abstract)
-Italian Sources workshop announcement 1989 15(2):14; 15(3):9; schedule
-new editor appointed 10(2):4
-notes from the editor 10(3):7; 11(2):4; 11(4):6; 12(1):6; 12(2):5;
13(1):8; 15(3):4
-review of Conservation in the Library 11(1):7
Alfred University
Slide collection, profile 23(3):23
Allen Memorial Art
-slides 20(2):47
Allen, Rachel M.
-In "Terms" of MESL: Striking a Balance for the Use of Museum
Images (abstract) 25(2):69
-MARC Standing Committee report 17(1):22-23
-Rights and Reproductions: Issues, Not Answers, Part 1 15(2):18-19
-The Walter Rosenblum Collection, Photograph Archives, National Museum
American Art (abstract)
-VRA MARC Format Committee: Year in Review 17(4):32-33
Alley, Elizabeth
-Architecture Classification: An Overview 10(1):S10
-Architecture Schools 6(2):8; 6(3):6
-Architecture slide collections 20(1):12-14
-University of Maryland at College Park School of Architecture, profile
American Academy
of Rome Photographic Archive of Ancient Roman Topography and Architecture
American Association
of Museums See AAM
American Committee
for South Asian Art
-slide vendor 21(1):47
American Council
for Southern Asian Art (ACSAA) color slide project
-slide vendor 25(4):20
American Council
of Learned Societies
-cultural heritage crucial to information superhighway 21(4):59-61
American Craft Council
-slide vendor 15(1):39; 15(4):42; 17(1):45
American Craft Museum
-Catalogue Slide and Video Service, profile 20(4):38-39
-slide vendor 18(2):43; 18(4):33; 19(3):42; 20(3):47; 23(4):18
American Indian Artists
-bibliography 5(4):7
American Library Color Slide Co., Inc.
-slide vendor 18(2):43; 20(3):47; 21(2):42; 23(3):28; 24(2):25; 24(3):29;
24(4):20; 25(1):38; 25(3):41
American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America, Robert Hughes
-review 24(2):28
AMICO [Art Museum Image Consortium]
-Collective Licensing of Art Galleries' Digital Content 24(2):6-7
-educational access to museum multimedia documentation (abstract) 25(2):118
-report on launch meeting 24(2):11-13
An Introduction to Iconography, Roelof Van Straten, review 21(3):13
Ana Mendieta: Fuego de Tierra
-video review 24(2):27
Andersen, Josephine
-South African National Gallery Library 18(3):24
Anderson, Anita
-Illinois Institute of Technology, The Daniel Brenner Memorial Slide
Collection, profile
Anderson, Barbara
-Copyright Law in the Digital World: Fair Use, Education, and Libraries
after CONFU
Anderson, Gail Kana
-Mid-Atlantic College Art Association Consulting Service 9(2):4
-VRA Professional Survey 1984 11(4):7-8
Angeles, Michael
-Analysis and Description of an International Visual Resources Index:
A Proposal for
Building an Image Indexing Database 24(3):37-59
-Informational Organization and Information Use of Visual Resources
-Nancy DeLaurier writing award recipient 24(3):7
Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd ed See AACR2
Annotated Bibliography of Slide Library Literature, Stanley Hess, 1978
5(4):1; 6(1):11; 12(3):26
ANSI Standard (Z39.7) for Library Statistics 10(1):S7
Antrim, Elizabeth
-Digital Stone Soup: Developing a Digital Image Bank for American Architecture
Workshop (abstract) 25(2):116
-A Virtual Swap Meet in New York, abstract 24(2):109; summary 24(2):109-113
-Working Together to Create an Image Database on the Internet or You
Can Teach an
Old Slide Curator New Tricks 22(2):33-36
Applegate, Rachel (jt. auth)
-Selectiveness and Replacement of Sandak Slides Through Simple Coding
Arbury, A. Steve
-Slide Computerization with Filemaker II and the Apple Macintosh SE
(abstract) 16(4):20-21; 17(1):29-31
Architect of the Capitol, Washington DC, profile 17(4):40
Architectural Photography 5(4):4; 7(4):5; 8(2):8; 9(1):6; 12(1):18
-of models 12(1):8
Architecture Libraries and VR Collections
-accreditation standards 19(4):30
-Architect of the Capitol, profile 17(4):40
-ARLIS/NA Architectural Drawing Cataloging Discussion Group 17(2):5
-automation of 19(1):38-39 (JR)
-business meeting 8(1):1
-cataloging architectural slides 18(4):14; 20(3):24-28; 20(4):27-30
-cataloging with the Architectural Subject Authority (abstract) 16(4):17
-column query 20(2):22
-conference report 8(1):3
-COPAR Newsletter reprint 17(3):32-33
-evaluating an architectural slide collection 16(3):12-14
-recent and forthcoming slides of architecture (abstract) 18(1):9
-reference materials 20(1):33
-roundtable 20(1):12-14
-special concerns (summary) 11(4):14-16; 15(1):11-12
-special interest luncheon report on 16(1):19; 19(1):11
-subject authority 16(4):17
Archival Photographs
-filing system 8(1):17
Archives of American Art (Detroit)
-collection policy 5(4):3
-slide vendor 19(4):27-28; 20(4):53; 22(3):43; 22(4):61-62; 24(3):29;
24(4):20; 25(1):38; 25(2):25
Archivision Corporate Travel Award 25(1):18, 20
Arizona State University, Tempe Slide and Photographic Collection, profile
ARL [Association of Research Libraries]
-Office of Management Services Training and Leadership Development Program
ARLIS/NA [Art Libraries Society of North America]
-Book Publication Award 24(2):5
-CAA Joint session, call for papers 1991 17(2):5
-Executive Board Members 1991-1992 18(1):46; 1994-1995 21(1):51
-CAA joint sub-committee on standards for visual resources collections
5(1):5; 5(2):1; 5(3):5; 6(3):5
-CAA/VRA committee on professional status 4(1):3
-Microforms Special Interest Group 9(3):13
-microforms sub-committee 7(4):18; 8(1):1
-Muehsam Award 16(2):31; 19(2):40
-Newsletter, 1973 - , 12(3):26
-publications 12(3):26
-regional meeting, Guadalajara, Mexico 18(3):5-6
-Standards Committee 19(4):29-30
-Standards for VR Professionals 23(1):20-23
-Statement on Slide Quality Standards 5(2):5; 5(3):9; 6(2):5
-VR Special Interest Group 8(1):1; 8(1):3
-VRA joint task force on professional issues 17(1):24; 19(2):30; 22(4):15
-Western Regional Conference (Phoenix, 1978), 5(3):2; 5(4):7
ARLIS/NA Chapters
-Indiana-Illinois chapter meeting 4(4):4; 5(2):3
-New England and the SAH Conference (Cambridge, 1980) 7:(2)3
-New England Chapter 7(1):4; 17(3):13-14
-Northern California chapter meeting 5(2):3
-Ohio Chapter 20(2):19; 21(3):16; 22(1):19; 22(3):11-12
-SE Chapter, 20(2):20-22
ARLIS/NA Conference (Los Angeles, 1977)
-conference report 4(1):11
ARLIS/NA Conference (Toronto, 1979)
-conference report 6(2):2, 9
ARLIS/NA Conference (Philadelphia, 1982)
-VR special interest group report 10(1):S9
ARLIS/NA Conference (Cleveland, 1983)
-program preview 10(4):9
ARLIS/NA Conference (Toronto, 1984)
-CAA joint session preview 10(4):9
ARLIS/NA Conference (Los Angeles, 1985)
-list of sessions 11(3):2-3
ARLIS/NA Conference (New York, 1986)
-program announcement 11(4):2; 12(4):2
ARLIS/NA Conference (Washington DC, 1987)
-Muehsam Award, call for entries 14(2):21
-program announcement 13(2):3
ARLIS/NA Conference (Dallas, 1988)
-joint VRA session 14(4):4-5
-program preview 14(4):3-4
ARLIS/NA Conference (New York, 1990)
-Architectural Drawings Cataloging Discussion Group 17(2):5
-Distinguished Service Award 17(2):32
-program schedule 16(4):10
ARLIS/NA Conference (Kansas City, 1991)
-CAA joint session 17(2):5
-program announcement 17(4):11
-program report 18(3):5
ARLIS/NA Conference (Chicago, 1992)
-joint VRA session 18(3):3
ARLIS/NA Conference (San Francisco, 1993)
-program announcement 19(4):6
-program report 20(2):18
ARLIS/NA Conference (Providence, 1994)
-program announcement 20(4):10-11
ARLIS/NA Conference (Philadelphia, 1998)
-program announcement 24(3):19-20
ARLIS/NA Conference (Vancouver, 1999)
-announcement 25(3):27
-AACR2 revision for cataloging art reproductions 20(4):19-27
- Visual Resources Committee 7(1):4; 7(3):2
Arnadottir, Arndis
-Kodak travel award recipient 1996 23(1):12-14
Ars Nova Medienverlag
-slide vendor 15(3):28; 16(3):27
Art and Architecture Thesaurus See AAT
Art Documentation [JR]
-new photography journals 19(4):19-20
-review of Vol. 8, No. 4. 17(1):38-40
Art Gallery of Ontario
-Edward P. Taylor Audio-Visual Centre 8(3):7; profile 18(4):25-26
Art History
-historians, curators, and collections 25(2):33-43
-use of slide-tape programs 6(4):21
Art History Information Program See AHIP
Art History Interactive Videodisc Project at the University of Iowa
Art in America
-slide vendor 16(1):47; 16(4):39; 17(1):45; 18(1):42; 19(1):42; 23(3):28
Art Information and the Internet, Lois Swan Jones
-review 25(3):49
Art Information Task Force See AITF
Art Institute of Chicago
-profile 6(3):5
Art Libraries Journal
-call for submissions 17(4):52; 18(1):45-46
Art Libraries Society of North America See ARLIS/NA
Art Library Manual, Philip Pacey, 1977 12(3):25
Art Museum Image Consortium See AMICO
Art Now, Inc.
-slide vendor 15(1):39; 17(3):30
Art of Film Online
-internet site review 25(1):41
Art on File
-profile 19(4):18
-slide vendor 16(1):47; 19(2):36; 20(2):47-48; 21(2):42; 21(3):51; 22(3):43;
23(4):18-19; 25(4):21
Art on Film Database 20(2):53
Art Reference Services Quarterly (JR)
-new journal review vol.1 no.1 20(2):43-44
Art Resources
-slide vendor 15(1):39; 15(2):27; 16(3):27; 17(1):45; 18(1):42-43
Art Schools 6(1):8
Art Theft
-Art Theft Archive 5(1):2
-Getty report 22(3):43
Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
-slides 22(3):19,22
Artists, Nationalities of 8(1):14; 8(3):15
-CD-ROM literature review 24(3):33
ArtMARC Sourcebook, Lynda White and Linda McRae
-available 22(1):56; 25(1):4; 25(2):5
Artpark Documentation
-slide vendor 15(3):28
-WWW site for art educators 22(3):48-49
Arzigian, Arleen
-Membership director's report 1997 25(1):14
-business meeting minutes (1996) 23(1):4-9; (1997) 24(1):6-8
Arzola, F. Terry
-Database Management Training of Visual Resource Personnel Using an
Design Module (abstract) 15(1):9; 15(3):6-9
Asian American Women Artists' Association
-slide vendor 18(2):44
Asian Art Photographic Distribution (AAPD)
-slide vendor 15(4):42; 17(3):30; 18(1):43; 18(2):44; 19(1):42; 21(1):47;
23(4):19; 25(4):21
Asian Slide and Photograph Collections column 10(2):12; 10(3):10; 10(4):17;
11(1):5-6; 11(2):8-9; 11(3):5-6; 11(4):12-13; 12(1):7-8; 12(2):5-6;
12(3):15-16; 12(4):8-9; 13(1):25-26; 13(2):18-19; 13(3):14-15; 13(4):9;
14(1):29-30; 14(2):9-11; 14(3):14-16; 14(4):9-11; 15(1):32-33; 15(2):16-17;
15(3):15-16; 15(4):26-28; 16(1):34-38; 16(2):15-16; 16(3):10-12; 16(4):23-26;
17(2):15,17; 17(3):19,21; 18(2):14-17
Ask the Photographer Column 10(1):13; 10(2):7; 10(3):7; 10(4):12; 11(1):5;
11(2):4-5; 11(3):6; 11(4):13-14; 12(1):15-16; 12(2):9-10; 12(3):10;
12(4):5-6; 13(1):22-23; 13(2):13-14; 13(3):7-8; 13(4):5-6
Association of College and Research Libraries See ACRL
Association of Research Libraries See ARL
Association pour la Diffusion des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques See
-slides 16(2):32
Auchstetter, Rosann
-Art Institute of Chicago, profile 6(3):5
-At the University of Michigan 5(4):4-5
-Budget Survey Results 9(3):24
Austin, David
-Images in Time and Space (jt. auth.) 23(4):110-114
-Lady or the Tiger: The Importance of Establishing Warrant for the Names
of Fixed
Objects 23(2):51-53
-Sources for Construction of an "Authority" Database for Fixed-Location
Object 23(3):31-37
Australian National University
-digitizing project 21(4):24
Australian National University Slide Collection and Iconographic Index,
Authority Control See also Subject Access
-and CIDOC's terminology control study (abstract) 16(4):16
-and the AAT (abstract) 11(1):S9; 16(4):18
-artist files 4(3):10
-at the NMAA 14(1):19
-bibliography for fixed-location objects (work in progress) 23(3):31-37
-compiling a case for standards 20(1):35-37
-panel discussion on 14(1):19
-standard descriptive terminology 19(1):25-27
-survey 15(1):23-24
-using a PC 14(3):11-13
-using the Architectural Subject Authority (abstract) 16(4):17
-using the Getty Union List of Artist Names (abstract) 16(4):17-18
-using the Thesaurus of Art Historical Place Names 19(3):26, 28-32
-with multiple-linked files (abstract) 16(4):18-19
Automatic Processing of Art History Data & Documents (Pisa): Preview
Automation See also Computers; Databases; Hardware; Software
-at the Ohio State University Slide Library (abstract) 17(1):19-20
-cataloging and indexing in automated slide databases 20(1):14
-CIHA/VRA meeting summary 13(3):8-11
-circulation of slides 11(2):8
-costs of 14(1):17
-digital technology 16(2):22-23 (JR)
-for museum collections 16(2):14-15
-integrating standardized records 16(4):18-19
-Introduction to Visual Resources Library Automation 12(3):27
-literature on 12(3):27
-of a large slide collection 15(4):9-11
-overview of current conditions 17(1):17-18
-planning for Cleveland Museum of Art 19(2):17-21
-preparation for 11(3):15-17; 11(4):2-3; 17(2):8,10; 18(4):16; 19(2):17-21
-programming for slide labeling 14(2):5-7
-retrieval systems 6(4):2
-revelations and visions (abstract) 17(1):19
-Rutgers project 12(1):S7-11
-shared cataloging 17(3):23-26
-special interest luncheon on 16(1):20
-Taylor A-V Center progress report 15(3):10
-trends 13(1):23
-University of Tennessee, Knoxville 18(4):16
-update on projects 15(3):10-13
-using hard disks 11(1):S2-3
-using mainframes 11(1):S27-28; 12(1):S11-12; 13(2):9-13
-using micros 11(1):S2-3,11-13,19-22; 11(3):7-8; 11(4):17-19;12(1):S7-11,12-14;12(4):6-7;
13(1):17-22; 13(2):6-9; 13(4):6-7;17(1):17-20, 29-31; 17(2):10-11
-using NOTIS (abstract) 17(4):18-19; 18(2):18-21
-using structured query language (SQL) 18(1):16-17
-using the graphical user interface (GUI) 18(1):16-17
-using VRMS 14(1):21-25
-visual referencing of pictures (abstract) 16(4):19
-what price automation 17(2):8, 10
-where are we today? 17(1):12; 17(1):17-18
Aveleyra, Luz Maria
-Alice Ravenel Huger Smith's Watercolors for A Carolina Rice Plantation
of the Fifties
20(3):37-40; (abstract) 21(1):29-30
-An Evaluation of the Slide Collection of the College of Architecture
at the University
of North Carolina at Charlotte, Part I 16(3):12-13
-architecture column 20(2):22
-cataloging architecture slides 20(4):27-30
-How to Control Depth of Field When Photographing Architectural Models
-Joint Project Between Imagenesys Corporation and the Mint Museum of
Art (abstract) 22(4):17-18
-Landscape Architecture Classification 9(3):12
-Problems in Photographing With a Modelscope 11(1):S1-2
-Professional Development-University of North Carolina, Charlotte 10(3):13
-Trouble Spots in Cataloging Architectural Slides (abstract) 18(4):14
-The Use of Filters in Photographing Architectural Projects 13(2):17-18
-Weeding a Slide Collection (abstract) 17(4):18
-Workshop on Photographing Architectural Models 9(4):13
Avrin, Leila
-Resources for Films on Art 11(4):10-12